2012 Cape-to-Cape Moses Golden Age Italian

Thanks Austin. Paul the "black" Beech showed up and we are off to Bechar, DAAG to DAOR.
Good news. We can pay them now, as per the agreement. The Black Beech is off to an undisclosed location in the desert, to balance the check book, as it were...
No rest for the weary. After a quick refuel and a splash of coffee, it's off to DAUA and further into the desert...gulp.
Well, after I shut down last night it hit me that I flew to DAUA using the NDB. I just plain forgot about it being a Dead Reckoning leg. (I guess I was thinking that portion started at DAUA).

I doubt I would have found the airport without the beacon as that whole area was in a sandstorm so I am going to disqualify myself from the race.
Again, through the glass door to bring another problem to Miss Nellie. Meekly, I explained, "On his leg to Adrar, the FIAT pilot apparently forgot that he was flying under Dead Reckoning rules and used the radio beacon to find the airport. He would otherwise have been lost."

Miss Nellie stared at her yellow pencil and puzzled for a minute. "This is an error, but an error in following race procedures rather than a flying mistake. The pilot must immediately return to Colomb-Béchar and re-fly the leg—this time using Dead Reckoning as indicated in the race rules. That fellow is lucky that he caught his own error immediately after the event and before going forward. The brain-dead moment will not cost him time on his log book. And disqualification is not on the table."

She tapped the pencil against the desktop with a little more force than necessary, "Give the fellow the rule book...in Italian. Tell him to read it."

She glanced at the Sahara map for a moment and turned back, "And tell him another thing, The Race Organizers are relieved to hear that he is safe."
Well that was a bit humiliating, getting escorted back to Bechar by the unmarked DC-2.

A wise sage once said "git yer head out yer butt". Words to live by. Once again on the road to DAUA.
I think the redemption was short lived. DATM is an emergency airstrip and not a regular fuel stop. I had my notes mixed up or some such. Looks like a three hour penalty. Sigh.

Yeah I know, I helped plan this event but that has not added any advantage.
I’m just worried about the local Bedouins raiding the temporary camp we have set up.

Of note: It’s a bit warm here during the day…
Good Job Kevin!

Well you can break out the ADF's for a little while now.

Nice night shot of the Itallion Stallion ...

Thought about night flying for the town's lights, but bad news at dark if you loose visibility.
