From Rami...."Right now, the British are trying desperately to defend Argos from the Luftwaffe after abandoning Eleusis..."....
Blimey, I bet they'll be after Woolies and then Smith's!!................damn they got Woolies...where will it end?!.....
Only kidding Rami

, sounds very involved and interesting.
Here are the latest examples...
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - "Pat" Pattle is lost to history
"summary_string"=To your fighters, pilots! A large German formation is now approaching Athens, & we must counter this Luftwaffe effort to make us abandon the citizens of Athens & retreat! The full stock of Hurricanes from 33 and 80 Squadrons will be with you, so do your best to turn back the German onslaught! (This intense furball over the city on this day is forever known in history as "The Battle of Athens")
"objective_string"=Up until 20 April, 1941, Marmaduke St. John "Pat" Pattle was one of the top fighter aces in the Royal Air Force, chalking up dozens of aerial kills in his nine months of intense combat in North Africa and Greece. He did this despite dealing with illnesses and fatigue, especially during the last week of his life. Without question he was the highest scoring biplane ace, and he proved a fantastic Hurricane pilot. However, he was lost to the ages during this combat sortie, when more than one hundred enemy aircraft pummeled the city of Athens. Attacking a formation of Ju-88s surrounded by Zerstörers, he was quickly overwhelmed, set on fire, and crashed into the sea.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, maintain an easterly course, and climb to Angels 20 to intercept the enemy before they can attack Piraeus harbour. To this point, we have not seen escort fighters attached to bomber formations, but because of its size, you should be ready for them. Get your licks, bloody their nose, and then return to Eleusis in one piece. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Abandoning Eleusis airfield
"summary_string"=Scramble! The Germans are not letting up, and are swooping in to pound Eleusis! We can't stay at this airfield any longer, so after engaging the German aircraft & roughing them up a bit, head southwest to a remote airfield near Argos, Greece where we will continue the fight. (The transfer was actually uneventful, but the two previous strikes on Eleusis went unchallenged, because no fighters could get up. The mission is an attempt to combine these two events)
"objective_string"=On 22 April, 1941 the twelve remaining Hurricanes abandoned Eleusis airfield & retreated southwest to Argos. In part this was from sustained pressure by the Germans on 21 April, when Eleusis was hit twice by Ju-87s and Bf-109s, along with Menedi, which was attacked once on the 21st and again on the 22nd. Piraeus harbor was nearly destroyed on the 21st. The frontlines in Greece were collapsing rapidly, and there was nothing the Royal Air Force could do now to save Athens.
"intelligence_string"=Once you're airborne, engage the German aircraft with the other Hurricanes, focusing on the Stukas. If possible, avoid any dogfights with the Bf-109s. When you have a chance to extend & escape, head southwest over the Isthmus of Corinth toward the new airfield. Don't attempt this crossing if you're being trailed, we do not want the Germans finding out where we'll be hiding! Best of luck getting to Argos in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Reinforcements from Crete
"summary_string"=To your fighters, airmen! Five of our brethren are flying over Hurricanes from Crete to help bolster our depleted ranks. You're being sent out to greet them and chaperone them back to Argos, so we can be fully assured the safe delivery of this precious cargo. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=By 23 April, the situation for the Allies in Greece was teetering on hopeless. The Army of the Epirus had surrendered, and the evacuations from Argos, Menedi, & the Athens region, active for more than one week, were harassed constantly. Piraeus was a flaming wreckage. In the morning, five Hurricane fighters arrived as reinforcements, and no sooner had they landed than Argos endured a devastating attack by Dornier Do-17s, dive-bombing Ju-88s, & escorting Bf-109s which strafed. Argos proved no safer than Eleusis!
"intelligence_string"=Once you're airborne, fly southeast toward Ydra, where the five Hurricane fighters will be coming in from Malemes. Greet them, and bring them back safely to Greece. Our survival depends on keeping our fighters intact, otherwise we will have nothing left to blunt the Axis advance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Sounding the death knell
"summary_string"=To your fighters, pilots! As our ground forces are now in full retreat all over Greece, we have been ordered to perform an evening patrol over Pirarus and the Isthmus of Corinth to look for any German aircraft assaulting our troops. You must make sure that our ground forces have effective air cover so that we can maintain control long enough to safely evacuate our forces!
"objective_string"=At sunset on 23 April, some forty Zerstörers from I/ ZG 26 swooped down on Argos and strafed the field for more than one hour. The five Hurricanes which were airborne on two separate patrols were the only planes that were spared during this raid. Ten of these remaining twelve Hurricane fighters were badly damaged & unsalvageable, along with a slew of transport aircraft. The following morning, it was decided to depart Argos with the remaining seven Hurricanes and head to Malemes, on Crete.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, proceed northeast toward Piraeus, where you'll overfly the harbour, looking for any sign of Luftwaffe aircraft while you work your way over the Isthmus of Corinth on your way back to base. If you do encounter enemy aircraft, attack them at will, and then land safely at Argos. Doing so will successfully complete the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos