A courteous offer to our fellow simmers...


Good evening,

I thought you'd enjoy this, Owen...Part I

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Eliminate the Blenheim threat
"summary_string"=Piloti della Regia Aeronautica! Today, we'll head to Heraklion for the last time, strafing the British planes stationed there. We must interfere with the determined British efforts to build up supplies by strafing aircraft, ammo stores, fuel stores, and everything that we see. The invasion further north is turning in our favor, so the British are likely to retreat and use Crete as their base of resistance. Let's make sure they don't have an easy time of it!
"objective_string"=On 15 April 1941, the Italians made their last raid on Heraklion, sending six Cr-42 Falcos over to the airfield in waves of three. This time, they focused on strafing gun positions as well as the dispersed Bristol Blenheims that were now based there. They claimed to destroy two of the bombers, while four of the Cr-42s were hit, one badly enough that the pilot, Ten Luciano Corsini, crashed and was taken prisoner. (In the actual mission, no enemy fighters were reported)
"intelligence_string"=To avoid a common flight pattern, your flight will cross onto Cretan soil southeast of Heraklion and turn toward the field. Coming in very low and fast will help you avoid some of the anti-aircraft fire, but watch out for any enemy planes in the area as you set up any bombing or strafing runs on parked Blenheims. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs that you may use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and then return to Calato airfield in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Never letting the British rest
"summary_string"=Buona giornata, signori miei! The skies over Crete have been quiet for several days, so we are going to head over to Heraklion and make sure that they remain aware that we can sweep in at any time and make their lives hell! Focus on inflicting maximum damage, and then get your crate back to Rhodes in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 4 April 1941, the situation in Greece was about to change dramatically. The Germans were massing forces along the borders of Greece & Yugoslavia to launch Operation Marita, & this campaign would overrun the two smaller nations within a matter of several weeks. The Italians on this day flew over to Heraklion after a quiet period to strafe parked aircraft, along with ammo & fuel stores. One pilot, Serg. Domenico Chiappa, was shot down and killed during the raid.
"intelligence_string"=To sustain the element of surprise, we will attack this Cretan airfield from the northwest, using the isle of Dia as a landmark to set up the attack run. Remember to stay low over the base and keep your airspeed high. Also, there's a good possibility the Brits will have patrols in the area, so keep looking for enemy fighters and do not get too fixated on your strafing runs. You have been given two sixty kilogram bombs to use at your discretion. Get in, get your hits, and return to Calato in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato

"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Catching the HMS Formidable
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! The HMS Formidable is heading across the Eastern Mediterranean toward Alexandria, and we have been ordered to try and stop her. You have volunteered for this dangerous mission; this tests the range of the Schnellbomber like never before. In a dive-bombing raid, release your bombs on the British carrier, and then try to get back to Sicily before you suck your tanks dry! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=29 March 1941 saw the Royal Navy achieve victory against the Regia Marina in what became known as the Battle of Cape Matapan. As a futile attempt to salvage a final blow, twelve Luftwaffe Ju-88s of II/LG I attempted to sink the HMS Formidable as it raced across the Eastern Mediterranean toward safety at Alexandria, Egypt. HMS Formidable was escorted by six cruisers and five destroyers that were returning from convoy escort. As the Ju-88s went into their attacks, the smaller ships put up so much AA fire that two bombers were shot down, & Fairey Fulmars forced the second wave to release too early, just missing HMS Formidable.
"intelligence_string"=The estimated position of the British carrier when your flight will intercept her is further away than any attempted mission. Fuel consumption is the key to your survival. Make sure to maintain a speed of 260 km/h to achieve maximum range. You will need every drop of fuel that you have, so if you do miss the carrier, return home immediately. Don't try to execute a second pass! We're aware that this is a dangerous mission, so a case of schnapps has been ordered for every crew that gets back to Sicily!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Cover the Megara troopships
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans are now nearing the gates of Athens, so both Greek civilians & military personnel are being evacuated on about every ship available from Megara before it is too late. You'll help provide cover for the troopships on their way to Souda Bay, protecting them from attacks by the Luftwaffe. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 26 April 1941, three Bristol Blenheim fighters of RAF 30 Squadron helped provide fighter cover for Allied convoys heading to Souda Bay from the Megara beaches near Athens. Along the journey to Souda Bay, the troopships were hassled by several waves of German air attacks, including a total of fourteen Ju-87 Stukas, three Dornier Do-17s, and six Ju-88s later in the afternoon. As these vessels neared Crete, Sea Gladiators, Fulmars, & Hawker Hurricanes offered more effective fighter cover. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest toward the island of Milos, where you should spot the fleeing troopships heading south. With your Blenheim, you should be able to engage Dorniers and Stukas, but Ju-88s and enemy fighters may be able to out-run you. If you do engage enemy fighters, fly over the cruisers & destroyers to scare off your attackers. Bring down as many aircraft as you can, and then return to Crete to re-arm and patch up any holes!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Blenheim Mk. IVf
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion

Good evening,

I thought you'd enjoy this, Owen...Part II

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Breaking the Royal Air Force
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Following the invasion of Greece two weeks ago, we have been able to apply pressure on the Royal Air Force & wear them down through attrition. This afternoon, we will attempt to score a knockout blow by sending a large-scale raid over the city of Athens, forcing the fighters nearby to defend the city. Guard the bombers, but try to bring down as many fighters as you can!
"objective_string"=Without their warning system of observers in the hills, the RAF became caught by surprise raids. A devastating assault hit the harbour near Piraeus at approximately 17:00 hours, as the RAF pilots were climbing hard to intercept them. Besides crippling the remaining Allied air strength, this assault cost the life of famous South African pilot Marmaduke St. John "Pat" Pattle, who was in all likelihood the highest scoring Commonwealth ace of the war.
"intelligence_string"=Intelligence indicates that the Brits have less than two dozen Hurricanes left to defend what remains of Greece & Crete, as well as a handful of Bristol Blenheim fighters & some Gladiators. The Greeks have almost no fighters left. The British are likely to send out their best to defend the city, and over the harbor, anti-aircraft fire will likely be heavy. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Jagdgeschwader attack at dawn!
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! Reports have a major RAF fighter element based at an airfield near Larissa. Today we are to put this aerodrome out of action. You're to approach the enemy airfield low & from up-sun. Any exposed British aircraft are the first priority targets for you and the other fighters!
"objective_string"=The clearing of weather over Greece after 13 May 1941 allowed Luftwaffe forces to prepare serious attacks on Greek and British air forces. The dawn attacks at Larissa by twenty Bf-109s of II/JG 77 in two separate strikes on the morning of the 15th were particularly costly, and led to withdrawal of Royal Air Force aircraft to the Athens area. This mission is an amalgam of these two morning raids.
"intelligence_string"=This Royal Air Force fighter aerodrome is nestled within the Thessaly Plain of Greece & hasn't been touched yet by our forces. Because it is shrouded close to the foothills, it isn't as heavily defended as other airbases are in the area. Use this to your advantage!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Vbra

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Zerstörer sweep over Monastir
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! This morning, we'll fly a patrol over the Monastir area. Your orders are to intercept any intruding allied air attacks, and you have free reign to strafe any available targets of opportunity which arise.
"objective_string"=Wehrmacht ground forces made excellent progress toward the Monastir Gap. From this location, they closed off the escape of Yugoslavian forces from locations further north, & penetrated to the south right between the Greek armies in the west as well as the British & ANZAC armies in the east. On this day a flight of Blenheims were annihilated during a raid on German ground forces. However, most of these British losses were from heavy ground fire, it is not known whether they were intercepted by German fighters.
"intelligence_string"=We presently have a small grouping of our tanks & soldiers due southwest of the aerodrome at Gorna Dzhumayo. It seems that this morning the Brits are sending out a Blenheim squadron sneak across the border & attack them. Your job is to prevent them from succeeding. Tear into the Tommies, and take down as many as you can!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Gorna Dzhumayo

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Guarding the Wehrmacht forces
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Wehrmacht Panzer divisions are moving quickly through southeast Yugoslavia, and are currently on the road between Bitola and Prilep. For the last three days, Blenheim bombers have been flying into Yugoslavia to hit our ground forces. Your mission is to provide the Wehrmacht with air cover. Make sure to make the British pay for their audacity!
"objective_string"=On 10 April, ten Blenheims from RAF 11 Squadron attacked German vehicle columns moving along the Bitola-Prilep road. They were escorted by Hawker Hurricanes from RAF 33 Squadron. Over the road, they were intercepted by both Bf-109e & Bf-110c fighters. Heavy cloud cover gave some protection for the British while they withdrew, & the British pilots claimed damage to one Bf-110 and forcing a Bf-109 pilot to bail out. However, German combat records indicate that two Zerstörers from 7/LG 2 were lost, along with a Bf-109 from Stab/JG 27, but were the result of accidents.
"intelligence_string"=The Wehrmacht Panzer divisions are located about one hundred and forty kilometers away from you. After leaving Petrich, maintain a west-southwest course to reach the area betweem Bitola & Prilep. The British tend to bomb from between 3,000 and 4,000 meters, so patrol at a superior height to be ready for an intercept. Bf-110s from 7/LG 2 will assist you, so if you spot the enemy, tear into the fighters, & let the Zerstörers handle the bombers.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Petrich

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Petrich receives a nasty surprise
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! We've recieved intelligence that British reece aircraft have been flying over our aerodromes, and could be mapping out targets. They might well be eyeing Petrich, which is close enough to the Greek border so they could strike it quickly and then return to safety. You will lead a flight of four Zerstörers over to the border near Petrich to look for and engage any intruders. Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=This mission premise is semi-historical. On 8 April, eight Blenheims of RAF 211 Squadron, escorted by nine Hurricanes, set out to attack the German-held airfield at Petrich, Bulgaria. After the Blenheims bombed the aerodrome these escorting Hurricanes dropped down to strafe the German field, leaving several fighters in flames. Pat Pattle was credited with leaving two of the Messerschmitts in flames. However, no enemy planes were able to intercept the British aircraft.
"intelligence_string"=The fighter aerodrome at Petrich is approximately one hundred & twenty kilometers south-southeast of Krainici. Once you are near Petrich aerodrome, look for enemy bombers & fighters heading in that direction. Blenheim bombers like to release from medium altitude, so expect Hurrricanes to follow. If additional fighters are spotted, Messerschmitts from Petrich will take off to help you engage 'em. Make sure to focus on downing as many Blenheims as possible!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Krainici

"title_string"=Operation Marita - A rather inauspicious beginning
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, meine Herren! Our ground forces have begun to cross the borders into Greece, and we'll support this effort by flying a fighter sweep near Rupel Pass along the Greek border, looking out for any British or Greek fighters trying to disrupt the invasion. If you do encounter enemy fighters, you are free to engage them and take down as many as you can. Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=On 6 April 1941, the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia & Greece began. Ground forces started pouring into Greece through the Rupel pass and other locations along the borders of Bulgaria. Further north, Axis forces poured into Yugoslavia from the borders of Hungary, Romania, & Bulgaria. Lufftwaffe units in support of their ground forces flew patrols along the Greek border. During that afternoon, a flight of eight Bf-109s of 8/JG 27 were jumped by some fourteen Hurricanes flown by RAF pilots. Jumping the Messerschmitts from a superior height, British pilots downed four German fighters.
"intelligence_string"=As you approach Rupel Pass be on guard for either British or Greek fighters. The Royal Air Force has Hurricanes stationed here, as well as Gladiators & Blenheims. The Greeks have Gladiators, PZLs, and possibly other fighters available to use to defend their homelands to the last. You should not expect an easy fight, but let's begin this offensive on the right foot! Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Vbra

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Piraeus harbour is decimated
"summary_string"=Guten Abend, meine Herren! Tonight, we'll support our troops now pouring into Greece by striking the port facilities at Pirarus, near the city of Athens. Piraeus is by far the the most important harbor in Greece. If we can damage it heavily, it could have a profound impact on the ability of the Greeks to distribute supplies and personnel! Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"objective_string"=The night of 6 April 1941, the Luftwaffe scored a spectacular success over Piraeus harbour. Despite the horrible weather, twenty Ju-88s of III/KG 30 set out to hit the heavily congested port, followed by eleven He-111s later that night. At about 21:00 hours, the Ju-88s dove from 3,000 meters to raid the harbor, led by Hauptmann Hajo Herrmann. At this moment, several merchants with ammunition & explosives aboard were being unloaded, including several Hurricanes in crates. The Germans bombed with such accuracy that eleven cargo vessels were destroyed, with several catching fire & exploding. When this happened, windows seven miles away in Athens were shattered, and these explosions could be heard up to one hundred and fifty miles away. Hpt. Herrmann's Ju-88 was the only German plane damaged during the raid, but he managed to reach Rhodes safely on one engine. The harbor would be completely closed for ten days.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the other Ju-88s & head for Greece. The weather at higher altitudes is terrible, so you should not climb above 4,000 meters on the way to the harbor, where the winds and dangers of icing are strongest. Nearing the harbour, watch out for flak & keep your speed high. We know from raids south and east of Crete that you will likely have a fuel reserve, just make sure to throttle back to slow cruise after leaving the harbour area. Get in, score hits, and return to Sicily in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini
Wonderful Rami.. these are great outlines
Thanks much.
I am coping these and will build do some of this when I have the time..

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Househobbit and others,

Here are some more...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Sometimes you can just get lucky!
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Wehrmacht forces report that the RAF has been sending waves of Blenheims to raid our vehicles in the Florina region. If they can sustain the attack for long enough, they could throw off our invasion plans, at least temporarily. Your task is to patrol the area near Prilep & shoot down any British bombers that you see. Do not let our forces suffer through another raid!
"objective_string"=Throughout the day of 15 April, the Brits sent out Blenheims out to raid enemy vehicles in the Florina sector. These first two morning British raids were escorted by Hurricanes, but the six bombers sent out on the first afternoon attack were unescorted. As the Blenheims approached Lake Prespa, Bf-109s of 6/JG 27 attacked the lead formation and shot down all three aircraft; the other formation soon suffered the same fate. None of the six Blenheims returned to base!
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, head southwest to cover a sector between Prilep & Lake Prespa, Yugoslavia. The British have already sent two waves over this area during the morning, so we hope that you may encounter an unescorted raid while their fighters are being serviced & refueled. If this proves true, tear into the vulnerable Blenheims and bring down as many as you can!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Vbra

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Grinding the evacuation to a halt
"summary_string"=Achtung, meine Herren! Allied ground & air forces are retreating though Central Greece, & they have secretly started to evacuate troops and equipment from ports to attempt & save whatever personnel & material they can. Today, your fighters will attack Volos harbour and the nearby airfield in an effort to halt the activity. Let's ensure Volos is rendered useless!
"objective_string"=On 17 April 1941, the only major Luftwaffe action of the day was from German fighters of Stab, II, and III/JG 77. Twenty-seven Bf-109s swept over Volos harbor as well as the nearby Greek airfield at Almyros. About half the Bf-109s were "Jabos," armed with one bomb as well as ammunition. They claimed a direct hit on a freighter, along with two aircraft destroyed on the ground. One Bf-109 was badly damaged in the attack, but no aerial combat was reported.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll follow the coastline toward Volos. By attacking Volos harbour from the northwest, you should be able to bomb and strafe the port while the other two Bf-109 flights assault the fighter aerodrome directly. Get in, get hits on your targets, & then escape before enemy fighters get the chance to intercept you. We do not want to risk our fighters before our final effort to drive Allied forces off the mainland!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Kitros

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Volos attacked by Fliegerkorps X
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! The miserable weather that has socked us in for days has let up, so we'll take advantage by laying mines & attacking the harbour facilities at Volos. Concentrate your bombs on the warehouses, docks, and the small refinery located just to the south of the harbour. Before you leave, enjoy the hot breakfast awaiting your flight! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=Before dawn on 11 April, two small formations of Ju-88s based on Sicily took advantage of a break in the weather and departed Gerbini aerodrome to lay mines & bomb the Greek harbor at Volos. Over the target, they were greeted by four Hurricanes led by ace "Pat" Pattle, & two Dreifingers, piloted by Oblt. Hans Schaible and Lt. Wimmer, were shot down. No RAF combat losses were recorded, & it's unknown if any shipping was damaged.
"intelligence_string"=Weather conditions up above 3,000 meters remain dangerous, so after getting airborne, maintain an altitude of 2,000 meters whilst you cross over the Med. Like the raid on Piraeus, you'll attack Volos from low altitude, and if your bombs miss, use the opportunity to strafe warehouses and enemy ships. Make sure to keep your eyes open for fighters, as you were be within range of two enemy airfields. Get in, score hits, and then return to Sicily in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gerbini

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The weather has finally broken!
"summary_string"=Achtung, Luftflotte pilots! The miserable weather has finally broken, & we'll take full advantage by sending out bombers from both Sicily and Bulgaria to attack Volos harbor. Your flight will be part of the Bulgaria force. As you apprach Volos harbour, focus on hitting the docks, the warehouses, & the refinery areas. Get in, get hits, and then get home in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 13 April 1941, the weather over Greece rapidly improved, allowing the Luftwaffe to target Greek ports and enemy vehicles as Allied forces retreat back and reorganize near the Olympus-Servia line. That morning about seventy level bombers, twenty of them Ju-88s from I/LG I, assaulted the harbor facilities at Volos. The port was devastated, & at least two cargo ships, the City of Karachi and the Brattdal, were written off. The twenty Ju-88s of I/LG I were intercepted by seven Hurricanes, but any German losses as a result are unclear.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, rendezvous with the other flights & climb as you head toward Volos harbour. The British won't let us have such an easy time of it after our success at Piraeus harbor a week ago, so be ready for heavy anti-aircraft fire as well as determined resistance from any enemy fighters. If your bombs miss, you may drop down & strafe the harbour, but make sure to bring your bomber back intact! Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Baiting the Greeks into a fight
"summary_string"=Besatzungen der Luftflotte, aufgepasst! Fighters are taking off to raid the British fighter airfield at Larissa, and we will support this effort with an assault on Trikala. Along the way, we will feint an attack on Kalabaka, where the Greeks have chosen to consolidate their fighters, in order to bait them into combat. You'll be protected by Bf-109s which will outnumber you, so get in, score hits, & return to Plovdiv intact!
"objective_string"=While Luftwaffe fighters of II/JG 77 raided the airfield at Larissa, some twenty Messerschmitts of II/JG 27 escorted an estimated eighteen German bombers who struck the aerodrome at Trikala. The bombers feinted a run at Kalabaka airfield, where most of the remaining Greek fighters were based, before turning south. This drew up fifteen Greek fighters; a hodgepodge of Bloch 151s, PZL P-24s, and Gladiators. German pilots claimed at least six Greek fighters in this raid. Two German bombers were likely lost, but the historical details for this mission are sketchy.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, rendezvous with the other bombers and climb to 3,500 meters whilst you head toward Bulgaria. Because you're being used to bait enemy fighters into combat, our own escort fighters will outnumber your bombers. Over Trikala aerodrome, focus on hitting their aircraft hangars, as well as aircraft revertments & exposed supplies. If these Greek fighters somehow slip past the escorts, you may use your diving ability to try and outrun them. Once you finish your run, clear the area quickly & return to Bulgaria in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Morning raid on Piraeus harbour
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Our fighters have been very active this morning attacking Greek airfields near the frontline. Our bombers will assist their effort by attacking the harbor facilities at Piraeus. This harbor is the nexus for the Greek supply network, and if we can continue to inflict damage upon the harbor, we will make it almost impossible for their armies to receive reinforcements!
"objective_string"=On 15 April 1941, the Luftwaffe followed up their morning fighter raids on British & Greek bases by performing their first daylight raid on the city of Athens, attacking the harbour facilities at Piraeus with twenty-five Junkers Ju-88s from I/LG I and I/KG 51. These bombers struck & heavily damaged three vessels in the harbor; the Clan Cumming, the Golapara, & the Quilloa. The German Ju-88s were intercepted by Hurricane pilots of 80 Squadron, including a young fighter pilot named Roald Dahl, who would gain literary fame following the end of the war.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the other flights & then head toward Athens. Over the city, half the formation will dive to pummel shipping in the harbor while your half will level bomb and hit the docks & warehouses. Your departure path will take you close to Eleusis airfield, so be on guard for British or Greek fighters over the city. If the bombs miss, you can dive down & strafe the enemy cargo vessels, but this may increase your risk of being intercepted. Get in, score hits, and then get your plane back in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Dreifinger raid on Khalkis harbor
"summary_string"=Männer aufgepasst! After yesterday's successful strike on Piraeus, we will keep up this pressure by attacking the smaller harbor at Khalkis, which lies on the north side of the Attica peninsula. Instead of bombing from high altitude, you will execute a low-level attack so that you can strafe any enemy ships after releasing your bombs. Be sure to watch out for flak or fighters, but focus on inflicting as much damage as possible. Passen Sie auf sich auf!
"objective_string"=The morning of 16 April 1941, Luftwaffe bombers of I/LG I and I/KG 51 continued their assault on Greek ports by raiding the harbor at Khalkis. This raid of twenty Junkers Ju-88s was intercepted by two RAF Hurricanes, & four Ju-88s were lost. One of the Junkers was lost to the guns of Roald Dahl, who attacked a Ju-88 lining up to hit an ammo ship anchored in the harbor. The plane, piloted by Oblt Horst Beeger, spiraled into the sea after a short burst from Dahl's guns.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Plovdiv airfield, rendezvous with the other bombers & climb to 3,000 meters. As you approach the harbour at Khalkis, you'll drop down to 1,000 meters to allow you to bomb & strafe the port facilities and any shipping that you may find. Because the harbour area is small, flak will not be as intense as it is over Volos or Piraeus. However, this close to Athens, look out for British or Greek fighters. Get in, inflict damage, and then get back to Bulgaria in one piece! Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Entrance of the Fliegender Bleistift
"summary_string"=Kameraden, zuhören! This afternoon, your Do-17s are being sent out to raid a Greek munitions plant adjacent to the Greek fighter airfield at Eleusis. This factory complex is a very important target to hit, because if the plant can be destroyed, it will severely impact the ability of the Greeks to supply weapons to their ground forces and fighters. Over the plant, make sure to watch out for heavy flak & the high chance of interception near Athens. Make sure to get hits, this is a dangerous spot to revisit!
"objective_string"=Following the morning assault on Khalkis harbour, the evening of 16 April also saw the Dornier Do-17 make its entrance into the theatre with Stab/KG 2. During the late afternoon, a sizeable formation of Do-17s attacked a munitions factory very close to Eleusis. Hawker Hurricanes based at Eleusis were scrambled to intercept and three Dornier Do-17s, piloted by Lt. Ludwig Rohr, Lt. Heinrich Hunger, & Hpt. Konrad Ebsen, did not return to Krumovo. Any British losses are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will form up & follow this familiar route up over the mountains & across the western Aegean to reach the Attica peninsula. The munitions factory is located just southwest of Eleusis, so you should expect heavy flak & British fighter intercept over the target. Focus on hitting the fectories and warehouses, but do not risk any diving attacks on the munitions plant. Get in, then get out quickly and return to Bulgaria!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17z-2
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Harass troops near Larisa gap
"summary_string"=The enemy is retreating from their first defensive position, and are falling back toward Athens. Now that the weather is better again, our mission is to patrol the Larisa Gap and attack all of the enemy troop movements we can find!
"objective_string"=The sudden collapse of the Yugoslavian Army and government (which surrendered on the 17th) made inevitable a German outflanking move around the British-Greek defenses on the Aliakhmon line, and precipitated a withdrawal to a much more easily defended line at Thermopylae. Bad weather on the 16th and 17th limited Luftwaffe interference with this move. However, this brief respite ended with clearing skies, after which the passage of Allied troops through the narrow Larisa gap were forced to endure near-constant harrassment from the air.
"intelligence_string"=Enemy air resistance has been all but destroyed, so aerial interception is unlikely during this raid. Utilize the retreat, as well as confusion and panic by the British and Greeks to your advantage, with the goal of inflicting as much damage as possible!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

Good evening,

I have some more completed, but with the school year I've slowed down a bit...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Protect the eyes of the Wehrmacht
"summary_string"=Achtung, kameraden! A Focke-Wulf Fw-189 is out on reece over the Lamia area, taking photographs of Allied defenses. You are being sent out to fly a patrol over Lamia, guarding her and engaging any enemy fighters that may appear. Once the 'Owl' is finished with his work, you will then land at your new base at Larisa! (This mission is semi-historical because this Luftwaffe reconnaissance plane was a Henschel Hs-126, & the dogfight will occur with the reece plane in the area, in reality these events happened separately)
"objective_string"=19 April, 1941 saw the tactical picture for German forces in Greece turn extremely favorable. A few days earlier Yugoslav armies had capitulated, and despite the King of Hellenes boldly declaring that Greece would continue the struggle, the Army of the Epirus, who were holding back the Germans in the northwest, was in the process of surrendering. Two hours after the Stuka raid, seven Hurricanes of 33 Squadron were patrolling near Lamia when "Pat" Pattle helped to shoot down a German reece Hs-126, & thirty minutes later, his flight engaged five Messerschmitts of II /JG 77 head-on. Three Hurricanes were claimed by German pilots, whilst the British claimed two Bf-109s.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, hold a southerly course as you head toward the town of Lamia. Any British or Greek fighters will likely be coming from airbases near Athens, to the southeast of Lamia. The reece plane must not be damaged, otherwise this loss of intelligence may derail our steady progress on the ground! Once the enemy has been dispatched, you may land at the newly-captured airfield at Larisa!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Kitros

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Jabo assault on Piraeus harbor
"summary_string"=Guten Morgen, Meine Herren! We'll begin this day by surprising the enemy at Piraeus harbour with a low-level "jabo" strike. You will sweep in over the harbor, using your bomb & machine guns to inflict as much damage as you can. You will then flee the harbour area just as quickly, thereby not allowing enemy fighters to intercept you. The harbor is the only target this morning, further raids later today will take care of the airfields in the area.
"objective_string"=20 April, 1941 would prove to be the decisive day for the Luftwaffe in Greece. Throughout this day the focus turned to the Greek airfields, bombing and strafing them to destroy fighters and prevent them from getting airborne. The morning strike on Piraeus by thirty-two Bf-109s was the exception, as the German fighters swarmed over the harbour, hitting one vessel & damaging another with a near miss. It is not known if any of the German raiders were damaged or lost during this attack.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the other fighters and head southeast toward Piraeus. With intense anti-aircraft fire expected over the target, speed will be critical for mission success, because it will give the enemy gunners less time to draw a bead on you. After you release your bomb, use your guns to make a strafing pass on the docks and anchored ships. Once your ammo is exhausted, you may return to Larisa. Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The focus shifts to the airfields
"summary_string"=Männer aufgepasst! While our Emils are assaulting the harbor at Piraeus, you will proceed southwest to hit the British bomber airfield at Menedi. If we can wipe out their Blenheim force at this airfield, this will likely quicken the pace of the invasion by denying the British the ability to make high-impact strikes on our ground forces. Get in, get hits, and then get back to Larissa intact! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=20 April, 1941 would prove to be the decisive day for the Luftwaffe in Greece. Throughout this day the attacks turned to the Greek airfields, bombing and strafing them to destroy fighters and prevent them from getting airborne. The first assault took place about an hour after the Piraeus harbor raid. An unknown quantity of Zerstörers from II/ZG 26 attacked the British bomber aerodrome at Menedi, destroying several Blenheim bombers in their raid and inflicting significant damage. (This assault is combined with the schwarm of Bf-109s that broke off from the Piraeus strike and destroyed several Blenheims before the Zerstörers showed up about thirty minutes later) Any German losses during the mission are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will renedezvous with these other fighters and head southwest toward Menedi. This is the airfield the British have been using for most of their bombers. Over the airfield, focus on exposed British bombers as well as revertments & supplies. Watch out for flak, but we do not expect the British will scramble many Blenheims to engage you. Still, be prepared for anything, and get your Zerstörers back to Larissa intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Emils swarm over Eleusis airfield
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, kamarad! Our bombers will be heading out within two hours to pummel the city of Athens, so you're being sent out to wreck havoc at Eleusis airfield, which is one of the primary fighter bases charged with defending the city of Athens. If we can destroy many of their fighters on the ground, they might be unable to put up a defense when our bombers arrive!
"objective_string"=20 April, 1941 would prove to be the decisive day for the Luftwaffe in Greece. Throughout this day the attacks turned to the Greek airfields, bombing and strafing them to destroy fighters and prevent any from getting airborne. In the early afternoon, Eleusis aerodrome (near Athens) came under heavy attack by two separate German fighter raids. The first occurred at 1400 hours, when 29 Bf-109s of II and III/ JG 77 appeared over Eleusis airfield. Another raid took place at 1535 hours, when more Bf-109s from II/ JG 27 bombed and strafed the airfield, destroying many aircraft on the ground. "Pat" Pattle (who was now leading 33 Squadron) was airborne during the first assault and claimed two German fighters, but no aircraft were able to get airborne for their second attack. This mission is an amalgam of these two raids.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, rendezvous with the other fighters already airborne and then head southeast toward Eleusis. You will raid the aerodrome from the northwest, popping up over the rolling hills at the last second. Over the airfield, use your bomb to take out your primary target, and then use your machine guns for strafing runs, inflicting as much damage as you can. While attacking, watch out for any enemy fighters trying to get off the ground to interrupt your raid. Once you have exhausted your ammo, break off from any combat & head back to Larisa!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Returning to Menedi aerodrome
"summary_string"=Männer aufgepasst! While some Emils are striking the airfield at Eleusis, you will proceed southwest to hit the British bomber airfield at Menedi. If we can wipe out their Blenheim force at this airfield, this will likely quicken the pace of the invasion by denying the British the ability to make high-impact strikes on our ground forces. Get in, get hits, and then get back to Larissa intact! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=On 21 April, the Luftwaffe continued to pressure the Royal Air Force, attacking Menedi and Eleusis aerodromes with two separate raids each. In these attacks, the Germans inflicted significant damage, forcing the British to evacuate any airfields north of the Corinth Canal by 23 April. This raid against Menedi is a consolidation of both midday raids on the aerodrome during 21 April by Bf-109s & later by Bf-110s, as well as a second assault by Bf-109s from II & III/JG77 on 22 April.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will rendezvous with these other fighters and head southwest toward Menedi. This is the airfield the British have been using for most of their bombers. Over the airfield, focus on exposed British bombers as well as revertments & supplies. Watch out for flak, but we do not expect the British will scramble many Blenheims to engage you. Still, be prepared for anything, and get your Bf-109s back to Larissa intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The Jabos return to Piraeus harbor
"summary_string"=Zuhören, Besatzungen! We will continue the effort to push Greek forces off the mainland by heading back to Piraeus harbor for a low-level 'jabo' raid. You will sweep in over the harbor area, using your bomb & machine guns to inflict as much damage as you can. You will then flee the harbour region just as quickly, thereby not allowing enemy fighters to intercept you.
"objective_string"=On 21 April, the Luftwaffe continued to pressure the Royal Air Force, attacking Menedi and Eleusis aerodromes with two separate raids each. In these attacks, the Germans inflicted signficant damage, forcing the British to evacuate any airfields north of the Corinth Canal by 23 April 1941. The raid on Piraeus by thirty-six Bf-109s during the afternoon was the exception, as Luftwaffe fighters swarmed over the harbor, destroying one vessel & damaging another with a near miss. It is not known if any of these German raiders were damaged or lost during this attack.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the other fighters and head southeast toward Piraeus. With intense anti-aircraft fire expected over the target, speed will be critical for mission success, because it will give the enemy gunners less time to draw a bead on you. After you release your bomb, use your guns to make a strafing pass on the docks and anchored ships. Once your ammo is exhausted, you may return to Larisa. Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

Hello again,

Here is another set, this time for the bombers...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Moving down to Larissa airfield
"summary_string"=Kamerad, aufgepasst! Greek, British, and ANZAC troops are hurriedly evacuating along the Thessaly Plain, attempting to consolidate their forces for a final stand at Thermopylae Pass. Your Stukas are being transferred down to the recently-captured aerodrome at Larissa, and along the way, you will attack these forces as they approach the town of Domokos. Be accurate with your bombs; the more enemy troops we can destroy, the less we have to confront! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=19 April 1941 saw droves of Luftwaffe aircraft in action all over Greece, with bombers and fighters swarming like hornets over major ports, cities, and harassing Greek & Commonwealth military divisions under full retreat toward a crucial make-or-break stand at Thermopylae Pass. Just after dawn, forty Stukas were in the process of bombing & strafing Allied forces near Domokos when seven of RAF 80 Squadron's Hurricanes broke up the attackers and bagged four Stukas before Bf-109s of II /JG 27 could intervene. Verified Stuka losses were Oblt. Ulitz of Stab/StG 2 & Lt. Wingelmayer of I/StG3. The Germans claim to have brought down two RAF Hurricanes, but Sgt. Casbolt's plane was the only one damaged, and he was able to return to Eleusis.
"intelligence_string"=The Greek & Commonwealth forces in retreat were last reported to be somewhere between Larisa and Domokos. This is about 315km to the southwest of Belitsa. Once you reach the town of Domokos, look for Allied vehicle columns nearng the town. Once you identify them, break off and make your diving attacks on them, and then make strafing passes. A formation of Bf-109s will meet you over the target area, and will engage any British fighters trying to engage your formation. After crippling the Allied vehicle columns, you will land at your new airfield near Larissa!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Belitsa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Breaking the Royal Air Force
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Following the invasion of Greece two weeks ago, we have been able to apply pressure on the Royal Air Force & wear them down through attrition. This afternoon, we will attempt to score a knockout blow by sending a large-scale raid over the city of Athens, forcing the fighters nearby to defend the city. In order to guard your bombers, we are sending out plenty of fighters to escort you and overwhelm any fighter defense the enemy can muster. Get your hits on shipping in the harbour, and then return to Bulgaria in one piece!
"objective_string"=Without their warning system of observers in the hills, the RAF became caught by surprise raids. A devastating assault hit the harbour near Piraeus at approximately 17:00 hours, as the RAF pilots were climbing hard to intercept them. Besides crippling the remaining Allied air strength, this assault cost the life of famous South African pilot Marmaduke St. John "Pat" Pattle, who was in all likelihood the highest scoring Commonwealth ace of the war.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the other bombers & head south-southwest toward the harbor facilities at Piraeus. The British are likely to send up their best to defend the city, and over the harbor, anti-aircraft fire will likely be heavy. Over Athens, the Bf-109s will stay with the Do-17s at altitude, while the Ju-88s and the Bf-110s will dive over the city to attack shipping in the harbor. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Mop-up over Eleusis aerodrome
"summary_string"=Kameraden herhören! After our fighters had great success yesterday in combat over Athens, we will continue the pressure by attacking their remaining fighters and supplies at Eleusis, near Athens. This aerodrome may important for future operations, so try to avoid damaging any hangars, revertments, & other infrastructure. If we can catch more British fighters and bombers on the ground, our conquest of Greece may happen more quickly! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=On 21 April, the Luftwaffe continued to pressure the Royal Air Force, attacking Menedi and Eleusis aerodromes with two separate raids each. In these attacks, the Germans inflicted significant damage, forcing the British to evacuate any airfields north of the Corinth Canal by 23 April. This raid against Eleusis is a consolidation of both raids on Eleusis during 21 April.
"intelligence_string"=Once you get airborne, rendezvous with the other Stukas and head toward Eleusis. The Bf-109s will meet up with you en route to the target. Once you are over the British aerodrome, focus on pounding any parked aircraft on the ground, but try to limit any collateral damage to hangars, revertments, or other structures, because we will likely utilize the airfield for future operations. Once the assault is finished, clear the area whilst under cover of the Bf-109s and return to Larissa!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Salamis swarming with Stukas
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! The Greeks & Brits have knelt before our mastery of the air, & are fleeing south toward the Peloponnese & Crete to buy time for their evacuation. We'll take full advantage of the opportunity, & focus on destroying all of their remaining harbour facilities as well as the bulk of the Greek surface fleet which is trying to protect the evacuation of forces from the mainland. Let's put the last nail in the coffin! Hals und Beinbruch!
"objective_string"=On 21 April, whilst German fighters concentrated primarily on attacking airfields, Ju-87 Stukas had a field day against Greek shipping that lacked air cover, both in the Aegean Sea and in ports such as Piraeus and Salamis. It was at Salamis that Stukas inflicted the heaviest damage; & it was on this day that the Pre-Dreadnought Greek battleships Kilkis and Lemnos were sunk and beached, respectively, after they were decimated by successive waves of Stuka dive-bombers.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, rendezvous with the other Stukas & maintain a southeasterly course to reach the military port facilities at Salamis. This is just across the channel from Piraeus aerodrome, so the anti-aircraft fire will be very intense. At Salamis, there's a floating drydock the Greeks are using to repair shipping. If this can be destroyed, it could severely damage their ability to maintain a viable fleet. Their battleships Kilkis and Lemnos are also based here; destroying these would also severely impact the ability of the Greek Navy to guard the evacuation forces fleeing to Crete. Make sure that you place your bombs on target!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Final assault on Piraeus harbor
"summary_string"=Guten Morgen, meine Herren! We will continue the work our 'jabos' began yesterday by attacking the harbour at Piraeus, ensuring that we put any major facilities left completely out of action. If Piraeus can no longer be used, this will have a tremendous impact on the ability of Greek forces to evacuate troops & equipment in large numbers. Make sure to get hits on your target, we want to shift our focus to pushing the Greeks off the mainland!
"objective_string"=Over a two-day period, the Luftwaffe sank a total of twenty-three Allied ships, with many being sunk within the shattered remnants of Piraeus harbour. On 22 April, the Luftwaffe sustained the pressure by sinking two Greek destroyers; the Ydra and the Psara. (There's some confusing information on the specific day this occurred, but it was within these few days) By this point, the port at Piraeus was so baly damaged, it was virtually unusable.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the other Stukas & head back to Piraeus harbour, where our fighters yesterday inflicted considerable damage on the docks and shipping. Your Stukas will follow suit, & dive down to knock out any major facilities left standing. We must ensure that Piraeus cannot be used by the Greeks to evacuate any additional troops or equipment. Be careful; anti-aircraft fire over the area can still be intense. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa
Rami. these are amazing outlines. Many Thanks. working in MAW right now getting some of these set up.
And there is much rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Rami. these are amazing outlines. Many Thanks. working in MAW right now getting some of these set up.
And there is much rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause:


Aw, shucks. :redface:

Here are a couple more...I basically have the British and German campaigns to the same point now...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The British have been found!
"summary_string"=Aufpassen Männer! Our reece aircraft have found the aerodrome where the British have been hiding following their withdrawal from the airfields near Athens. With our northern frontline fully secured, your Dorniers will advance down to the airfield at Sedes, near Thesaloniki. On your way there, you'll attack the airfield at Argos, southwest of Athens, where the enemy fighters are now stationed. Once you finish this raid, head toward your new home. Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=On 23 April 1941, the Germans had discovered the location of where RAF fighters were hiding after they fled Eleusis. That morning, they sent out two waves of bombers; twenty to twenty-five Do-17Zs struck Argos from altitude, while an equal number of Ju-88s dive-bombed the field. This Luftwaffe formation was escorted by Bf-109 fighters from II & III/JG 77. This attack happened to coincide with a RAF delivery of five Hurricanes from Crete which were to reinforce the remaining Hurricanes that evacuated Eleusis. By later that evening, all but five were destroyed.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, you will meet up with the other bombers from Plovdiv & head to Argos aerodrome. This airfield is located to the south and west of Athens and the Corinth Canal, on the Peleponnese. Given that British Hurricanes are stationed there, you should be prepared for enemy fighters, along with intense anti-aircraft fire. Once your bombing run is completed, you'll redeploy to the aerodrome at Sedes, near Thessaloniki, now that the front is secure in the area.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17z-2
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Argos aerodrome is finished off
"summary_string"=Meine Herren, zuhören! Our bombers set out this morning to hit the airfield at Argos, where British Hurricanes are now based after they fled Eleusis. They inflicted considerable damage, and it will be our job to sweep in over the base, using our bombs & ammunition to destroy all remaining supplies and parked aircraft. If we can finish off the British fighters that are left, they will have no choice but to flee the mainland entirely! Hals und Beinbruch!
"objective_string"=At sunset on 23 April, some forty Zerstörers from I/ ZG 26 swooped down on Argos and strafed the field for more than one hour. The five Hurricanes which were airborne on two separate patrols were the only planes that were spared during this raid. Ten of these remaining twelve Hurricane fighters were badly damaged & unsalvageable, along with a slew of transport aircraft. The following morning, it was decided to depart Argos with the remaining seven Hurricanes and head to Malemes, on Crete. By this point, the Germans had assured themselves air superiority over the Greek mainland.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, hold a southerly course to reach Argos airfield, which lies about eighty-five kilometers southwest of Athens on the Peleponnese section of the mainland. With the setting sun, the RAF should have all their fighters on the ground, so as you sweep over the base, target any exposed aircraft or supplies. By denying the British use of this airbase, we can push the British further south or off the mainland altogether!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

Househobbit and others,

Here are several more...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Halting the Megara evacuation
"summary_string"=Männer, aufgepasst! Allied forces are evacuating the mainland, & are heading toward Crete. We are sending out waves of fighters and bombers to raid the enemy troopships, and your force of fourteen Ju-87 Stukas will be tasked with scoring hits on the troopships. As you make your attack, watch out for British fighters covering the troopships. Dive down, score hits, and then get back to Larissa in one piece!
"objective_string"=On 26 April 1941, several Allied convoys carrying soldiers and evacuees were heading to Souda Bay from the Megara beaches near Athens. Along their journey to Souda Bay, the troopships were hassled by several waves of German air attacks, including fourteen Ju-87 Stuka dive-bombers, three Dornier Do-17Zs, and six Ju-88s later that afternoon. RAF fighter protection was initially given by Blenheim fighters, and as the troopships neared Crete, Sea Gladiators, Fairey Fulmars, & Hawker Hurricanes offered more effective fighter cover. The mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=The evacuating Allied troopships are approaching the island of Milos. After getting airborne, hold a southeasterly course to intercept these troopships as they are about to pass Milos. Other flights will be making their attacks, so stay alert to avoid any potential collisions. In addition, there will likely be British fighter cover from Crete in the area, so make sure to watch your six, especially as you set up your dive. Once you complete your attack, clear the combat area & make your way back to Larissa.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Krushing the Kalamata evacuation
"summary_string"=Achtung, kamerad! According to the latest reports, several evacuation attempts were made last night, implying that there are ships British vessels at sea that are now en route back to Crete. By departing before dawn, we should be able to sweep over the Mediterranean at sunrise, find these enemy ships, & sink them. This will deny these Allied forces an opportunity to continue regrouping on Crete! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=By 27 April, 1941, chaotic Allied evacuations from the Peloponnese were in full swing, and along the way to Crete, the Germans took every opportunity to assault these ships with Ju-87 Stukas, Ju-88s, and Do-17s. The British sent out Blenheim fighters to try and protect their evacuating troopships, but the Germans scored major successes against them, sinking many troopships, a handful of destroyers, & at least one cruiser. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events on 27 April.
"intelligence_string"=Reports have fighting presently occurring between our troops and the British rearguard units around Kalamata, on the south coastline. Several cruisers along with destroyer escorts seem to be involved. After you leave Bulgaria and approach the Allied troop vessels, you will be joined by Ju-87 Stukas, Do-17s, Bf-109s, and Bf-110s. The escort fighters should provide sufficient protection. Your task is to score hits on these Allied troopships, and then return to Plovdiv in one piece.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Souda Bay inside the crosshairs
"summary_string"=Besatzungen der Luftflotte, aufgepasst! We'll now shift our focus away from Greece toward Crete, & the British Naval facilities at Souda Bay are your target. Destroying the enemy's shipping as well as anti-aircraft facilities are the first priorities. To minimize our exposure, we will assault Souda Bay from the northeast and then quickly head back out to sea. Let's show the Allies they will be no safer on Crete than they were on the mainland! Hals und Beinbruch!
"objective_string"=The British Royal Naval base at Souda Bay played a critical role in the strategic map of the Eastern and Central Mediterranean. It did so by allowing friendly vessels within the Eastern Mediterranean Fleet (based at Alexandria) to refuel there and so to operate near Malta and threaten the approaches to Benghazi and Tripoli.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Plovdiv aerodrome, you'll maintain a southerly course to reach the island of Crete. As you near Crete, exercise caution. Presently, there are two British aerodromes on Crete in the vicinity of Souda Bay: Malemes and Retimo. We know from our Italian brethren that British Navy fighters are stationed on Crete, and Hawker Hurricanes which fled Greece are likely also stationed there. Make sure to remain alert for potential intercepts, but focus on hitting the docks, anti-aircraft guns, and warehouses. Once finished, get back to Plovdiv in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Put Souda Bay out of business
"summary_string"=Männer, aufgepasst! With Greece now conquered, we are building up our forces for the invasion of Crete. In order to secure an invasion, we need to prevent the Allies from resupplying the island and making our task harder. Souda Bay is the nexus of this resupply effort. Your bombers are being sent out to inflict as much damage to this Navy base as you can. Make your bombs count, & then get back to Bulgaria intact!
"objective_string"=On 3 & 4 May 1941, some forty Luftwaffe Ju-88s from I/LG I and I/KG 51 struck Souda Bay. They inflicted considerable damage, damaging and later sinking a supply vessel. These two attacks did not go unopposed; on both days, four Hurricanes were sent to intercept, as well as a Fulmar one day and a Sea Gladiator the next. During their first strike, two Ju-88s were lost, one piloted by Fw. Fanderl and the other by Lt. Rudolf Ortner. The next day, at least three Ju-88s were damaged, but only one bomber was lost when it crash-landed at Plovdiv.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly an identical course to the one you took on 29 April, except this time you will approach Souda Bay from the northwest. Over the target area, maintain a height of 4,000 meters to avoid much of the heavy flak that'll be thrown up by enemy vessels. You may dive down to strafe, but try this at your own peril. After releasing on Souda Bay, clear the area and return to Plovdiv in one piece. We're hoping that we'll be transferred further south very soon...Crete is a long haul from Plovdiv!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-4 (Italian)
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Plovdiv

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Supporting the landings at Corinth
"summary_string"=Achtung, kamerad! We're to depart immediately on a second sortie, this time supporting the airborne landings to take the strategic isthmus and canal at Corinth. We are to fly to the Gulf of Corinth, and then proceed east to rendezvous with the airborne group just west of Corinth itself. Our mission is to suppress any anti-aircraft resistance which could arise, to help the troops get to the ground safely.
"objective_string"=The surrender of Greece on May 24th, 1941 made it clear that the Commonwealth troops would have to be evacuated or lost. This made a rapid German occupation of the Peloponnese crucial, in order to intercede in the evacuation attempt. The airborne landings to capture the Corinth Canal on the 26th of May provided the key to Wehrmacht access of the Peloponnese.
"intelligence_string"=We expect to achieve total surprise with this raid, so you should not expect considerable resistance. However, if any happens to arise while the Ju-52s are over the drop zone, do what you need to so as to ensure the safety of our troops!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

"title_string"=Operation Marita - A disastrous place to take a rest
"summary_string"=Meine Herren, zuhören! Our Panzers are ready to victoriously enter Athens, and we will support this effort by scouring the Greek countryside, looking for retreating Allied troops between Athens & the eastern shore of Attica. If you find enemy forces in retreat, use your bombs & ammunition to inflict maximum damage! Viel Erfolg!
"objective_string"=During the morning of 27 April, the same date that Athens fell to German forces, elements of several ANZAC brigades just immobilized their transports before heading for the beaches near Port Raphtis, and were breakfasting in the nearby olive groves when approximately twenty Bf-110s from I/ ZG 26 swept in, followed closely by Ju-87 Stukas. These assaults continued throughout this day, inflicting terrible damage on the nearly defenseless troops.
"intelligence_string"=A Henschel Hs-126 just radioed that enemy forces have halted to rest near the town of Markopoulon, along their way to Port Raphtis. After getting into the air, head southeast toward the enemy position, sweeping in low to surprise the enemy troops and inflict heavy casualties. Stukas will join you, and will sweep in right after your Zerstörers execute the initial assault.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa
Thank you Master Rami, these are really nice outlines..
I am sure Led, and Talon will be interested in this.
They are truly the Historical Masters ..
Hobbits tend to be more hysterical in missions..
I have started a couple of these in MAW..

Using Nigel's German Bf 109's in them..

Will use Capt.Winter's uploaded Bf 109's also..
Great aircraft by the Masters indeed!

Good evening,

The work continues...here are some fighter missions. We're getting close to the end...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Suppressing Heraklion aerodrome
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! With fighters now stationed on the Peloponnese, we can now bring our bombers to Crete, and ensure that they return safely. Your task will be to bring a small formation of Dorniers to Heraklion airfield, where they'll put the Cretan airfield out of action. Stick close to the bombers, but make sure to engage enemy fighters if they go after the Dorniers!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of two separate strikes that took place on 11 and 13 May, 1941. On 11 May, five Zerstörers of II/ ZG 76 strafed the airfield at Heraklion, with only a single Gladiator biplane able to take off. This was followed on 13 May by an attack on Heraklion by "a number of Bf-110s," although thorough analysis showed these aircraft were likely Do-17s, as Lt. Katers of I/KG 2 failed to return to Menedi, while three others suffered damage from AA fire. Five Gladiators were able to confront their second attack. For this mission, the Bf-110s have been split into two groups, with one escorting the Dorniers while the other bombs and strafes the enemy airfield.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you will meet up with the other Bf-110s and the Dorniers before leaving the Peloponnese. As you approach Heraklion airfield, watch out for anti-aircraft fire & enemy fighters. Remember not to take biplanes lightly; they're far more maneuverable than you, so use your speed to initiate & break contact. Your main responsibility is to ensure the safety of the Dorniers, make sure they get back to Menedi in one piece! Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Messerschmitts on the Peloponnese
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! Our Bf-109s have arrived on the Peloponnese, & we'll demonstrate our strength by surprising the British field at Malemes shortly after dawn. You'll strafe this aerodrome & engage any fighters that get airborne, while these Ju-88s will strike the airfield and Souda Bay from higher altitude. Make sure to focus on hitting supplies & aircraft only, we want to try and avoid hitting the buildings so that we can use this airfield once our forces land on Crete!
"objective_string"=14 May, 1941 saw an escalation in the intensity of air raids by the Germans against Cretan airfields. On this date there were two early morning strikes, one by "a number of Ju-88s" that raided Malemes & Souda Bay at first light; this was followed up at 0600 hours by sixty Bf-109s of II and III/JG 77 that swept over the airfield at low level, strafing everything in sight. Three Hurricanes managed to get airborne, but two of their three fighters were shot down. For the Germans, Gefr. Hans Gabler of 6/JG 77 was lost, as well as Uffz. Willi Hagel of 4 Staffel. This mission is an amalgam of these two events.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will rendezvous with the other fighters and head southeast quickly toward Crete. Bombers from Eleusis will strike both Malemes and Souda Bay, but you'll sweep in just ahead of them and soften things up by engaging any fighters and knocking out their supply stores and anti-aircraft positions. You've been given a bomb which you may use at your discretion to inflict maximum damage. Get in, score hits, & return to Molaoi in one piece! Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Molaoi

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Grinding the Brits into the ground
"summary_string"=Männer, aufgepasst! We are going to follow up the fighter attack on Malemes aerodrome this morning by returning to Heraklion this afternoon to bomb and strafe any remaining fighters there. Once we eliminate all their available fighters and bombers, the final occupation of Crete can being in earnest!
"objective_string"=The Axis strategic situation in Mid-May, 1941 saw the Royal Navy still controlling the Med, so it was decided to capture the isle of Crete via airborne assault. This made the establishment of Luftwaffe air superiority a crucial component. Repeat strikes on Cretan aerodromes during these following days until 19 May, 1941 destroyed all the Cretan-based fighters & eventually drove the Brits to withdraw the remaining forward-deployed fighters back to North Africa.
"intelligence_string"=Approaching Crete, the British should only be able to muster a few fighters to oppose your attack, as sustained pressure to force them to defend these bases has downed several Gladiators, Hurricanes, Fulmars, & Buffaloes. Make sure to watch out for Gladiators; their superior maneuverability can get the better of you if you fail to utilize your speed advantage to initiate & break contact. Make sure to focus on destroying the enemy aircraft & fuel supplies, not the buildings. We will need this base in the near future!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis (C)

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The invasion of Crete now begins!
"summary_string"=Achtung! The airborne troops go into Crete today, and our job is to prepare the way for them. We're to hit any ground targets around the Malemes area including attacking the airfield itself, in order to suppress all enemy troops & anti-aircraft weapons before the paratroops make their drop. Let's make sure that the way is clear!
"objective_string"=The success of the airborne troop landings on the 20th of May were a very close-run thing. Although landings were made at all three aerodromes on the island, the main battle centered on the airfield at Malemes. A determined battalion of the 5th New Zealand brigade bore the brunt of the enemy push to take Malemes. By the third day the airfield was secure, allowing reinforcements to flow in. Losses to airborne troops and to the Ju-52s were severe, however, with the overall result that this kind of large-scale airborne landing was never attempted again by German forces during the war.
"intelligence_string"=Our bombers just attacked Malemes from altitude, and we are sweeping in just after their assault to mop-up enemy resistance. Stukas are following you to ensure that all of the British gun positions are neutralized. Make sure to strike your targets over Malemes; failure to do so may place our landings in jeopardy. The Tante Jus should be approaching Crete right after you hit Malemes & begin to clear the area. Once finished, continue back to Molaoi.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109e
"airfield_string"=Greece - Molaoi

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Supporting the capture of Retimo
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! With the airbase at Malemes still not secure in our hands, we will focus now on securing a second landing field at Retimo. As part of a combined strike force, your task at Retimo is to destroy enemy gun positions and resistance at the airfield, securing its use for our forces. Once we capture the British aerodromes on Crete, our conquest of the island can be made in short order!
"objective_string"=As part of its effort to support the invasion on 20 May 1941, the Luftwaffe focused in the afternoon on the RAF airfield at Retimo. Shortly after 1600 hours, several staffin of Zerstörers swooped in to strafe, while Do-17s performed similar duties and Ju-87s dived to strike specific targets. Australian gunners nearby threw up an intense barrage which shot down two Dorniers of I/ KG 2 in flames, one flown by Oblt. Schmidt; the other was piloted by Lt. von Dürkheim, while heavily damaging a third. Two other Dornier Do-17s of III/KG 2 were also damaged. Meanwhile, raids continued on Malemes and Souda Bay by waves of fighters and bombers.
"intelligence_string"=Our assaults this morning on Malemes have helped our forces get close to securing that airfield, so we are part of a combined assault this afternoon against Retimo. Do-17s will attack the airfield at low level, bombing & strafing before your arrival. You will then focus on striking any aircraft, fuel supplies, and ammo crates you see. Just after your raid, Stukas will dive down to finish off specific targets. Anti-aircraft fire over this area is likely to be heavy, so be sure to keep your speed up and do not loiter long over areas of heavy fire. When finished, clear the area & return to Argos in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Revenge upon the Royal Navy!
"summary_string"=Kamerad, aufgepasst! Intelligence reports severe friendly shipping losses among all of the seaborne reinforcements that tried to quickly cross over to Crete last night. The British naval units that were responsible are reportedly still within our striking range. Your Dorniers are being sent out with other level bombers, dive-bombers, & Zerstorers to lay waste to these enemy ships!
"objective_string"=The Royal Navy was very successful in keeping all reinforcements from reaching Crete by sea during the battle. Two interceptions alone on the night of 21 and 22 May saw several thousand men drown as two convoys of tiny Greek caiques, escorted by a few destroyers, were cut up by RN units. A high price in naval vessels was paid for their success, extracted by constant air raids from shore-based Luftwaffe aircraft. Attacks on the British fleets were made by Ju-88s of I and II/LG I, Do-17s of KG 2, Ju-87s of StG 2, and Bf-110s from I/ZG 26 during this day. For the British, the cruisers Fiji & Gloucester were lost, along with the destroyer Greyhound.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will form up with the Stukas and other Zerstorers, and head southeast toward the British fleets. Reports indicate one battleship and two cruisers are in the westbound formation, so striking these vessels will be your top priority. Your Messerschmitt has been equipped with heavy armour-piercing bombs for this special task. Make sure you make them count, but if you miss, utilize your nose-mounted ammo to make strafing attacks before returning to Argos!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

Good evening,

The work continues...here are some bomber missions. We're getting close to the end...

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Returning to the stomping grounds
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! We'll continue to pressure the enemy aerodromes on Crete this afternoon by sending out your Do-17s to Malemes, the main base near the west end of the island. This airfield has been heavily strafed by our fighters, and you will use your bombs to strike fuel stores, ammo crates, & any parked aircraft that are left. It's important that you try to avoid striking major buildings, we want to be able to capture and use this airfield as quickly as possible! Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"objective_string"=On 15 May, Malemes was subject to aerial assaults by three separate attacks. Aside from Bf-109s, an attack by Dornier Do-17s of III/KG 2 occurred at midday, targeting the airfield and Souda Bay. The four Hurricanes transferred in from Egypt during the morning were scrambled, but they all failed to reach these Dorniers. Messerschmitts based on the Peloponnese also mounted a large strafing raid in the morning, followed by a smaller-scale attack of twelve Bf-109s around sunset. This missions is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the other Dorniers & head out toward the western end of Crete. The other bomber flight will turn toward Souda Bay, while you will attack Malemes. Bf-109s will fly in at low level just ahead of you to strafe and engage any fighters which try to get airborne. Once you complete the bombing run, clear the area and get back to Eleusis in one piece! Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17z-2
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis (C)

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Stukas lay waste to enemy ships
"summary_string"=Guten Tag, kamarad! Our Messerschmitts have now spent several days strafing & bombing the British airfields, so we're being sent out to hit the naval facilities at Souda Bay, where supplies are being taken in to fortify the island's defenses. With our invasion now only days away, we must prevent the Allies from gaining any more tools they can use to fortify the island. Make sure to score hits, & then return home!
"objective_string"=Throughout the day of 16 May, aerodromes on the island of Crete endured near-constant harassment from Luftwaffe fighters and bombers. Late in the afternoon, Ju-87 Stukas from I/StG 2 made their assaults on Malemes airfield and Souda Bay. They were escorted by Bf-110s from II/ZG 26. Bf-109s were in near-constant action throughout this day, strafing the airfield at Malemes. Several fighters were scrambled to intercept them; two Hurricanes were lost in Crete's defense, while a third was badly damaged. For the Luftwaffe, Ofw. Herbert Perrey's Bf-109 was lost, along with Harald Mann, who bailed out safely over Crete. This mission is an amalgam of events on 16 May. The Stukas would repeat this action on 18 May.
"intelligence_string"=Enemy defenses on Crete are considerably weaker thanks to our continuing efforts against the major airfields & the naval base. Once you form up after leaving Molaoi, you will head toward Crete, where the formation will split. Your flight will hit Souda Bay, while the other will attack Malemes. Bf-109s will sweep in just ahead of you at very low level, strafing targets and engaging any enemy fighters that try to get up. Get in, strike your targets, and then return to Greece in one piece!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Molaoi

"title_string"=Operation Marita - The invasion of Crete now begins!
"summary_string"=Achtung! The airborne troops go into Crete today, and our job is to prepare the way for them. We're to hit any ground targets around the Malemes area including attacking the airfield itself, in order to suppress all enemy troops & anti-aircraft weapons before the paratroops make their drop. Let's make sure that the way is clear!
"objective_string"=The success of the airborne troop landings on the 20th of May were a very close-run thing. Although landings were made at all three aerodromes on the island, the main battle centered on the airfield at Malemes. A determined battalion of the 5th New Zealand brigade bore the brunt of the enemy push to take Malemes. By the third day the airfield was secure, allowing reinforcements to flow in. Losses to airborne troops and to the Ju-52s were severe, however, with the overall result that this kind of large-scale airborne landing was never attempted again by German forces during the war.
"intelligence_string"=Your formation will maintain an altitude of 4,000 meters over Crete to remain out of range of enemy flak. (In reality, it is likely that the attack would have been flown at a lower altitude) We know that previous strikes have destroyed enemy fighters, so you should not encounter any unless the Brits have sent over fighters from Afrika. The Ju-52s should be approaching Crete right after you hit Malemes & begin to clear the area. Once finished, continue back to Greece.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis (C)

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Supporting our paratroops on Crete
"summary_string"=Kamerad, aufgepasst! We possess reports of Royal Navy units operating west and northwest of Crete. With the invasion of the island forcing the British to come within range of the Luftwaffe, this is our chance to inflict serious losses on the Royal Navy! Climb into your Stukas, head out to the fleet, and punish them for their audacity to prevent us from receiving reinforcements!
"objective_string"=The Royal Navy's task during this invasion was to thwart any German attempts to reinforce Crete by sea. To facilitate this goal, a strong British force involving the battleships Valiant and Warspite was stationed just west of Crete in order to intercept any intervention from the Regia Marina. A smaller force, including the cruisers Orion and Dido, was located northwest of Crete searching for German reinforcements. Both groups suffered aerial raids throughout 21 May, 1941 by Ju-88s of I/LG I, and Ju-87s of Stab, I, and II/StG 2.
"intelligence_string"=In the area of Kytheria Strait, our reconnaissance reports indicate that there are at least two major fleet units within this immediate area. Your job is to try & support our airborne landings on Crete by attacking and destroying as much of their shipping as you possibly can, just make sure to get back to Molaoi safely because there are other fleets we'll have to deal with!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Molaoi

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Revenge upon the Royal Navy!
"summary_string"=Piloten der Luftflotte! Intelligence reports severe friendly shipping losses among all of the seaborne reinforcements that tried to quickly cross over to Crete last night. The British naval units that were responsible are reportedly still within our striking range. Your Dorniers are being sent out with other level bombers, dive-bombers, & Zerstorers to lay waste to these enemy ships!
"objective_string"=The Royal Navy was very successful in keeping all reinforcements from reaching Crete by sea during the battle. Two interceptions alone on the night of the 21 & 22 May saw several thousand men drown as two convoys of tiny Greek caiques, escorted by a few destroyers, were cut up by RN units. A high price in naval vessels was paid for their success, extracted by constant air raids from shore-based Luftwaffe aircraft. Attacks on the British fleets were made by Ju-88s of I and II/LG I, Do-17s of KG 2, Ju-87s of StG 2, and Bf-110s from I/ZG 26 during this day. For the British, the cruisers Fiji & Gloucester were lost, along with the destroyer Greyhound.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll form up with the Junkers & other Do-17s, then head south-southeast toward the British fleets. Reports indicate three cruisers are in the eastbound formation, so attacking these ships will be the highest priority. Your Do-17 has been armed with heavy armour-piercing bombs for this special purpose. Make sure that you make 'em count, because we don't want to leave their ships in a position to block more reinforcements!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dornier Do-17z-2
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis (C)

"title_string"=Operation Marita - Laying waste to Lord Mountbatten!
"summary_string"=Kameraden, zuhören! The Royal Navy has taken to withdrawing most of their vessels from the waters north of Crete during daylight, but they return to these waters under the cover of darkness. We are heading out shortly after sunrise to see if we can catch the British as they retire, before they reach the safety of cover from cruisers and battleships!
"objective_string"=This mission depicts the sinkings of the HMS Kelly & HMS Kashmir, along with the narrow escape of the HMS Kipling. The Fifth Destroyer Flotilla was caught when retiring at speed around the western tip of Crete during the morning on 23 May 1941 by two dozen Stukas of I/StG 2. Many crew members of these sunken British destroyers, including Lord Louis Mountbatten were picked up by HMS Kipling and made it back to Alexandria.
"intelligence_string"=Our reece aircraft spotted the Royal Navy vessels retreating swiftly through Antikythria strait after shelling Canea. We will try to catch them near the western tip of Crete. After leaving Argos, form up & head toward this location. Before attacking the enemy ships, however, make sure that there are no cruisers or battleships lurking, their anti-aircraft fire can be quite deadly! When finished, return to Argos. Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Greece - Argos

Good evening,

Here is the final batch of the night...

[FONT=&quot]"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Taking a backseat to no one![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"summary_string"=Ascoltatemi camerati! We're sick of these German successes in the Balkans, and we will not stand by quietly & let them hog the glory! This morning, you will lead a flight of five Cr-42s from Rhodes over to Souda Bay, baiting British fighters into combat. When this succeeds, you will blast them out of the skies, & show that we are worthy of a larger role![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"objective_string"=On the morning of 30 April 1941, with the Germans completing their conquests on the Greek mainland, the Italians sent five Cr-42 fighters from Rhodes out over Souda Bay in a show of force. They were quickly intercepted by FAA Fairey Fulmars, based at Malemes aerodrome. The Italian airmen rapidly broke off the engagement and returned to Rhodes without losses. Later in the afternoon, six German Ju-88s also appeared low over Souda Bay, & were chased away by the British pilots. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"intelligence_string"=After departing Rhodes, you'll follow the familiar route west-southwest towards Souda Bay. You are not carrying bombs; your task is to bait, and then engage British fighters. If you cannot find enemy fighters after several minutes, break off and then return to Rhodes. Make sure to watch out for flak over Souda Bay, & get back to Calato in one piece![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - Lending a helping hand[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"summary_string"=Buona giornata, signori miei! Our brothers-in-arms are sending their bombers & fighters over Cretan bases to suppress any resistance before dropping paratroops. We'll further their efforts by sending our fighters over Heraklion to assist their assault. It isn't believed that there are any flyable enemy aircraft left on Crete, so just make sure to watch out for intense anti-aircraft fire. When finished, you may return to Calato![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"objective_string"=On 20 May, 1941, while Retimo airfield was under attack by several German air units, several others were punishing Heraklion with the same treatment. They were joined over Heraklion by several Cr-42 Falcos from Calato, based on Rhodes. They joined the German Bf-109s and Bf-110s that bombed and strafed the airfield before the Ju-87 Stukas dove to knock out specific targets. Also involved in the attack were Heinkels of II/KG 26, and bombing at low level two He-111s were shot down, the crew of Oblt. von Stetten's aircraft being captured. Two Bf-110s were also lost in the attack, but some two hours later, German paratroops were flown in and suffered brutal losses from determined ANZAC & Commonwealth resistance. 21 May saw Malemes in German hands but not Retimo or Heraklion, despite a heavy morning attack on the latter.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne & clearing Rhodes, you will head west-southwest toward Heraklion. Luftwaffe aircraft are likely to be in the area, and you will join up with any German fighters hitting Heraklion to maximize effectiveness. German level bombers and Stukas will also be striking Heraklion around the same time, so be on alert for friendly aircraft & don't fire without identifying an aircraft first. Use your bombs to destroy fuel supplies and ammo crates, and then utilize your machine guns to make strafing passes. When finished, return to Rhodes. In boca al Lupo![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"airfield_string"=Rhodes - Calato[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"title_string"=Dodecanese campaign - The HMS Juno is split in two![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"summary_string"=Männer, aufgepasst! The British are utilizing their naval fleet to try and prevent us from reinforcing our forces by sea! A reconnaissance aircraft has spotted a British force of cruisers and destroyers southeast of Crete, moving north toward the Kasos Strait. We must make them pay for their successes in sinking some of our supply vessels, so make sure to place your bombs on target! Passen Sie auf sich auf![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"objective_string"=On 21 May 1941, both Italian and German air units based in the eastern Aegean attacked 'Force C' of the Royal Navy, consisting of three cruisers, along with four destroyers. At 1300 hours, under attack by Stukas of III/StG II and Cant Z 1007 torpedo bombers from Rhodes, the British destroyer Juno was struck by three bombs, all of which exploded deep inside the ship, splitting her in two. She sank within two minutes, losing 128 of her crew in the process. Both Italian & German aircrews believed that additional British ships had been hit & badly damaged, but HMS Juno was the only ship actually hit. It is unknown if any of the attacking German or Italian aircraft were lost during these raids.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"intelligence_string"=After leaving Scarpanto, you will fly southwest to Force C's most recent recorded position, roughly thirty miles southeast of Crete. Once you find the British ships, you will focus on sinking the British cruisers. Anti-aircraft fire is expected to be very heavy, so make sure to attack from the bow or the stern of the formation, to minimize your exposure to concentrated enemy fire. Once finished, return to Scarpanto in one piece![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'[/FONT]


I sent you a copy of my master document after I finished the previous campaigns, but I'm back on the horse again, doing some RAF / FAA missions for Crete...

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (FAA) - Supporting Operation Mandible
"summary_string"=To your Fulmars, airmen! Our Radar has picked up Luftwaffe bombers coming in from the northeast. Two of our merchant ships, the Clan Macauley and Breconshire, are now just minutes away from our rendezvous point. Make sure that the Germans do not strike the merchants just before we can offer them protection! Once these merchants make their rendezvous, you may head back to the HMS Eagle. Good luck!
"objective_string"=Operation Mandible was an attempt by the British to land troops on the Dodecanese islands in order to prevent Axis air forces from using Rhodes as a base of operations. The landing operation started on 25 February, but before then, the British were sending fast merchants across the Med to build up their forces for the landing.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off from HMS Eagle, you'll swing out to the northeast to look for any German or Italian bombers coming in from Scarpanto or Rhodes. We confirmed that the Germans have He-111s based at Scarpanto from our reconnaissance flights. If you find these attacking aircraft, engage them and try to prevent them from reaching the fleet. Above all else, you must prevent them from hitting our ships! Once you're finished, you'll land back aboard the HMS Eagle.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fairey Fulmar Mk. II
"airfield_string"="HMS Eagle"

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Protecting the convoy ANF-24
"summary_string"=To your Fulmars, gentlemen! The convoy ANF-24 is heading toward Piraeus, & will be passing through Antikythrea Strait. While these vessels make their closest pass to Crete, you'll fly a cover patrol out over the convoy, looking for any German or Italian bombers looking to attack the convoy as the skies darken. Make sure that the convoy can get into the Aegean safely!
"objective_string"=On 3 April 1941, British convoy ANF-24 was in the process of moving through the Kythera Strait when nine Ju-88s from Sicily attacked the convoy. Two merchants were sunk; the Northern Prince and the Cyprian Prince. The former merchant was carrying several thousand tons of explosives, which ignited after the fires started by the bombing couldn't be contained. (The mission you will fly varies slightly from the historical record by providing you with a wingman as you cover the convoy)
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, head northwest toward the Antikythrea Strait, where convoy ANF-24 should be passing through as you arrive to provide cover. Any German bombers attacking will approach from Sicily out of the setting sun; this might make them harder to see. The bombers will likely come in low to increase their accuracy, so translate the height advantage into speed as you attack, especially if you encounter Ju-88s. Once you're out or ammo or these bombers flee, return to Malemes aerodrome. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fairey Fulmar Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Cover the Megara troopships
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Germans are now nearing the gates of Athens, so both Greek civilians & military personnel are being evacuated on about every ship available from Megara before it is too late. You'll help provide cover for the troopships on their way to Souda Bay, protecting them from attacks by the Luftwaffe. Good luck to you!
"objective_string"=On 26 April 1941, three Bristol Blenheim fighters of RAF 30 Squadron helped provide fighter cover for Allied convoys heading to Souda Bay from the Megara beaches near Athens. Along the journey to Souda Bay, the troopships were hassled by several waves of German air attacks, including a total of fourteen Ju-87 Stukas, three Dornier Do-17s, and six Ju-88s later in the afternoon. As these vessels neared Crete, Sea Gladiators, Fulmars, & Hawker Hurricanes offered more effective fighter cover. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest toward the island of Milos, where you should spot the fleeing troopships heading south. With your Blenheim, you should be able to engage Dorniers and Stukas, but Ju-88s and enemy fighters may be able to out-run you. If you do engage enemy fighters, fly over the cruisers & destroyers to scare off your attackers. Bring down as many aircraft as you can, and then return to Crete to re-arm and patch up any holes!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Blenheim Mk. IVf
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Accounce our arrival on Crete
"summary_string"=Listen up, chaps! After receiving three Swordfish and three Fulmars within the several days, we will put them to use by announcing our arrival. Italian air units have been building their numbers at Midi Bay airfield on the island of Scarpanto, and you will sweep over the airfield at dawn to strafe the base! Swordfish will join you, & drop their bombs on the town & the harbor facilities. Once you are finished, return to Malemes for a hot breakfast!
"objective_string"=The overnight hours of 17/18 February saw three Swordfish from Malemes fly the initial offensive sortie from the isle of Crete as they attacked the Italian airfield at Midi Bay, based on the island of Scarpanto. This was followed by three Fulmars the morning of the 18th, who strafed the airfield. This is an amalgam of these two events. During the Fulmars' strafing run, one Italian Cr-42 Falco was destroyed; no damage was reported on any of the attacking Swordfish or Fulmars, they all returned safely to Malemes.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the Fairey Swordfish and head over to Scarpanto. You should be approaching the aerodrome about sunrise; this will allow you to attack from out of the sun. When you strafe the airfield, focus on destroying ammo crates, fuel drums, & any parked aircraft. Unless you get badly chewed by flak, keep strafing until your ammunition is exhausted, and then head back to Malemes. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fairey Fulmar Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Lt Brabner's Buffalo adventure
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! After receiving three Buffaloes, we have finally made one of them serviceable, and flying as Leftenant Brabner, you have volunteered to take her up and see how she handles in combat. Italian bombers and fighters have been spotted on Radar coming in from Rhodes, so take the Buffalo up & deliver a nasty suprise to the Italian airmen!
"objective_string"=19 March, 1941 saw the Italians return in force to the island of Crete for assaults on Souda Bay that would continue on for two days. The first day saw ten Sm-79s attack shipping in Souda Bay, escorted by five Cr-42 Falcos. This time the British sent up fighters for defense, as three Fairey Fulmars and one Brewster Buffalo intercepted & attacked this approaching raid. However the Buffalo, piloted by Lt Brabner, developed major engine trouble & was forced to crash-land short of Malemes aerodrome. Three remaining Fulmars engaged. One Sm-79 was lost, two more were damaged, and a British Fulmar pilot collided with a fourth. The British pilot was killed, and the Sm-79 managed to crash-land. This ended up being the only operational sortie of the Buffalo from Crete.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, climb hard to Angels twelve and head over Souda Bay toward the harbor entrance. Italian bomber & fighter aircraft attacking from Rhodes tend to approach from the east-northeast, so we hope to intercept them & break up this raid before they can reach the warehouses and docks. The Buffalo is faster and more maneuverable than the Fulmar, & our mechanics think they've worked out all the gremlins in this Wright Cyclone engine. Once you engage these Italians, focus on downing the bombers, and utilize your speed advantage to engage the Cr-42 Falco on your terms. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Brewster Buffalo 439
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Return of the Regia Aeronautica
"summary_string"=Attention, chaps! After yesterday's raid, it seems that the Regia Aeronautica is quite determined to establish a strong air presence over Crete. Italian bombers have once again been sighted approaching from Rhodes, and we will be ready to bloody their nose. Let's show the Italians the skies over Crete will not be taken without a fight!
"objective_string"=On 20 March 1941, Rhodes-based Italian bombers followed up their assault on 19 March by sending Sm-79s and Cant Z Alciones over Souda Bay. The Italians claimed success on this mission, damaging a destroyer and a merchant vessel. They also claim to have been intercepted by Fulmars, presumably from 805 Squadron. However, this claim cannot be verified by existing RAF or FAA records, nor can the Italian claim of having shot one of the Fulmars down.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Malemes, you will proceed east over Souda Bay to the harbor entrance & then scan the skies for any intruders as you come back down the bay toward the dockyards & the warehouses. You will maintain an altitude of Angels ten; this should make interception easier because Italian bombers prefer to hold an altitude between three thousand and four thousand meters during their raids. Once you spot the bombers, tear into them, and focus on taking down as many as you can, especially if this raid lacks escort fighters!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fairey Fulmar Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - A small measure of revenge
"summary_string"=Attnetion, chaps! The Italians have attacked Crete with several raids during these last few days, and we are so tired of being harrassed! Five Blenheims have been flown in from Athens, and you will take them and deliever some revenge on Calato airfield, showing the Italians that we will repsond to their raids with ones of our own!
"objective_string"=During the evening of 23 March 1941, five RAF 30 Squadron Blenheims were hastily flown down from the Athens area to raid the Axis-held airfields on Scarpanto & Rhodes. Led by Sqn Ldr Milward, this strike claimed to have damaged eight Heinkels for the loss of no Blenheims during the morning of 24 March. The Italians responded in kind with a raid of their own by Falcos later in the day.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, hold a east-northeasterly course toward the isle of Rhodes. Calato aerodrome is on the eastern end of the island, & we think that the Luftwaffe has been using Calato as a staging area for their He-111s. If you do find them, destroy as many aircraft as possible! Once you are finished, head back to Malemes aerodrome to get some rest before returning to Athens. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Blenheim Mk. IV-1

Good afternoon,

Here are some more...

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Souda Bay inside the crosshairs
"summary_string"=To your Hurricanes, pilots! Athens has now fallen, & the Germans are rapidly pushing through Greece. This afternoon, German bombers have been picked up, heading in from the north. This strike could be a large-scale raid by Ju-88s, flying from bases in Bulgaria. Inflicting heavy damage on the Junkers could cause them to crash into the sea on the way home! Take them on and give them a rude welcome, letting them know they won't have it so easy over Crete!
"objective_string"=The British Royal Naval base at Souda Bay played a criticial role in the strategic map of the Eastern and Central Mediterranean. It did so by allowing friendly vessels within the Eastern Mediterranean Fleet (based at Alexandria) to refuel there and so to operate near Malta and threaten the approaches to Benghazi and Tripoli.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, proceed directly toward Souda Bay and continue to the harbor entrance, climbing hard to Angels twelve on the way. Once you reach the harbour entrance, head north-northwest to try and catch these Ju-88s before they make landfall near Canea. These Germans will likely raid Souda Bay in a dive, so the Fulmars and Gladiators which scrambled to assist you will be able to keep pace. After you engage these Luftwaffe bombers, keep fighting unless you get badly shot up or run out of ammo. When finished, return to Malemes airfield. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Scare off the Regia Aeronautica
"summary_string"=To your fighters, chaps! Minor German and Italian raids have been occurring lately, & the frequency of these raids is increasing. Our Radar has picked up Italian planes approaching from the northeast, & the Germans have been sending over Dreifingers on a fairly frequent basis. We'll dispatch an early morning patrol over the harbor, and maybe we will scare any intruders off before they can attack!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 30 April 1941, with the Germans completing their conquests on the Greek mainland, the Italians sent five Cr-42 fighters from Rhodes out over Souda Bay in a show of force. They were quickly intercepted by FAA Fairey Fulmars, based at Malemes aerodrome. The Italian airmen rapidly broke off the engagement and returned to Rhodes without losses. Later in the afternoon, six German Ju-88s also appeared low over Souda Bay, & were chased away from Crete by the British pilots. This mission is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Malemes, you will proceed east over Souda Bay to the harbor entrance & then scan the skies for any intruders as you come back down the bay toward the dockyards & the warehouses. Any German bombers tend to approach from the north, while Italian planes will approach Crete from the northeast. If you encounter Cr-42s, do not try to turn with them, instead resort to "energy fighting" tactics to eliminate their maneuvering advantage. Both German & Italian bombers are best attacked from below. Once you're out of ammo or scare the enemy off, you may return to Malemes. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fairey Fulmar Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - We're outnumbered & outgunned
"summary_string"=Scramble! Luftwaffe aircraft are now sweeping in from the sea, and are about to overrun Heraklion! You must climb into your Gladiators, get airborne and engage these Germans, doing your very best to bloody their nose! Once you've exhausted all your ammunition or these Germans flee back to Greece, you may land back at Heraklion. Good luck!
"objective_string"=This mission is an amalgam of two separate strikes that took place on 11 and 13 May, 1941. On 11 May, five Zerstörers of II/ ZG 76 strafed the airfield at Heraklion, with only a single Gladiator biplane able to take off. This was followed on 13 May by an attack on Heraklion by "a number of Bf-110s," although thorough analysis showed these aircraft were likely Do-17s, as Lt. Katers of I/KG 2 failed to return to Menedi, while three others suffered damage from AA fire. Five Gladiators were able to confront the second raid, and although the pilots scored hits on several enemy aircraft, no German losses were recorded.
"intelligence_string"=Enemy planes are approaching Heraklion from the northwest, so after taking off, turn out to sea and climb to engage the Luftwaffe formation, which is making a low-level attack. With your rifle-caliber ammunition, focus on hitting the engines and other vulnerable parts of the aircraft to maximize your chance of bringing a German aircraft down. Also, use your superior maneuverability to lure German fighters into a turning fight where you'll have the advantage! When you are finished, landing safely at Heraklion will complete the mission. Go get 'em!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Sea Gladiator (Malta)
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Messerschmitts swarm over Crete
"summary_string"=Scramble! Wave upon wave of Messerschmitts have been spotted by our patrol boats, and are about to sweep over the aerodrome and strafe us to pieces! You must take off immediately in your Hurricanes to confront these "Emil" fighters, & see if you can throw off the timing of their attack! If they cause enough damage to Malemes, our ability to defend the island effectively will be badly compromised!
"objective_string"=14 May, 1941 saw an escalation in the intensity of air raids by the Germans against Cretan airfields. On this date there were two early morning strikes, one by "a number of Ju-88s" that raided Malemes & Souda Bay at first light; this was followed up at 0600 hours by sixty Bf-109s of II and III/JG 77 that swept over the airfield at low level, strafing everything in sight. Three Hurricanes managed to get airborne, but two of their three fighters were shot down. For the Germans, Gefr. Hans Gabler of 6/JG 77 was lost, as well as Uffz. Willi Hagel of 4 Staffel. This mission is an amalgam of these two events.
"intelligence_string"=The Germans are sending two separate waves over Crete. Fighters are closing on your airfield, while the Ju-88s head to Souda Bay. Your responsibility is to get airborne & confront the Germans before they reach Malemes. Do your best to engage these enemy fighters, and force them to break off their attack on the aerodrome! Once this occurs, try to lead the enemy fighters over anti-aircraft guns at the airfield or over Souda Bay if you can't shake them off your tail. Try and shoot down as many as you can, & once you're out of ammunition, landing safely will successfully finish this mission. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Crete - Malemes

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Grinding the Brits into the ground
"summary_string"=Scramble, airmen! Luftwaffe aircraft are bearing down on Heraklion once again, approaching at low level for either a bombing or strafing attack! You will use our two new Hawker Hurricanes to assist Gladiator pilots in engaging the Germans, and this time, we can tangle with them on more equal terms. Let's surprise the Germans and bloody their nose, showing them that these skies over Crete won't be conquered, just like we did over Britain this past summer!
"objective_string"=The Axis strategic situation in Mid-May, 1941 saw the Royal Navy still controlling the Med, so it was decided to capture the isle of Crete via airborne assault. This made the establishment of Luftwaffe air superiority a crucial component. Repeat strikes on Cretan aerodromes during these following days until 19 May, 1941 destroyed all the Cretan-based fighters & eventually drove the Brits to withdraw the remaining forward-deployed fighters back to North Africa.
"intelligence_string"=Following takeoff, follow the Gladiators about to overfly the base away from Heraklion to intercept the incoming planes. These Luftwaffe raiders are coming in from the northwest, & their low altitude suggests a fighter attack. If they are Zerstörers, they are faster than your Hurricanes, but far less maneuverable. Use this to your advantage, and try to lure 'em into a low-speed turning fight. If they are Bf-109s the margin for error will be very slim, so fly with dash and daring! Once you're finished or exhaust all your ammunition, landing safely will complete the mission. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Beaufighters get revenge at dawn
"summary_string"=Listen up! After accepting these Beaufighters and their crews as our guests, you'll now join the 252 Squadron this morning for an early assault on the enemy-held airfields at Molaoi, Hassani, & Argos. This Beaufighter has enough cannons and machine guns to inflict considerable damage on any chosen targets, and we'll use this opportunity to destroy as many enemy aircraft on the ground as possible! (This mission will vary from the historical record by having all three elements attack Argos airfield, but otherwise it is accurate)
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 16 May 1941, nine Bristol Beaufighters of 252 Squadron were flown across the Med to Heraklion from Malta for dawn strikes the next morning. Flying out in three sections, the aircraft attacked the airfields at Hassani, Argos, & Molaoi. At Hassani, four Ju-52s were damaged, although one Beaufighter, piloted by Flg Off P S Hirst, was lost. At Molaoi, damage was counted on a number of He-111s and Bf-109s. However, it was at Argos where the attackers enjoyed the biggest success, destroying three Zerstörers & damaging another eleven. After the raid, the eight surviving Beaufighters refueled and returned to Malta.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will join up with these other two elements of Beaufighters already airborne, & head northwest toward Argos aerodrome. In order to maximize the effectiveness of this assault, you will approach the airfield from the east, directly out of the sun. Over Argos itself, use your bombs and cannons to destroy parrked aircraft and fuel supplies, then utilize your machine guns to inflict even more damage. Once you're out of ammunition, break off, clear the area, & return to Heraklion. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Bristol Beaufighter Mk. Ic
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion
"name_string.0"=Sqn Ldr Yaxley
"name_string.1"=Flg Off P S Hirst
"name_string.2"=Sub Lt K Holme
"name_string.3"=Flt Lt R E Jay
"name_string.4"=Flg Off J C Davidson
"name_string.5"=Sub Lt I F Fraser
"name_string.6"=Flg Off J W Blennerhassett
"name_string.7"=Flg Off G J Lemar
"name_string.8"=Flg Off J B Holgate


So close you can smell the fear...

View attachment 641

"title_string"=Defense of Crete (RAF) - Patrolling out over western Crete
"summary_string"=Both Malemes and Souda Bay have been suffering repeated attacks in the past few days, so we will fly a fighter patrol over in that sector to look for enemy aircraft approaching from Greece. Malemes will also scramble additional fighters if any Axis aircraft are deteched. Make sure that any future assaults today are met with a very rude welcome!
"objective_string"=On 15 May, Malemes was subject to aerial assaults by three separate attacks. Aside from Bf-109s, an attack by Dornier Do-17s of III/KG 2 occurred at midday, targeting the airfield and Souda Bay. The four Hurricanes transferred in from Egypt during the morning were scrambled, but they all failed to reach these Dorniers. Messerschmitts based on the Peloponnese also mounted a large strafing raid in the morning, followed by a smaller-scale attack of twelve Bf-109s around sunset. This missions is an amalgam of the day's events.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, hold a west-northwesterly course as you proceed toward the Malemes-Souda Bay sector. In this area, you will look for any sign of approaching German aircraft. Your task will be to engage bombers, allow other friendly aircraft in the area engage fighters. Once you're finished, head back to Heraklion, where we'll continue our fight tomorrow. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Crete - Heraklion