A Request for a Download P3 - A Possible Solution to Currency Problems



A Request for a Download P3 - A Possible Solution to Currency Problems

I think we all agree $50 + $9 P&P is a fair price for the brilliant looking P3.

Unfortunately some of us live in countries whose currencies have completely trashed against the dollar and so $50 converts to a very large price tag. If you add to that the European problem of VAT (17.5% in the uk and even higher in other countries) and the high import duty on physical items going through customs, people such as myself are having to think long and hard about about what would have been an automatic purchase just a few months ago.

A possible solution could be a download version.

The delivery cost would not apply. I would like to propose a possible $5 reduction for the download rather than a physical copy. No import duty applies to digital downloads.

$45 = 1.175 * 45 / 1.48 = £35.72

Now that is the cost of a new triple-A PC game in the uk. I don't think anyone in the uk could argue against that price for the brilliant P3.

Would anyone else vote for a download option to avoid some of the extra costs to those living in other countries?

(Note: I think a few weeks ago there was a discussion about download sizes. I know 300MB chunks was best for me.)
Yes currency has a lot to answer for these days, damn those bankers ;)

We are always considering options and it may be possible later, but right now it is not available via download.

Please no need to vote, we know already people's feelings from the Poll that Winder posted recently and all the comments.
I am from Boston,MA in US and agree that a dwld version shd be made available to reduce the cost. 59 is too high for my budget for games. I was thinking 40-45 range.
I am from Boston,MA in US and agree that a dwld version shd be made available to reduce the cost. 59 is too high for my budget for games. I was thinking 40-45 range.

From someone who ate oatmeal 3 times a day for a month, so my budget could stand the shock of a 512 Video Card, for the release of Phase 2, I'd just like to say ... you've got some pair Pal

Do you argue over the cost of a ticket, to see a movie ?
I gladly paid the $59.00 dollars, and if its half as good as the rest of these add ons, it is well worth it. I also keep in mind that we were given the other add ons absolutely free. MAW, OFF P1 P2, PTO ETO and now OFF P3 represent hundreds of hours of meticulous work CFS3 modelers and painters have invested in our community. Except for requesting donations to SOH to facilitate all this freeware for us, no one ever asked for a dime. To the makers of OFF P3, thanks for bringing us another top notch SIM.

Having flown several quick combats in OFF P3 tonight I'll just say this: If you don't like the price, don't buy it and spare us all the bitchin'! :amen:

It's worth the price of admission. As Ripcord13 said so well; the fun factor is cheap!! :woot:


ps dsawan; how well did it work out for you when you haggled over the price of your Big Mac at McDonald's? :d
It's called save your money until you have the amount you need. You can't have it right now. Set money aside for your future. I waited 6 years to pay cash money for this computer I'm using. I went without for 6 years. I could not afford one, no crying, I saved. I appreciate it all the more. Just friendly advice. And best wishes that you get OFF sooner rather than later.
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. Publilius Syrus (~100 BC ).

I ended up paying about $90 Australian and I'm 100% happy with that as long as the AI is as good as they say.
Hi Guys,

Recently I started a poll on download options - yes we are looking into this quite seriously hence the poll...


Gimpy wrote:
>Do you argue over the cost of a ticket, to see a movie ?

No I don't go because I cannot afford it.

I did all the right things regarding education - I am a PhD mathematician, one of the best in the country.

I work hard, but was rejected from every financial job I applied for because I could prove as far back as 2000 that the economic model was unsustainable and by 2002 I was predicting the present economic crisis we are having to live through today.

As a consequence I am in a very low paid job but my only comfort is I am retaining my honesty.

I spend about £100 tops in a year on fun items (that includes films, games) etc. I never borrow, I spend only that which I have saved. I usually only buy budget games, but was going to make an exception for P3 because it looks soooooo good.

Ask yourself this. How can government/banks commit financial fraud? The answer is to make sure anyone in a position to expose this fraud is either too stupid to know or too dishonest to care.

Keynesian economics is mathematically rubbish. It creates booms and will not get you out of the mess either. This depression has a good 10 years to run. It will be bad for 1-2 years, have a small recovery for about a year and plummit again. It will keep on doing this until a real bottom is reached about 10-15 years time or until we have a big, conscription based, war (like WW2).

If the politicians did the right thing we could get through this depression in just about 2 years. It would be bad, really bad, but short. There is nothing we can do to stop this depression, the politicians can only delay it, but in doing so making it worse.

Sorry to hear about the good choices you've made for your career goals not panning out into what you hoped they'd become. Believe me, 90K spent on my degree at Embry-Riddle, I lasted all of 6 years as a mechanic with the company I still work for, and transferred to a lesser job, equal pay and nothing to do with all the dough I spent on my education. I have no chance of moving up, I'll be a grunt to the day I die, so why did I spend all of it?

Well... I have no idea. I'm now a well-educated, intelligent jackass. But at the end of the day, we simply deal with it. You still have to live and enjoy yourself. Carrying a little debt is OK, as long as it's controlled and you keep it withing reach of being paid off within a reasonable time. You can't be debt free unless you live under a rock.

This recession... I believe it's fake. I think the media is pushing this idea down our throat and causing half the problems that don't even exist, or don't need to exist at the level they are reaching. Everywhere I go there are HOARDS of paying people. I go out to dinner, it's packed. I fly on a plane, it's packed. I go to Disney, it's packed. I go Xmas shopping, it's packed. Maybe it's just where I live, but for some reason, I just don't see it other than seeing a lot of homes for sale.

But then again... did we REALLY need to build all of those homes in the first place? How does a guy become stupid enough to believe some sleezy Mortgage Broker that he can actually afford a 3k a month tab on a 50K a year salary. I did the numbers, I did the research... I shopped around, and asked all the questions, why didn't they do the same?

Ahhh... jeeze... off topic. Bottom line is this. OFF is the price that it is because we worked so damn hard on it over the past 3+ years. It was not on some commercial budget that we all were enjoying, it was not a licensed agreement where we all quit our daytime jobs and spent hours on it. It was all done by us, out of our homes, at night, when the kids were asleep... or when the wives wanted to go out shopping with us... we said no... when we had to bang in sick for work to finish a ton of skins... when we missed our kids' Soccer games to complete files, etc.. etc... etc.

So after all that time, we felt it was worth the price we 'paid', and a very fair price for you to pay. It's loaded, believe me, I don't see how the hell we could have fit more into it. Now that P3 is out, and on DVD... if we sell enough that makes it worthwhile to expand it... the base is done. We can really make it a big game. Hopefully as big as Pat Wilson's Western Front Patch for RB3D.

Anyhow... that's it. I feel for you, I truly do. But at the end of the day, it is what it is.

All the best!


PS... I don't go to the movies either... what the hell for? Everytime I go some loser talks on his cell-phone the whole time, or some idiot new parents bring a 6 month old baby in... as if the baby has a freakin' clue what's being shown on the screen. The baby starts to cry... and that's what I get for $45 bucks.
Everyone has the right to voice their opinion. If someone thinks the price is too high or too low, then they should be allowed to post that without being told to suck it up or some other BS like that. In my opinion, 50 bucks is a reasonable price in the US, but 10 for shipping isn't. Maybe the distributor is making their cut off of the shipping price. Lets give the guys a chance to get the DL version going. I think we all want to see this thing succeed.
Yes, as Winder has already suggested, we are looking into other options as well. We're not holding back anything, it's just for our own copywrite saftey, and the integrity of the data that we believe a DVD is the best option.

If Winder can make it happen, then the D/L option will be there. We just have to wait.

To all,

I understand that in a downtrodden economy, both home and abroad, money is an issue. Currency values around the world affect many of us, because the flightsim world, like the real one, encompasses many countries as part of its society.

To those who are concerned about the cost, I urge you to contact the developers privately to ask about other financial arrangements. The development team may be willing to come up with alternatives for you, though I do not wish to speak for them.

Hopefully there will be other ways to obtain this wonderful expansion, whatever they might be.

As thorny said, people have the right to express their opinion. However, please refrain from pointing fingers or attacking one another. For many of us, myself included with a young and growing family, every dollar counts. I do try and budget for flightsim stuff, and occasionally that means staying home instead of going out, and/or eating a lot of pasta and casseroles.

It's just a matter or choice, priorities, and economics.
To those who are concerned about the cost, I urge you to contact the developers privately to ask about other financial arrangements. The development team may be willing to come up with alternatives for you, though I do not wish to speak for them.

Guys, please don't even think of assuming we're considering this option. We can't. There is no phyical or fiscal way we could do this. That's what a credit card does. It would turn into a disaster for you and us if we began to take lay-away, or payments.

Thanks for offering this though Rami, no doubt suggested in kindness.

All the best,


My apologies. I can understand the necessity of cost. I work as a teacher...I know all about budgets. Please excuse my ignorance.

My apologies. I can understand the necessity of cost. I work as a teacher...I know all about budgets. Please excuse my ignorance.

bad choice of words... ignorance... no way did I think that.

In kindness we extend, but we can't do that on this one. :)

PS.. I always wanted to be an Air Science teacher... but Air Science is a dead issue with kids nowadays. I wish that wasn't the case. in the early days, Long Island was the crucible of aviation in the United States, and today, other than 1 museum, you'd never know it even existed.
Yes, as Winder has already suggested, we are looking into other options as well. We're not holding back anything, it's just for our own copywrite saftey, and the integrity of the data that we believe a DVD is the best option.

The problem with downloadable games is that they necessarily bring up those 3 letters everybody loves to hate: DRM.

I work for a small wargame company that has chosen to make its products available solely via download. So naturally we've got a DRM system. To be honest, IMHO it's (in its current version) one of the most benign DRMs out there. Nevertheless, it will never make everybody happy. Periodically, it brings anti-DRM trolls out of the woodwork, as well as occasionally causing problems for legit customers.

It really doesn't matter if your product is good or bad, or if the anti-DRM trolls really want it themselves. They think that if they tell enough people not to buy your product, you'll change your whole business model to suit them. Some of these folks would rather see you go out of business than buy an otherwise desirable product that has DRM. So expect to see these guys going to every conceivable forum remotely on your topic and pan you. And expect to see reviewers slap a big "DRM WARNING" label on their reviews.

As long as OFF remains available on disc, I doubt you'll have these problems. But if you ever go download-only, be prepared for a storm of criticism and bad PR. So it's a trade-off. Would you rather have the hassle of making discs, or just run a DRM server and live with the hate?

Personally, I think we're in the last few years of discs of any sort. Games, music, movies, whatever, all will eventually be download-only. But until the big boys in all those industries go that way, us indies who already have to go that way for economic reasons will be in for it.
Gimpy wrote:
>Do you argue over the cost of a ticket, to see a movie ?
No I don't go because I cannot afford it.

Well welcome to the club. My degree ain't worth snot, because in 1988, I zigged when I should've zagged on my motorcycle, and landed in this wheelchair. I've been collecting SSI ever since. But be that as it may, in this world one spends for what he needs, and saves for what he wants. Instant gratification we must save for the rich folks and the Liberal's

The CHANGE man, thinks he can spend us to Prosperity, with his One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package, which gives tax cuts to people who don't pay taxes . . . Where I come from that's called Welfare . .if you find the word offenensive. . try
Redistribution of Wealth :kilroy: