Thanks for your 'views' guys...
Actually i didn't word this thread correctly, it should've been '
23 viewing' , you know, the number of current viewers of a forum as can be seen on the opening page. Commonly this number sits around 150/200 for the FSX forum. Not sure about the P3D forum *before* v4 came charging down like lightning out of a blue sky, but i don't think i have ever seen a number higher than 35 regarding the P3D forum *after* v4's release.
Ok, still no satisfactory ATC yet and i might still see a few micro stutters here and there but otherwise isn't P3Dv4 the ultimate flightsimulator we have always dreamed about ?... Waaaaay ahead of atleast FSX and P3Dv3 ! I have to admit that i was pretty much on my way to kind of loose interest in the 'flying part' of FSX. I'd buy the umpteenth great new Orbx scenery only to be annoyed by the constant popping in and out of sharp/blurry ground textures and don't talk about ground textures in the distance to begin with. Usually pea soup.
And what can give you more sense of flying than flying over a big city at, say, 2000 ft agl. I might've bought every add-on detailed big city but usually only one try was enough to realize that it's nothing but another annoying slide show again, with Drzewiecky New York X as the worst, even after the patch and most sliders gently shoved to the left. No fun what so ever. While the scenery itself looked totally amazing of course ! I remember thinking " yeah, yeah, only in our dreams are we going to enjoy virtually flying over such an extremely complex scenery without it being just another slide show" .
Well, certainly, in MY flightsimming book, this dream has miraculously come true afterall ! And not by having to buy a new monster system but simply by installing P3Dv4 ! All of a sudden no more popping in and out of blurry ground textures, everything's sharp as a razor up until the horizon, even when flying a jet at 500 knots low level. What a joy !
And i couldn't believe what i saw after installing the new P3Dv4 compatible Drzewiecky NYCX scenery. Ok, i'm still dreaming...
A screenshot doesn't mean a lot but just imagine this view rolling by at an (almost) stutterfree and average 30 fps. And also take notice of the background... Peasoup ?? Not in this sim anymore ! For once you can SEE where you're heading !
I mean, these are just a few observations why i don't understand that average (23 viewing) next to the P3D forum that much. I sure don't mean to put anyone to expenses but this is not your average FS upgrade like we've come to know so well during a quarter of century of flightsimming (i.e. get your wallet out and buy a new system in the first place). P3Dv4 (with inclusion of Orbx scenery) goes waaay beyond of what we hoped FSXI would deliver. Compared to FSX i even dare say that with P3Dv4 we are not merely 10 years ahead but possible even 20 ! Catch up if you can ! ( and why wait for that personal special aircraft model to be compatible with P3Dv4. Take any default aircraft and fly the wings off of it, extremely enjoyable ! )
Well, i just think this new P3Dv4 flightsimulator is the bees knees, the 'Mother Of All Flightsims' , the ultimate flightsimmers dream come true, etc and so on. Let's get that 'viewing number' up to average 100 for starters. It certainly deserves it !!