Good evening,
I thought you'd enjoy this, Owen...Part I
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Eliminate the Blenheim threat
"summary_string"=Piloti della Regia Aeronautica! Today, we'll head to Heraklion for the last time, strafing the British planes stationed there. We must interfere with the determined British efforts to build up supplies by strafing aircraft, ammo stores, fuel stores, and everything that we see. The invasion further north is turning in our favor, so the British are likely to retreat and use Crete as their base of resistance. Let's make sure they don't have an easy time of it!
"objective_string"=On 15 April 1941, the Italians made their last raid on Heraklion, sending six Cr-42 Falcos over to the airfield in waves of three. This time, they focused on strafing gun positions as well as the dispersed Bristol Blenheims that were now based there. They claimed to destroy two of the bombers, while four of the Cr-42s were hit, one badly enough that the pilot, Ten Luciano Corsini, crashed and was taken prisoner. (In the actual mission, no enemy fighters were reported)
"intelligence_string"=To avoid a common flight pattern, your flight will cross onto Cretan soil southeast of Heraklion and turn toward the field. Coming in very low and fast will help you avoid some of the anti-aircraft fire, but watch out for any enemy planes in the area as you set up any bombing or strafing runs on parked Blenheims. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs that you may use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and then return to Calato airfield in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Never letting the British rest
"summary_string"=Buona giornata, signori miei! The skies over Crete have been quiet for several days, so we are going to head over to Heraklion and make sure that they remain aware that we can sweep in at any time and make their lives hell! Focus on inflicting maximum damage, and then get your crate back to Rhodes in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 4 April 1941, the situation in Greece was about to change dramatically. The Germans were massing forces along the borders of Greece & Yugoslavia to launch Operation Marita, & this campaign would overrun the two smaller nations within a matter of several weeks. The Italians on this day flew over to Heraklion after a quiet period to strafe parked aircraft, along with ammo & fuel stores. One pilot, Serg. Domenico Chiappa, was shot down and killed during the raid.
"intelligence_string"=To sustain the element of surprise, we will attack this Cretan airfield from the northwest, using the isle of Dia as a landmark to set up the attack run. Remember to stay low over the base and keep your airspeed high. Also, there's a good possibility the Brits will have patrols in the area, so keep looking for enemy fighters and do not get too fixated on your strafing runs. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs to use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and return to Calato in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Catching the HMS Formidable
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! The HMS Formidable is heading across the Eastern Mediterranean toward Alexandria, and we have been ordered to try and stop her. You have volunteered for this dangerous mission; this tests the range of the Schnellbomber like never before. In a dive-bombing raid, release your bombs on the British carrier, and then try to get back to Sicily before you suck your tanks dry! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=29 March 1941 saw the Royal Navy achieve victory against the Regia Marina in what became known as the Battle of Cape Matapan. As a futile attempt to salvage a final blow, twelve Luftwaffe Ju-88s of II/LG I attempted to sink the HMS Formidable as it raced across the Eastern Mediterranean toward safety at Alexandria, Egypt. HMS Formidable was escorted by six cruisers and five destroyers that were returning from convoy escort. As the Ju-88s went into their attacks, the smaller ships put up so much AA fire that two bombers were shot down, & Fairey Fulmars forced the second wave to release too early, just missing HMS Formidable.
"intelligence_string"=The estimated position of the British carrier when your flight will intercept her is further away than any attempted mission. Fuel consumption is the key to your survival. Make sure to maintain a speed of 260 km/h to achieve maximum range. You will need every drop of fuel that you have, so if you do miss the carrier, return home immediately. Don't try to execute a second pass! We're aware that this is a dangerous mission, so a case of schnapps has been ordered for every crew that gets back to Sicily!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Cover the Megara troopships
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans are now nearing the gates of Athens, so both Greek civilians & military personnel are being evacuated on about every ship available from Megara before it is too late. You'll help provide cover for the troopships on their way to Souda Bay, protecting them from attacks by the Luftwaffe. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 26 April 1941, three Bristol Blenheim fighters of RAF 30 Squadron helped provide fighter cover for Allied convoys heading to Souda Bay from the Megara beaches near Athens. Along the journey to Souda Bay, the troopships were hassled by several waves of German air attacks, including a total of fourteen Ju-87 Stukas, three Dornier Do-17s, and six Ju-88s later in the afternoon. As these vessels neared Crete, Sea Gladiators, Fulmars, & Hawker Hurricanes offered more effective fighter cover. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest toward the island of Milos, where you should spot the fleeing troopships heading south. With your Blenheim, you should be able to engage Dorniers and Stukas, but Ju-88s and enemy fighters may be able to out-run you. If you do engage enemy fighters, fly over the cruisers & destroyers to scare off your attackers. Bring down as many aircraft as you can, and then return to Crete to re-arm and patch up any holes!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Blenheim Mk. IVf
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion
Good evening,
I thought you'd enjoy this, Owen...Part I
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Eliminate the Blenheim threat
"summary_string"=Piloti della Regia Aeronautica! Today, we'll head to Heraklion for the last time, strafing the British planes stationed there. We must interfere with the determined British efforts to build up supplies by strafing aircraft, ammo stores, fuel stores, and everything that we see. The invasion further north is turning in our favor, so the British are likely to retreat and use Crete as their base of resistance. Let's make sure they don't have an easy time of it!
"objective_string"=On 15 April 1941, the Italians made their last raid on Heraklion, sending six Cr-42 Falcos over to the airfield in waves of three. This time, they focused on strafing gun positions as well as the dispersed Bristol Blenheims that were now based there. They claimed to destroy two of the bombers, while four of the Cr-42s were hit, one badly enough that the pilot, Ten Luciano Corsini, crashed and was taken prisoner. (In the actual mission, no enemy fighters were reported)
"intelligence_string"=To avoid a common flight pattern, your flight will cross onto Cretan soil southeast of Heraklion and turn toward the field. Coming in very low and fast will help you avoid some of the anti-aircraft fire, but watch out for any enemy planes in the area as you set up any bombing or strafing runs on parked Blenheims. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs that you may use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and then return to Calato airfield in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Never letting the British rest
"summary_string"=Buona giornata, signori miei! The skies over Crete have been quiet for several days, so we are going to head over to Heraklion and make sure that they remain aware that we can sweep in at any time and make their lives hell! Focus on inflicting maximum damage, and then get your crate back to Rhodes in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 4 April 1941, the situation in Greece was about to change dramatically. The Germans were massing forces along the borders of Greece & Yugoslavia to launch Operation Marita, & this campaign would overrun the two smaller nations within a matter of several weeks. The Italians on this day flew over to Heraklion after a quiet period to strafe parked aircraft, along with ammo & fuel stores. One pilot, Serg. Domenico Chiappa, was shot down and killed during the raid.
"intelligence_string"=To sustain the element of surprise, we will attack this Cretan airfield from the northwest, using the isle of Dia as a landmark to set up the attack run. Remember to stay low over the base and keep your airspeed high. Also, there's a good possibility the Brits will have patrols in the area, so keep looking for enemy fighters and do not get too fixated on your strafing runs. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs to use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and return to Calato in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato
"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Catching the HMS Formidable
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! The HMS Formidable is heading across the Eastern Mediterranean toward Alexandria, and we have been ordered to try and stop her. You have volunteered for this dangerous mission; this tests the range of the Schnellbomber like never before. In a dive-bombing raid, release your bombs on the British carrier, and then try to get back to Sicily before you suck your tanks dry! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=29 March 1941 saw the Royal Navy achieve victory against the Regia Marina in what became known as the Battle of Cape Matapan. As a futile attempt to salvage a final blow, twelve Luftwaffe Ju-88s of II/LG I attempted to sink the HMS Formidable as it raced across the Eastern Mediterranean toward safety at Alexandria, Egypt. HMS Formidable was escorted by six cruisers and five destroyers that were returning from convoy escort. As the Ju-88s went into their attacks, the smaller ships put up so much AA fire that two bombers were shot down, & Fairey Fulmars forced the second wave to release too early, just missing HMS Formidable.
"intelligence_string"=The estimated position of the British carrier when your flight will intercept her is further away than any attempted mission. Fuel consumption is the key to your survival. Make sure to maintain a speed of 260 km/h to achieve maximum range. You will need every drop of fuel that you have, so if you do miss the carrier, return home immediately. Don't try to execute a second pass! We're aware that this is a dangerous mission, so a case of schnapps has been ordered for every crew that gets back to Sicily!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini
"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Cover the Megara troopships
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans are now nearing the gates of Athens, so both Greek civilians & military personnel are being evacuated on about every ship available from Megara before it is too late. You'll help provide cover for the troopships on their way to Souda Bay, protecting them from attacks by the Luftwaffe. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 26 April 1941, three Bristol Blenheim fighters of RAF 30 Squadron helped provide fighter cover for Allied convoys heading to Souda Bay from the Megara beaches near Athens. Along the journey to Souda Bay, the troopships were hassled by several waves of German air attacks, including a total of fourteen Ju-87 Stukas, three Dornier Do-17s, and six Ju-88s later in the afternoon. As these vessels neared Crete, Sea Gladiators, Fulmars, & Hawker Hurricanes offered more effective fighter cover. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest toward the island of Milos, where you should spot the fleeing troopships heading south. With your Blenheim, you should be able to engage Dorniers and Stukas, but Ju-88s and enemy fighters may be able to out-run you. If you do engage enemy fighters, fly over the cruisers & destroyers to scare off your attackers. Bring down as many aircraft as you can, and then return to Crete to re-arm and patch up any holes!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Blenheim Mk. IVf
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion