A request for scenery creation 😊

Initially I had some problems with putting the pilot/passenger in visual, but figured out what was wrong. It all LOOKS GREAT Cazzie! And Ralf, so is the paint! I am sending a short video and screenshot to Lantz. He will be quite impressed. Thank you all so much! NC



nice Video,also nice scenery

Glad you like it.
if there is something wrong i can fix,please send me pic and i try to do.:wavey:

Have fun,maybe your Friend will get a flightsim now?:applause:

Cheers Ralf
That's sweet Chief.

My shipmate, Lantz Pohlman was quite impressed with the scenery and the Stearman repaint. His exact words were: "This is just fantastic!" I replied, saying I would take more screenshots and videos today; especially a short video showing startup. He will definitely be impressed with the sounds! Thanks so much again for all of your work, Cazzie. I have been hoping for a improvement to Roy E. Ray airport from the day that MSFS was released! Pete