A new project: the Fiat G-12


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Dear friends,
I started with a new project: the Fiat G12, a transport plane of Regia Areonautica and also the first plane of Alitalia in 1947, designed by the prolific engineer Gabrielli. There's a lot of work to do, I will have the capable collaboration of Manuele (mvg3d) and FSAviator. For developing of this vintage liner I've got the manual. I don't know when It will be released.
Work in progress

Hi friends,

:running: work of the Fiat G12 proceeds. I still have to do texture mapping, VC, panel gauges and other two versions. :jawdrop:
That plane reminds me of those lovely art-deco, stream-lined buses from the 1930s and 40s. Very sleek, very stylish, very beautiful. Looking good pcmeneg, can't wait to see it in finished form.

Beautiful Stephano. These are the kinds of aircraft that keep me excited about Flight Simulators. :ernae:

That plane reminds me of those lovely art-deco, stream-lined buses from the 1930s and 40s. Very sleek, very stylish, very beautiful. Looking good pcmeneg, can't wait to see it in finished form.


I allways love this plane. The G.12 was my first idea for FS9, after I started with the SM73 because didn't collect enough documentation. Recently I've got the manual and drawings. :wiggle:
Hi Friends,
While Stefano is working on the various G.12 models (L, with long fuselage and FIAT engines/LB, with long fuselage and Bristol engines/CA, with short fuselage and FIAT engines/T-TR, with short fuselage and FIAT engines, used by Regia Aeronautica during WWII) and the VCs, I'm working on their skins, here are some screenshots of the first version I made: the LB version in the '48 Alitalia (OBVIOUSLY !!!!) livery ......








