A Lockheed "Rounder"

Many thanks, Milton & team, for allowing us to share the birth of many 'children'.
We seem to have a lost child with the missing 'baby' for the Bounty?


The last I saw that was on Nigel's old computer before it crashed. Not sure if it survived the many months of lost time and interest.
Maybe Nigel can speak to this. :wiggle:

EDIT: Sorry, OT, but I found it. Now where is that Bounty thread ...


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It's been an honor testing these birds, Milton. You, Rachael and the whole team gave us some of the best FSX mods ever with these birds. Looking forward to the Havoc.
Another version of the previously released executive lodestar. Last one I promise :wiggle:



Hallo Milton, and all friends participating on those "magnifiques" airplanes you do for us.

as I did see when trying to make my little contribuations to the Tigercat project with my panels,
to work for a plane - it is a lot of work and every day you discover other details to do.
To make an aircraft beeing more complex - - -
So a great Thank You!
With you aviation comes back to be alive !
And I still will continue to dream about that one day you will make us also for FS2004 a nicegerman plane.

Andre, Many thanks & stunning stuff.
Just a thought/request, & if you have the time, & as you have done a few fictitious skins, as it is the Dak's 80th this month, possible to do a skin for the Lodestar? Maybe in colours similar to the Shackleton? Also, a 'Steampunk' skin? (brassy & woodlook).

Many thanks once again, Robin
(Remember, any time when you in Cape Town....)
SOH member Fredem PM'd me about the Lodestar's turn characteristics pointing out that the tendency to return to level flight in a turn did not seem correct.

I tested that and agreed, and therefore am offering a corrected version of the FM.

Quote from the Readme.txt file:

"Lockheed Lodestar Flight Model Update
by Milton Shupe

Pertinent for all Lodestar variants by Milton Shupe


The flight model has been updated to decrease [the ...] tendency to re-level the wings while in a turn.

The update allows the turn to execute with minimal tendency to return to level flight."

This update replaces your Lodestar.air file and directs you to change one parameter in the aircraft.cfg.

You can download the attached if you would like this change.


  • LodestarFMUpdate.zip
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SOH member Fredem PM'd me about the Lodestar's turn characteristics pointing out that the tendency to return to level flight in a turn did not seem correct.
As I didn't fly any Lodestar IRL, I don't know really if it's correct or not. But the way the Lodestar fly with the new update suit me perfectly ! A great THANK YOU Milton !!!
Thanks everyone.

Andre, Many thanks & stunning stuff.
Just a thought/request, & if you have the time, & as you have done a few fictitious skins, as it is the Dak's 80th this month, possible to do a skin for the Lodestar? Maybe in colours similar to the Shackleton? Also, a 'Steampunk' skin? (brassy & woodlook).

Many thanks once again, Robin
(Remember, any time when you in Cape Town....)

Unfortunately I'm going to have to take a break from all repaints as I don't have the time anymore.
Hallo Milton, and all friends participating on those "magnifiques" airplanes you do for us.

as I did see when trying to make my little contribuations to the Tigercat project with my panels,
to work for a plane - it is a lot of work and every day you discover other details to do.
To make an aircraft beeing more complex - - -
So a great Thank You!
With you aviation comes back to be alive !
And I still will continue to dream about that one day you will make us also for FS2004 a nicegerman plane.


Thank you Papi. One never knows what tomorrow may hold but my focus for at least the next 10 months will be on the Mallards and A-20 Havoc.

It would be very difficult for me to do a German aircraft as I do not have the resources, the gauge inventory, or knowledge of any German or European aircraft. I seem to do best with 40's era American aircraft as that's where my parts inventory keeps me productive and efficient. That's not to say I would not model one for someone else to complete, similar to the CANT Z-1007 project I did with Manuele. I supplied the basic model (which he improved upon) and he did all the difficult time-consuming work.
Good morning Milton,

I should be yet happy with the fine aircraft you almost did for us and for the aircraft you will have in the tube.
I perhaps next year just to take another challenge you will dcide to make an german aircraft let me hear , my ears will be open for you.
I have some interesting detailed stuff about some german aircrafts (especially the Junkers Ju-86) at my home in france. I will send you by traditional mail what I have.
For email it would really be too big.
concerning the cockpit and gauges let it be my problem than.
On the other hand to find doc about german aircraft it seems that it would be easier to find in america or england. When I searched docs I got a lot from england, america and norway. Here in munich we have a good museu but they are not cooperative at all. Seems they still have some problems with the past.
Enough about this topic.
I will look forward to the Havoc, the plane interests me as the ship was also flown by the french airforce.

and Happy engeneering
Thanks everyone.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to take a break from all repaints as I don't have the time anymore.

Hi Andre,

Thank you very very much for all the repaints you have made. Not only for the Lodestar but all other repaints also. Many of them grace the virtual planes I have in my virtual hangars.

Also many thanks for allowing me to make and release here at SOH the WIP Lodestar KLM repaints on the bare metal textures you had made. A great gesture.

I hope sometime real world allows you again to pick up the brushes and resume making your works of art.

Best regards,
Thanks everyone.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to take a break from all repaints as I don't have the time anymore.

Thanks for what you've been able to do. I'll confess that I've learned a good bit just by looking at what you've done. And I can relate to the time crunch. I've had to slow down production myself due to real life constraints. With nothing else to do, I can knock one out in a day or so now. Lately, one a week is doing good.
Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Hopefully sometime in the future I'll have more time again as I really enjoy painting these great masterpieces from Milton.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Hopefully sometime in the future I'll have more time again as I really enjoy painting these great masterpieces from Milton.


There are a lot of talented hands and giving hearts in these products and its those hands and hearts that make the end products we enjoy.

I am honored to provide the basic aircraft that you all embellish to become aircraft that we love to fly.

Thank you all for that support and many contributions to the community.