A Problem


Charter Member
Ever had a problem when the touchdown effect doesn't show although clear pixels show when the plane touches down?

FS9 is doing exactly that.

After that, I have to use task manager to exit out of the program because it stalls out when I want to fly another plane.

How can I fix that?
Is it possible the effect is referencing a texture bitmap that is missing? If you look in the aircraft cfg in the [effects] section it will give you the name of the effect, then edit that effect (located in the effects folder) to look for a line like "Texture=fx_smoke.bmp" (it will not be that exact file name) then see if that bmp is in the effects folder.
Look for the touchdown effect in the effects folder.

Open it with a text editor.

Look for the .bmp files or textures the effect calls for.

Odds are good the texture is missing from the effect/texture folder or it is corrupt and can not be read.

Replace the texture and everything should be fixed.
Shut your system down pull it apart and look for clogged cooling fins on everything. Careful don't breath the dust.

You might be having a heating issue.

That looks like the graphics card can not keep up with the textures.
I'm pretty sure the problem is a processor with a tad too much work to do at that moment. On my previous rig with a 2.4GHz, certain AC of high quality or flying at more complex airports would cause clear pixels on touchdown and engine start ups, both trying to show smoke. When I moved to a simpler airport, used a simpler AC or dialed back the weather, the smoke would appear as expected. See if any other programs or malware are using up processor power for a start, and cleaning the tower never hurt neither.
I came across this:


which outlines steps to deal with Java trash. There was also this article on Java itself and how one can get by without it:


I can't vouch for the content but as I skimmed it, most of the information sounded like stuff I'd heard from other sources. Hope this all helps. You can always uninstall Java and reinstall it which ought to take the garbage with it but probably have to do so in Safe Mode.