310 broken


Flight Sim Junkie
Anyone else having issues with the Milviz 310? All my guages stopped working along with the click spots. Can't hide the tablet or the yokes and some switches won't work will some others do. Wondering if it got broken while making it compatible with 2024.

I just tried in both 2020 and 2024, and everything seemed ok. I think I have the latest version: SP3_v2.0.5_241120. Mind you, I just loaded "ready for take off - no failures". I haven't flown the plane in quite some time. The C310 does allow for fairly complete random failure options. Do you have the failures option set for on?

PS: oops, sorry, just realized you don't have click spots either, which shouldn't happen. If you didn't before, maybe try loading ready for take off, and see if that makes a difference.
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Flew it today (on PC in 2020) -- short IFR from KPVU to KPUC. Everything worked as expected. I had no problems with instruments or click spots. I was also using a custom repaint.
If you were using a custom repaint, check the panel.cfg, maybe. If that's not the issue, I'd suggest trying to reinstall the package.

Thanks guys, I just remembered I was using FSRealistic at the time. I know that can cause havoc on more advanced add-ons. Plan to check it out tonight.
