A Couple of Questions

Can't say it's chisled in stone somewhere, but I've been led to understand the pilot of an SE5a had partial control of elevator trim. ...

If I remember correctly the Sopwith Dolphin had adjustable trim from inside the cockpit, but that was relatively late in the war (Feb 1918)...
If I remember correctly the Sopwith Dolphin had adjustable trim from inside the cockpit, but that was relatively late in the war (Feb 1918)...

OK, but you have exactly two chances of ever seeing a Dolphin in OFF, slim, and none ( Long - Story )

Looking Back to Phase 1. The Albatross DII needed such upward pressure on the stick, just to fly straight. I gave up on the DII then and there.

Along came Phase 2, I must be very lucky indeed, as I've Never experienced any problems with any aircraft

Or perhaps it's because the FM was done with a Saitek Cyclone EVO FFB joystick. Same one I use ( Food for Thought)