A courteous offer to our fellow simmers...


Staff member
Hey guys,

I know from talking to Capt. Winters that he has major interest in this, and I'd imagine some of our other Brits / Aussies / Kiwis in CFS3 might be interested as well. For CFS2, I am writing a campaign chronicle that covers the Royal Air Force in Albania and Greece from November of 1940 until May of 1941. This includes the effort against the Italians and the Germans. Several British aces are highlighted, among them "Pat" Pattle, Nigel Cullen, and Richard Acworth. (Roald Dahl, who would later become a renowned children's book author, is also highlighted in the second campaign) You fly Gloster Gladiators and Hawker Hurricanes in these two campaigns.

Right now, the British are trying desperately to defend Argos from the Luftwaffe after abandoning Eleusis....so Crete is not far away. After the British side is completed, I will go back and do the Italians, Greeks, and Germans to cover all sides.

I know the missions don't directly convert, but if anyone would like to use the mission descriptions or other sources I have used to make something similar for CFS3, I would love to see something like this available. I'm enjoying the historical research!
From Rami...."Right now, the British are trying desperately to defend Argos from the Luftwaffe after abandoning Eleusis..."....:icon_eek:

Blimey, I bet they'll be after Woolies and then Smith's!!................damn they got Woolies...where will it end?!.....

Only kidding Rami ;), sounds very involved and interesting.



From Rami...."Right now, the British are trying desperately to defend Argos from the Luftwaffe after abandoning Eleusis..."....:icon_eek:

Blimey, I bet they'll be after Woolies and then Smith's!!................damn they got Woolies...where will it end?!.....

Only kidding Rami ;), sounds very involved and interesting.




Here are the latest examples...

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - "Pat" Pattle is lost to history
"summary_string"=To your fighters, pilots! A large German formation is now approaching Athens, & we must counter this Luftwaffe effort to make us abandon the citizens of Athens & retreat! The full stock of Hurricanes from 33 and 80 Squadrons will be with you, so do your best to turn back the German onslaught! (This intense furball over the city on this day is forever known in history as "The Battle of Athens")
"objective_string"=Up until 20 April, 1941, Marmaduke St. John "Pat" Pattle was one of the top fighter aces in the Royal Air Force, chalking up dozens of aerial kills in his nine months of intense combat in North Africa and Greece. He did this despite dealing with illnesses and fatigue, especially during the last week of his life. Without question he was the highest scoring biplane ace, and he proved a fantastic Hurricane pilot. However, he was lost to the ages during this combat sortie, when more than one hundred enemy aircraft pummeled the city of Athens. Attacking a formation of Ju-88s surrounded by Zerstörers, he was quickly overwhelmed, set on fire, and crashed into the sea.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, maintain an easterly course, and climb to Angels 20 to intercept the enemy before they can attack Piraeus harbour. To this point, we have not seen escort fighters attached to bomber formations, but because of its size, you should be ready for them. Get your licks, bloody their nose, and then return to Eleusis in one piece. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Abandoning Eleusis airfield
"summary_string"=Scramble! The Germans are not letting up, and are swooping in to pound Eleusis! We can't stay at this airfield any longer, so after engaging the German aircraft & roughing them up a bit, head southwest to a remote airfield near Argos, Greece where we will continue the fight. (The transfer was actually uneventful, but the two previous strikes on Eleusis went unchallenged, because no fighters could get up. The mission is an attempt to combine these two events)
"objective_string"=On 22 April, 1941 the twelve remaining Hurricanes abandoned Eleusis airfield & retreated southwest to Argos. In part this was from sustained pressure by the Germans on 21 April, when Eleusis was hit twice by Ju-87s and Bf-109s, along with Menedi, which was attacked once on the 21st and again on the 22nd. Piraeus harbor was nearly destroyed on the 21st. The frontlines in Greece were collapsing rapidly, and there was nothing the Royal Air Force could do now to save Athens.
"intelligence_string"=Once you're airborne, engage the German aircraft with the other Hurricanes, focusing on the Stukas. If possible, avoid any dogfights with the Bf-109s. When you have a chance to extend & escape, head southwest over the Isthmus of Corinth toward the new airfield. Don't attempt this crossing if you're being trailed, we do not want the Germans finding out where we'll be hiding! Best of luck getting to Argos in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Reinforcements from Crete
"summary_string"=To your fighters, airmen! Five of our brethren are flying over Hurricanes from Crete to help bolster our depleted ranks. You're being sent out to greet them and chaperone them back to Argos, so we can be fully assured the safe delivery of this precious cargo. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=By 23 April, the situation for the Allies in Greece was teetering on hopeless. The Army of the Epirus had surrendered, and the evacuations from Argos, Menedi, & the Athens region, active for more than one week, were harassed constantly. Piraeus was a flaming wreckage. In the morning, five Hurricane fighters arrived as reinforcements, and no sooner had they landed than Argos endured a devastating attack by Dornier Do-17s, dive-bombing Ju-88s, & escorting Bf-109s which strafed. Argos proved no safer than Eleusis!
"intelligence_string"=Once you're airborne, fly southeast toward Ydra, where the five Hurricane fighters will be coming in from Malemes. Greet them, and bring them back safely to Greece. Our survival depends on keeping our fighters intact, otherwise we will have nothing left to blunt the Axis advance!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Sounding the death knell
"summary_string"=To your fighters, pilots! As our ground forces are now in full retreat all over Greece, we have been ordered to perform an evening patrol over Pirarus and the Isthmus of Corinth to look for any German aircraft assaulting our troops. You must make sure that our ground forces have effective air cover so that we can maintain control long enough to safely evacuate our forces!
"objective_string"=At sunset on 23 April, some forty Zerstörers from I/ ZG 26 swooped down on Argos and strafed the field for more than one hour. The five Hurricanes which were airborne on two separate patrols were the only planes that were spared during this raid. Ten of these remaining twelve Hurricane fighters were badly damaged & unsalvageable, along with a slew of transport aircraft. The following morning, it was decided to depart Argos with the remaining seven Hurricanes and head to Malemes, on Crete.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, proceed northeast toward Piraeus, where you'll overfly the harbour, looking for any sign of Luftwaffe aircraft while you work your way over the Isthmus of Corinth on your way back to base. If you do encounter enemy aircraft, attack them at will, and then land safely at Argos. Doing so will successfully complete the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos
In MAW this could be done..
You Have my attention O'Wise Master Rami..

Looks like a package of missions along Historical lines..
Perhaps Master Led Zeppelin is free??

He builds great historical stuff for MAW along with several others..
Me more hysterical..:icon_eek: :sheep: :cool:
Oh yea!
Thanks Rami!

At the moment, I don't really have time to build mission, it takes a huge amount of time. Maybe this winter?

Led Zeppelin,

There's no rush on this. Get in contact with Talon as well, he and I were discussing planes last night. It's going to take me at least several more months to work on the other three sides anyway. :mixedsmi:

Now, it appears that the Royal Air Force had to abandon Greece, fleeing to Malemes airfield on Crete to continue the fight.

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Leaving the Greeks behind
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! After yesterday's heavy raids, it is clear to us that Argos is no longer safe for our fighters. To guard our remaining Hurricanes from destruction, we are abandoning Argos and heading to Malemes airfield on Crete. Despite our efforts, it is clear that Athens will fall to the Germans. We will shore up our defenses and continue the fight on Crete!
"objective_string"=Once the sun rose on 24 April 1941, the last seven Hurricanes remaining departed Argos & headed to Malemes aerodrome on the island of Crete to make a last stand. This decision left the Greek mainland without any fighter aircraft for its defense. Over these next few days, Luftwaffe planes continued to pound ships and the evacuating forces. Worst of all, Athens fell to the German forces on 27 April, 1941 after the defensive line at Thermopylae Pass finally collapsed.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll parallel the eastern coast of the Peleponnese to the island of Kythira, whereupon you will then turn southeast for Crete. The Germans will not likely get airborne to attack Argos once again until some time after dawn. This should give us a window to sneak out of Argos and be far out into the Mediterranean by the time any other raiders sweep over the abandoned airfield. Your new home at Malemes is near the western tip of Crete.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

Led Zeppelin,

I started some work from the Italian side...

"title_string"=Operation Emergenza - Initiation over Thessaloniki
"summary_string"=Attenzione, aviatori! Today, we will commence the offensive that will bring the Greek people to their knees! We will demonstrate to the German military machine that the Italians are second to none! You will begin this offensive by escorting our bombers to Thessaloniki so they can destroy the ability of the Greeks to make war!
"objective_string"=1 November, 1940 saw the initial major offensive operations carried out by the Regia Aeronautica, as Cant Z 1007 and Sm-79 bombers hit the city of Thessaloniki in two separate waves, with the Cant bombers attacking the Greek airfield of Larisa en route. During the raid, Galeazzo Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister & Mussolini's brother-in-law, led the Sm-79s. Surprisingly, one of the Cant Z 1007s was piloted by Mussolini's eldest son, Cpt. Bruno Mussolini. Another of his sons, Vittorio, may have also been involved. All survived the mission.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the Sm-79 bombers just to the east of Koritza, and maintain an easterly course as you accompany the bombers to Thessaloniki. The bombers will target the docks and warehouses. The Greeks won't take too kindly to our intrusion, so be ready to tangle with enemy fighters. Above all else, ensure that the bombers stay safe!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Albania - Koritza

"title_string"=Operation Emergenza - Supporting the offensive
"summary_string"=Buongiorno, i piloti! As our ground forces continue their march into Albania, we will assist this effort by escorting our bombers to raid Greek airfields, putting them out of business and ensuring that our troops can keep pushing forward without any fear of being attacked from the air!
"objective_string"=After beginning the ground offensive into Albania on 28 October, 1940, the Regia Aeronautica chose to support the offensive by attacking the airfields of Yanina & Larisa in order to suppress any Greek fighter opposition. On 1 and 2 November, the field at Larissa was targeted. As the Alciones returned from their assault, they were intercepted by three PZL fighters of 21 Mira. Their flight leader, John Sakellariou, was shot down by the escort fighters, but not before destroying two of the bombers.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will head southeast toward the frontline, where you'll meet up the Alciones. Once you form up, proceed toward Larissa. The airfield is located within the Thessaly Plain, but the route over the mountains may be a little rough. Once the bombers release, bring them back home. Make sure that you scan the sky for any enemy fighters from Larissa & northwestern Greece. Good luck to you!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Albania - Koritza

"title_string"=Operation Emergenza - Returning to Thessaloniki
"summary_string"=Buon pomeriggio, aviatori! This afternoon, we have been asked to escort a mixed formation of Italian bombers to Thesaloniki, where they will attack the docks & port facilities. Make sure over the harbor that you watch for enemy fighters attacking these Sparvieros, they are the most reliable bombers we have!
"objective_string"=In addition to attacking Greek airfields, the Regia Aeronautica sent two further raids to Thesaloniki, one on 2 November, & the other the following day. The first assault saw escort by Fiat Cr-42s, while the latter raid was escorted by Fiat G-50s. During these raids, a total of three Italian bombers were lost, one by a determined Greek pilot who used his propeller blade when his ammo ran out. Because of the losses suffered by the Italians, the skies over Thesaloniki would remain quiet until 1941.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Tirana, proceed southeast toward Koritza where you will meet up with both the other escort fighters & the bombers. There will be both Alciones and Sm-79s in the formation, you will be responsible for guarding the Sm-79 bombers while over Thesaloniki. Make sure that you draw off any Greek fighters from attacking the bombers & keep them busy, we can't lose the ability to sustain our aerial offensive!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat G-50 Freecia
"airfield_string"=Albania - Tirana

WOW great outlines Rami,

This is a good format for a mission to be developed from..
:salute: :salute: :salute:


Thanks for the feedback! I have another one for you...

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Rude welcome for Greece
"summary_string"=Attenzione, signori miei! The initial British convoy has made its way to Souda Bay, and we are being sent out to attack the ships while they undock. We don't think there are any Greek fighters on Crete, but keep your eyes open for them, just in case. In boca al Lupo!
"objective_string"=On 28 October 1940, Italian ground forces began the Balkan War by marching into Greece. This war included Italian air units on the island of Rhodes. The British began sending supplies Crete once war with Greece broke out, and the Italians countered by sending out raids on Souda Bay to attack these convoys as they came into port, or well out in the Med on the way up from Alexandria. The attack on 1 November by fourteen Sm-79s, escorted by six Fiat Cr-42 Falcos is an example of such an attack.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll meet up with the bombers & bring them to Souda Bay. We do not believe that the Greeks have any of their fighters stationed on Crete yet, but the Brits can still throw up a heavy anti-aircraft barrage if there are any cruisers or destroyers in port as the merchants are unloading their cargo. Coming in at 4,000 meters should keep you above the flak. Make sure that you watch your fuel, as this puts you close to your Falco's combat range.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
Okay, I am copying these to have for outlines..:applause:

Can't say when in the next couple of weeks when I can get these started.

But if you don't mind posting them, I am willing to entertain to possibility of getting this done in MAW..

Rather busy right now with several packages of missions..

But as they say, always willin' to pull another poker from the fire..


Okay, I am copying these to have for outlines..:applause:

Can't say when in the next couple of weeks when I can get these started.

But if you don't mind posting them, I am willing to entertain to possibility of getting this done in MAW..

Rather busy right now with several packages of missions..

But as they say, always willin' to pull another poker from the fire..



I can send you the missions I have, certainly. There are thirty-five for the Royal Air Force against the Regia Aeronautica, another twenty-two for the Royal Air Force against the Luftwaffe, and so far, three for the Italians in Albania / Greece, and another for the Italians in the Dodecanese. The big issue is finding a path that straddles new Italian missions rather than just "flipped" versions of British missions, as well as finding the missions in the Aegean that are noteworthy enough to make raids out of it. It's a tough job, but I'm hacking away on it.

By the way, Talon and Led Zeppelin have also expressed interest in this.
Talon and Led Zeppeiln are truly the Masters for The Pacific without question so all will be in good hands there..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
I would like to have a look at the missions you have..

Perhaps with some work I could convert these to PTO/Rising Sun?
Untill Talon and Led have the time to do a set for this. Oh yea..

Right now very tied up doing several missions packages for all,
it would a couple of weeks before I could look at this..
send me a PM or e-mail..
:salute: :salute:


I'll send you a PM with my two e-mails, contact me when you are ready. Here's another to wet your whistle, a "prelude" of sorts for the Dodecanese campaign. It's been covered by the British side a long time ago, I figured the Italians deserved their bite of the apple.

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - The defenses are alerted!
"summary_string"=State attenti! Other aerodromes on the island have been struck by small British biplanes! Our spotters have signaled that they are still over Rhodes. You must take off immediately and patrol over Rhodes, looking for any fights trying to assault Calato. Do not let them succeed!
"objective_string"=On 3 September, 1940, the Italian air elements on Rhodes received their baptism of fire at the hands of twelve obsolescent Fairey Swordfish from 815 & 819 Squadrons, as well as other squadrons from the HMS Eagle. At dawn, twelve Fairey Swordfish from the two carriers swept over Rhodes & struck the airfields there, including Calato. A mix of Fiat Cr-32s & Cr-42 biplanes took off to intercept 'em and claimed four of the Swordfish biplanes.
"intelligence_string"=By striking at dawn, the initial assault did achieve surprise, but we will make sure to meet any flights in the air. If you spot any additional raiders make sure to engage them immediately, and do your best to ensure that none reach Calato. After exhausting your ammunition, landing safely will complete this mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

Hey guys,

HouseHobbit...I got your e-mail and have it on file for later use. Here are two more, these were tougher considering that the historical data is limited at best.

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Arrival of the Luftwaffe
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! After a Christmas in the Med, we are going to accompany our Italian mates on a raid over Crete. The target is the enemy field at Heraklion. It is important that we keep a strong aerial presence over Crete, because if the British can build up their forces here, they could disrupt Italian efforts in the desert or our future attacks in Russia. Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=The next significant attack from Rhodes occurred on 29 December. Details of the raid are somewhat sparse, other than knowing that "about two dozen aircraft struck Heraklion airfield without causing any damage of note." Because the Luftwaffe sent seventeen He-111s of II/ KG 26 and other support planes to Rhodes on 20 December, it is likely that this raid consisted of both He-111s & Sm-79s. It's completely fictional that any British fighters were able to intercept these raiders, however, because no fighters were stationed there yet.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the Italian bombers and head toward Crete. Heraklion airfield resides on the eastern half of the island, and it is the only suitable aerodrome on Crete for fighter defense, though another airfield is nearly complete just west of Souda Bay. We do not know if the Greeks have fighters stationed here, but if so, they're likely Gladiators or PZLs, fighters not much faster than your own bombers. Release your bombs on the airfield, get hits, and return home!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Reconnoitring the Suez
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! Our attack on Heraklion, as well as our own reconnaissance, has revealed that British forces are building up men and matériel on Crete. Many of these supplies are cargo shipments from Alexandria & the Suez Canal. Tonight, you'll reconnoitre the Suez Canal. Focus on the southern anchorages where the Tommies like to consolidate supplies from the Middle East and India. Once you complete this task, cooks will have a hot breakfast waiting for you!
"objective_string"=The night of 30/31 December saw Heinkel He-111s of II/ KG 26 perform a mine-laying mission along the Suez Canal. It is not known how many aircraft were flown during this mission, but what is known is that the He-111s encountered light anti-aircraft fire over the Suez Canal, & all those who flew the mission returned safely.
"intelligence_string"=Weather conditions for tonight appear to be ideal, with no winds, few clouds, & full moonlight. After getting airborne head southeast toward Port Said, then swing east of the Canal to set up flying over Suez. Keeping above three thousand meters should keep you clear of anti-aircraft fire from ships at anchor. This mission will put you near the He-111's range limit, so you may not have any extra fuel to make a second pass. Remain alert, report what you see, and get home!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
Rami and I have discussed this on Skype. MAW has most of the planes needed. As or the airbases not all are in MAW. I already told Rami I won't be doing it.

Btw HH I don't just do missions for PTO and Rising Sun,I did alot of the missions for ETO and the first update. I have alot of knowledge of the ETO and MAW also but the ETO doesn't interest me that much except for BoB and Dunkirk. In MAW my main Interest is Malta.I still have an incomplete mission pcak of Spitfires at Malta and Operation Torch, don't know when I will get back to them.

HouseHobbit, Led Zeppelin, et al,

Here are two more missions completed this evening, (I sent an e-mail to HH) the pace of the missions will now escalate into March and April of 1941 as Crete gains strategic importance for the British, the Greeks, and the Axis.

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - A hiding spot no longer
"summary_string"=Piloti della Regia Aeronautica! Our reconnaissance planes indicated that the Brits are nearly finished building a new airfield just west of Souda Bay, at Malemes. Our Sm-79s are being sent out to assault the airfield & keep it from becoming operational.
"objective_string"=On 13 February, 1941, the Italians performed two separate assaults on Crete. Six Cr-42 Falcos were sent out to strafe the primary aerodrome on Crete at Heraklion, while eight Sparvieros pummeled the newly-completed airfield at Malemes. The bombers flew over the airfield at 8,000ft, but only caused minimal damage. This mission is an amalgam of the two events. The major consequence of this raid is that after being attacked again, the Brits decided Crete needed fighter defense. So on 15 February, three Fairey Fulmars were flown over to Malemes to offer some protection. However, they would not have been available for this mission.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the Sm-79s before departing Rhodes and fly a direct course toward Malemes aerodrome. This will force you to overfly Souda Bay, but your Falco's range is not sufficient for a more circuitous route. Make sure to scan the skies for enemy fighters, and get the bombers back in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Stop Operation Mandible!
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! The British are trying to establish a beachhead on the isle of Castelorizzo, and are running cargo vessels between Scarpanto & Alexandria to beef up personnel & matériel for the island. The British are sending out a carrier to cover the two merchants, and we are going to sink these vessels before the cavalry arrives!
"objective_string"=Operation Mandible was an attempt by the British to land troops on the Dodecanese islands in order to prevent Axis air forces from using Rhodes as a base of operations. The landing operation started on 25 February, but before then, the British were sending fast merchants across the Med to build up their forces for the landing.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne & linking up with the other Heinkel flight, you will hold a southerly course to catch the enemy merchants halfway between Crete and Alexandria. The carrier HMS Eagle & her two destroyers are rushing to cover them, so air cover for these vessels is a possibility. Your targets are the two merchants. Get your hits, & then return to Rhodes before HMS Eagle can scramble additional fighters!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

Good evening,

Here are another couple of missions that are finished...but two of the three are only partially historical.

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Troubles at Gadvhos Island
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! Two British convoys are pushing their way westward along the south coast of Crete, and will pass through the narrow waters just north of Gadvhos Island. We will join up with Ju-88s from Sicily and make a simultaneous strike on both convoys to overwhelm any fighter defense! Passen Sie auf sich auf!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of several small strikes within a four-day period from 21-24 March, 1941. During the four days, convoy AN-21, heading from Alexandria to Pirarus, passed through this narrow Channel between Crete and Gadvhos Island, while the Malta-bound convoy MW-6 passed through the area the next day at about the same time, turning southwest right between Gadvhos and Gavdopoula. During that period they were attacked by several small flights of German Ju-88s, as well as He-111 torpedo bombers.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, fly toward the western end of Crete. These two convoys should be heading west just off of the coast near Gadvhos Island, located directly south of Souda Bay. You will be attacking the convoy closest to the island, while the Ju-88s will dive-bomb the merchant convoy close to Crete. This Malta-bound convoy is heavily defended with cruisers, along with the carrier HMS Formidable. Your job is to get hits on either the carrier or one of the British cruisers, hopefully sending at least one ship to the bottom! Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Evening over Kythrea Strait
"summary_string"=Männer der Luftflotte! A Piraeus-bound convoy is about to round Crete & will be passing through the Kythera Strait in a couple of hours. You are being sent out to assault the convoy before it can reach the safety of the Aegean Sea! Get in, get your hits on the convoy, and get back to Sicily in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 3 April 1941, British convoy ANF-24 was in the process of moving through the Kythera Strait when nine Ju-88s from Sicily attacked the convoy. Two merchants were sunk; the Northern Prince and the Cyprian Prince. The former merchant was carrying several thousand tons of explosives, which ignited after the fires started by the bombing couldn't be contained.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, reduce your engine power to slow cruise settings to converse fuel. However, Kythera Strait is much further to the north & west than previous assaults far to the east of Crete, so fuel consumption isn't as much of priority. Earlier raids indicated that the convoy is only guarded by two destroyers, so attack these merchants without hesitation. If needed, you should have the fuel to make another pass. Score hits on these merchants, avoid the flak, and get back to Sicily in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Schnellbomber range testing
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! Today, we will head out to attack a Egypt-bound convoy which is presently rounding Crete. We hope to catch it in the narrow channel near Gadvhos Island, and send as many of the ships to the bottom as we can! Reconnaissance work by other Ju-88s indicate that this convoy is lightly defended, so get in, get hits, and return to Sicily! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=On 2 April 1941, British convoys ASF-22 & AS-22, made up of nine empty merchants and seven empty troop ships, passed through the Kythera Strait and by early evening was moving just north of Gadvhos Island. At that point it came under a heavy assault by six dive-bombing Ju-88s, which paralyzed both the Homefield & the Koulouros Xenos. This mission is a representation of that attack, combined with several smaller raids on this convoy that happened earlier in the day & on similar convoys during this period.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, reduce your engine power to slow cruise settings for the lengthy flight from Sicily to the convoy. This convoy is steaming east, but is within range of Malemes, so British fighter cover is a possibility. Earlier attacks revealed one cruiser & two destroyers guarding the convoy, so you should be able to bomb accurately & use your speed to clear any anti-aircraft fire. Make sure to keep an eye on your fuel, if this mission uses less fuel than anticipated, we may try raiding convoys even further east!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini

Hey fellas,

The Dodecanese campaign is now up to sixteen missions...I have packages if anyone wants to have a gander at them.


I sent the missions to you this evening, and HouseHobbit, I will send them to you as soon as I log into my AOL e-mail.