A couple of questions


Two questions for those who already know how to use this program.
1. Can you assign buttons and switches for a controller directly in game to a function? Or will we have to wait for a 2020 version of FSUIPC?

2. Can you set it up to use multiple screens?

I guess that was two question with one follow up. :costumed-smiley-034
1. Yes, the control schemes are fully customizable in the Options section, down to the most detailed of functions.

2. You can't break things out into windows yet, but I think they've mentioned that's on the list. You can run the simulator itself in a window if you want to, say, stretch it across a three-monitor setup.
Thanks Denny! I am having the fits trying to get it to recognize and assign to my joystick. I just discovered that FSUIPC7 is a free beta at this time. I will try it.
I didn't have any trouble assigning functions to the HOTAS Warthog Stick/Throttle and T.1000 rudder pedals BUT it seems we can't use traditional view panning via the joystick hat (unless I am wrong). I wish they would have a selectable legacy view mode in terms of assigning the cameras. Otherwise this sim is quite incredible and it's obvious it has a long life ahead of it. Oh, one thing I noticed, I assigned a switch to my Warthog throttle for the Landing Gear. I took note that if I didn't immediately move the switch back to neutral, it would cause the landing gear lever (in the King Air) to bounce back and forth between the up/down position. I guess it's set up by default as being momentary for the use of a spring loaded button or keyboard key.
I didn't have any trouble assigning functions to the HOTAS Warthog Stick/Throttle and T.1000 rudder pedals BUT it seems we can't use traditional view panning via the joystick hat (unless I am wrong). I wish they would have a selectable legacy view mode in terms of assigning the cameras. Otherwise this sim is quite incredible and it's obvious it has a long life ahead of it. Oh, one thing I noticed, I assigned a switch to my Warthog throttle for the Landing Gear. I took note that if I didn't immediately move the switch back to neutral, it would cause the landing gear lever (in the King Air) to bounce back and forth between the up/down position. I guess it's set up by default as being momentary for the use of a spring loaded button or keyboard key.

You can set up traditional FSX/P3D view panning by assigning the POV inputs (which correspond to the hat switch) to the COCKPIT_LOOK_XX functions. For example assign the POV [up arrow] to COCKPIT_LOOK_UP. There are 8 of them on mine (some have only four depending on the controller). Once you do this you can pan around more or less like you do with FSX/P3D/XP - although it feels like XP11 in that it's quite a fast pan.

The controls setup interface is NOT intuitive but once you understand it it's easy to use - it's just not easy to figure out.

I don't know what they were thinking/drinking when they decided to assign the QUICKLOOK functions to those POV inputs, thus causing unnecessary angst to thousands of simmers worldwide.

Also, there's a function named "CHANGE AIRCRAFT" that's assigned to the keyboard F11 by default. But it doesn't seem to work for me. That would be nice.
I am slowly getting this "game" to function where I can fly.FSUIPC7 helped a lot. I assigned all my controls through FSUIPC7. So now I can fly. I had issues with the parking brakes. I use an abbreviated keyboard. I doesn't have a CRTL Num Del key. I was able to change the parking brake to a switch on the TM HOTAS, the only controller that is recognize by MSFS. This allowed me to release the parking brake so I could takeoff.

Using Window mode that Danny suggested, i am able to expand the view from the 27" monitor I use for instruments to include the projector. With Track IR, I am able to look around and up and down. The movement does seem uneven, however. I don't know if this is because the FPS are dropping? The settings are set as HIGH, which is what was recommended by MSFS for my system.

I am disappointed that MSFS does not display any airport buildings at my home field of KARA. KLFT the Lafayette airport, where I live is included and fairly realistic.