A Lockheed "Rounder"

No idea how to post photos here, but as I was looking for period cockpit photos, I came across a couple of walkarounds, one for the RB-34 and one for the PV-2. The former has one cockpit photo, the latter has a great profile of the fin/rudder. Not sure if I'm even allowed to post links to the websites?

No idea how to post photos here, but as I was looking for period cockpit photos, I came across a couple of walkarounds, one for the RB-34 and one for the PV-2. The former has one cockpit photo, the latter has a great profile of the fin/rudder. Not sure if I'm even allowed to post links to the websites?


Thank you Pat for teh research.

To post a photo while posting a message, click the "Go Advanced" button and a window will pop up.
Select "Upload Files" and you will get a "Browse" button with a + sign near it. If you click the + sign, you will get additional Browse buttoms, up to 4.

Select Browse and then browse to wherever your photos are and select it.
Do the same for each browse button.
When done, select Upload and give it a few seconds to you see the photos thumbnails appear at the bottom.
Click Done and return to finish the message.

To post a link, select the icon above with a "world and chain link". Then paste or type the link in the box.

That's it.
Milton .... You Da Man :applause: :applause: :applause:

The Lockheed looks great, even unpainted it's still a work of art. :jump:

I'd be happy to have it 'as is'

Looking at the latest pics you posted, Milton... looks like you've nailed it as far as the overall shape of the Harpoon. This is a pudgy little airplane but despite it's somewhat less than threatening appearance, it packed a mean punch. Just judging from the diagrams and photos that I have here, and reading a little history about the plane. :salute:

That looks incredible Milton! Just seen this, wow... you're one tallented hombre....

(PS; is it wrong I thing the ventura is a little cute looking?)
@patful: thanks, I will use that to double check my work :)

@BB686: Well, it is accurate at least to the 3-views used to model it :)

@firekitten: thank you; just doing what I can to provide freeware to the masses while enjoying myself in the process. :) Like the A26B/C project of years ago, I like to get folks here involved as they help improve the end product tremendously. And I really appreciate all the research and input provided during the process; it helps immensely. Thank you for contributing to the FSX Native A26 improvements.

EDIT: The Ventura is a bit different animal than the Harpoon and Lodestar. After these two aircraft, I hope I have the enthusiasm left to do the Ventura and similar variants.
thanks, I will use that to double check my work :-

Not being picky, just make sure you get that toilet paper holder modeled correctly! Kidding. :icon_lol: First time I've ever seen one of those in a warbird, though I'm sure most long-range aircraft had them.
I came back to FS in 2004 (FS9) and one of the first aircraft I downloaded was your wonderful Howard. So began a love affair with anything created by Milton Shupe. In fact, the Howard was the first FS aircraft I successfully landed.

In anticipation of the Rounder, I'm in the process of upgrading my 8 yo rig in order to enjoy FS9 again and especially flying the socks off your new creation. I'm hoping the new rig will be ready before the new Lockheed so I won't go crazy.

Thank you for all the work you have done and what you have given to this great hobby. I also thank the team you've assembled for all your projects and all the SOH members who have offered suggestions and encouragement.

Indeed a gust lock of the "simple, but effective variety". As you can see it gets installed through the hinge gap between the vertical stab and the rudder surface.
In it's most basic form it consists of two wooden disks of sufficient diameter to create a surface area that will not damage the aircraft surfaces when wind forces are applied, and a long bolt and a wing-nut.
One disk on each side and the wing nut tightened up on the straightened controls and you are all set.

Typically a long streamer is attached on one side to make it more obvious to the crew and avoid that nasty surprise of locked controls when accelerating down the runway after skipping "CIGARS"

Well, a little more progress today adding overhead windows, pitot tubes, main gear braces, tweaked vertical tails, door, refined flaps trailing edges, and inside fuselage walls.

Hope to finish the exterior modeling by Friday and start the interior and VC modeling on the weekend.

I still have little items to do, antennas, prop blade shapes, nose guns, hardpoints, flap guides, nacelle to wing interfaces, etc. but should get all that done this week.