A pilots return....


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It's been 3 years since life overtook me, making free time nearly impossible to scrape together, but now kids are grown to the point that they don't take as much attention, and I'm finding myself longing to fly again.

Some of you might remember me, other are probably new here, so I will give a bit of background on myself. I first joined the SoH 2 days after Ickie, Canelo and Tekworm opened it for the first time, way back in 1999. At first I was nothing more then a virtual pilot, but before long I found myself building missions and campaigns, then I began doing a few repaints before trying my hand at building the planes, though I was never real good at that. Then in 2001 I opened my own CFS2 website "Korean Skies" which was eventually hosted here at the SoH, with the release of CFS3 Korean Skies moved on to CFS3. I got real lucky in the early days and managed to assemble a pretty darn good team of guys and formed the Dogpatch Crew.

Shortly after release of the Korean War theater my first son was born and things really slowed down, 2 years later my second son came along and my flight-sim days ground to a halt. Add in a pair of twin boys (now 18 months) and my world became upside down. Now with my wifes work schedule I once again find myself with more freetime, and after figuring out how to get CFS3 to run I'm coming back to the virtual skies, as a pilot not a add-on designer this time.
Welcome Back :salute: Really appreciated your work with the Dog Patch Crew in Korean Skies !:applause::applause:
Hi Dakota, amd welcome back. :wavey:

Funny business this real life malarky! Congrats on the brood too, quite a handful I should think. :)
Ah yes, I remember the day I was able to tell No.1 Son, "You don't live here, anymore" like Bill Cosby did to his tv son. It was a funny, and a bit poignant moment.

Kids are really high maintenance items, mostly, but I find they're worth the effort.

Welcome back to this world; it's nice to meet the creator of Korean Skies. I fly around there quite a bit.
hobbit ....work is the true grit of mankind ,,,,to survive and still be married at the end of mission.....

Thanks for the warm welcome back, I really appreciate it and I am glad to see that the community has not changed.

As a side note that I think yall will appreciate, my 5 year old son has been begging me to teach him to fly, he has inherited my love of airplanes it would seem. So after about an hour of helping him he started to fly around on his own in freeflight, no take offs or landings yet, but he has gotten the hang of dragging a Spit V around the sky. (easy FMs right now) So I decided to see what he could do, and loaded up a quick combat flight, Spit V vs BF 109F (both 1%) easy flight models (I know not best setting for 1% but he is only 5) and rookie for his enemies. Well after a few flights with him on my lap, yes I did give him a little help but not alot, he got his first kill. It's funny but I am kinda proud of him.

Welcome back! Glad to have one of the Dogpatch Crew back.

I remember a similar experience when I was a kid trying to figure out how to fly in Aces Over Europe with my dad (an ex F-4 pilot) looking over my shoulder giving pointers. Looking forward to when my daughter is old enough to learn. Hoping she picks up the flying bug too.
Welcome Back, good to see that you are doing well with your children !

Darn, I remember back to Combatfs.com days...........
Good to see you back here again Dak!! Its been a while, last time I talked to you I think you had just started working double shifts! With all the new additions to the family, I can see why now,lol
Those CombatFS days seem so long ago now don't they? CK, Did you ever think this place would take off and turn into what it is today back then?

The double shifts started just after my 2nd son was born, they told us it would be 6 months max, turned into 3 years before I quoted an old country song to the production manager and walked out the door. Wife and I decided to try 1 last time for a girl and had twin boys :isadizzy: she really feels out numbered, cause even the 2 cats are male.