A.V.I.A. FL.3 Uploaded

That is so nice Manuele! Thanks so much for another wonderful aircraft of yours for me to fly this evening. I am off to get it.

Hi Friends,
I just uploaded the FL.3 part 2 (the Closed Cockpit Version).....

"This closed cockpit version, initially conceived for civil use, was used also by the Croatian Air Force, the Luftwaffe and by the A.N.R. (for assault glider pilot training also). Some also served as 'unit hacks' during WW2. This release (Part 2) provides a closed cockpit MDL in many relevant liveries.It also works (Tested) subject to some limitations within in FSX.


VC only.GMax Models and Skins by Manuele Villa, Flight dynamics by FSAviator, Screenshots by Huub Vink.
By Manuele Villa/MVG3D, February 2015.

Ok, i hope nobody will beat me in the head for this, but i decided to try fsx aircraft.cfg in my fs9, for both closed and open cockpit versions and there's no "bouncing" when engine is off and generaly its seems to me that plane is a bit more smoother on the ground. Without much testing i noticed that only difference is "low_speed_theory_limit = 80", which in fs9 version of aircraft cfg is 0, probably it has something to do with previously expressed comments...
Besides that, it most excellent gift!
I'm sorry to interrupt this party, but still I've got that strange behaviour when starting cold-n-dark. Either that poor little plane gets thrown into the air or some force keeps dropping that ten-ton-weight on it when starting up. Noticed the update for the open cockpit model (model + .cfg-files), but it's still the same with both open and closed models.

Btw, in the open cockpit version, when the Luftwaffe version is loaded, the underwing markings seem to be mirrored. I could fix that thanks to PS, so no big deal.

PS: Love the I-VENK reg number.

Is that a historical registration or was that just for fun?
I'm sorry to interrupt this party, but still I've got that strange behaviour when starting cold-n-dark. Either that poor little plane gets thrown into the air or some force keeps dropping that ten-ton-weight on it when starting up. Noticed the update for the open cockpit model (model + .cfg-files), but it's still the same with both open and closed models.

Btw, in the open cockpit version, when the Luftwaffe version is loaded, the underwing markings seem to be mirrored. I could fix that thanks to PS, so no big deal.

PS: Love the I-VENK reg number.

Is that a historical registration or was that just for fun?

Hi Kolbenfresser,
Sorry, You are right, the bitmap of LW version is mirrored, the mdl is OK, I'll post the revised bmp as soon as possible.
The "Arlecchino ("Harlequin",I-VENK/M.M.56489) livery is completely real, this plane had combined parts from A.V.I.A. and Agusta factories (ailerons, rudder, fuselage etc., each signed with different color bands) in order to demonstrate cross compatibility.

Thank you, this is a perfect model! I can't get the cockpit version to fly straight though, it always goes into a dive. I can't explain it, the open cokpit was a joy to fly, should I just copy over the important bits from the aircraft.cfg and the airfile?

the closed version did not show up,only after I changed the aircraft cfg from " FS9_aircraft" to "aircraft",this with win 7.
* Muchas Gracias for this most enjoyable gem*
Thank you, this is a perfect model! I can't get the cockpit version to fly straight though, it always goes into a dive. I can't explain it, the open cokpit was a joy to fly, should I just copy over the important bits from the aircraft.cfg and the airfile?


Hi Sascha,
FSAviator, before his (momentary I hope) retirement from FS9 FDs development, released for the closed cockpit version an "easier" version of his FL.3's FDs, if You want to use the open cockpit version FDs and cfg symply copy and rename the files (changin, of course, the initial section with the related liveries)....

Dear Manuele, i think there's a little problem with closed cockpit version, the picture of the lady is not placed behind panel like in the open cockpit model. I commented gauge with the picture away and reworked FL3_WINGSBTM_t.bmp texture to be without blurry version of picture, but still would love to have that picture inside, as it become trademark of your models.


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Hi Kikas,
Where is Your problem ?
This is the VC of the Closed Version as uploaded


And this the VC of the Open Version


Probably a draw order hiccups in panel.cfg



Hi Pete,
I don't think that, the pinup "gauge" is mapped on a single 3d polygon positioned BEHIND the panel in the mdl, in case of an error in panel.cfg the gauge may simply disappear or change its "x"/"y" position, NOT the "z" one...
the Kikas's problem is an "impossible" issue......
Hi, i did fresh reinstall and i still got same problem. But if its only me, its not a big deal, i painted the panel over to my needs and little A.V.I.A flies perfectly anyway.