Even if you have the most comprehensive anti virus product installed, none of them are perfect. Malwarebytes Anti Malware found a rouge anti virus program hiding in the registry on one of my PC's. I had scanned the machine previously with two different anti virus programs (Well known brands) and they couldn't find the rouge that the Malwarebytes product found. It's a good one to keep around and use if you suspect you have something.
I have used the Windows De-frag for years without a hitch, Sounds a bit odd that you lost files possibly due to a de-frag program, but I suppose it can happen. As stated before in this post, deleting the temp files will help to keep your 'puter running at it's best.
Here is a quick way to get to the folder:

All Programs -> Accessories -> Run. In the name field type: %temp% This will take you right to the contents of the temp folder.
Delete it all. And as stated before, if there are some that you cannot delete, just leave them.

don't think it's a virus

I don't think a virus caused the problem ,like you ,I ran several different virus programs and came up with nothing. It's just odd everything was fine till I ran IObits defragger but it could have been one of the other programs that came with Gamebooster. The only thing of theirs I kept was Security 360. I also have ran the Windows defragger with no problems and intend to keep doing so as I trust it. But SmartDefrag from them seemed to go to deeper levels.
I've been checking other flight sims, and CFS2 seems ok other than the words on the Aircraft screen are now outlined in pink or a reddish color ,as far as I went as to checking planes, everything seems normal, weapons load and both the 2d and vc panels are there. Maybe some time I'll find somthing else but as for now it's ok. Same goes for CFS1 and IL2 and IL2 Forgotten battles. also First Eagles seems ok. Havent checked CFS3 yet going to do that now.
One other thing I noticed is that outside of a game ,like on the desktop or on the internet when you drag a window to a new location it drags an outline of the window then when you let go the mouse button the window you wanted to drag just very quickly goes to where the frame was dragged.
I ran a systems check with the Dell tool and it showed everything passed. I think I have a setting that automatically delets temp folders ,maybe in the antivirus program.
Been slowly going through my backup disks finding things I would need in case I ever do redownload FS9 like the patch, ocean flatten files etc.
like to get some opions on this

I'd like to hear some opions on a couple of things I just thought of ( me having thoughts is very bad)The last thing I did before all the problems with FS9 started other than run the defrag was install the Bill Lyons Stinson Reliant package. The download was checked by my virus scanner and found no malware. I have downloaded most of Bills products with out problems before so this is a long shot. Anyway it downloaded fine and I went into FS9 without shutting down backround programs as I usually do to just to check it out. Everything seemed fine and it's a beautiful download with all the scenery and stuff (though I can't see how that town thats on a somewhat unrealistc hill can get supplys causes the only way in and out is by air or on one side the ground does seem to go up to the top of the mountain but no roads are visable,but all this might be cause I had FS Globle 2005 installed)
Ok I'am rambleing now ,to get back to my question, could this install have caused the problems?I hadn't hooked up my controllers as I usually just use the keyboard to make sure everything looked and acted right.
After the install I ran the defragger ,then I hooked up my controlers went back and found the smoke comming from the chimmny was in the wrong place, my mixture controls won't work no matter how many times I tried to reset them in settting ,flaps wouldn't work, so I went to my Sea hurricane install and same thing couldn't load drop tanks ,no flaps or mixture(I know most Hurris had auto mixture but Sandersons Hurris have a mixture control)
The screen started flashing bands of static , also, and the throttle would'nt close completly even though I calibrated it before I went back in.
So then I went back out of the sim and shut down backround programs ,went back and the flashing bands were gone,so I didn't think it was my graphics card.But the controls still wouldn't take their assigments and when I checked other planes ,some had panels missing or just the vc panel missing.
I did a check of CFS3 last night with out shutting down backround programs and had the same flashing on it. Shut down backround programs and the flashing was gone and everything worked ok other than my usual problem with getting the cockpit to show ,which is a topic for the CFS3 forum.
So to make a very long (sorry) boring story short do you think the Stinson program could have caused the problems?(If you made it the whole way through this post ,your a true friend).
didn't think so

I really didn't think that caused the problems ,but I'am trying to cover all base's before I decide if I'am going to do a reinstall. Thanks for the reply
YIKES!! Hurricane......sorry for you....In my begining of Simming,I would read about ,and try EVERTHING known to man then.The FR Thread mill,has given many HEARTBURN!... so I started started TINKERING.....forgot that we are supposed to FLY the thing,I became a Grease monkey of sorts,listening to quacks!..Got BURNED!!....That years ago....Now I do not trust anything,believe no one, or anything new. Let other test pilots. demonstrate,... and then after reading the aftermath,decide! the net is a Dangerous place to be in! This has gone a long way for the preservation integrity of my Extensive FS9 instllation......just like real world flying......let trained experts FIX things,Fly the airplane!......for my part..IF IT AN"T BROKE I DON"T FIX IT......recognizing that something is gona kill us or our CP, I take precautions...a duplicate Installation on a separate Had Drive .comforts.me...the Other thing??..saving that for the end!!......Advice??? Do it again..its worth it..You may find streamlining your new installation is an advantage...do it Your way!!.........Good luck!Vin :wavey:
Thanks beana 51

Thanks for the encourageing words ,as the days go by I'am getting more inclined to start again. At first I never wanted to see another flightsim again ,but I've been checking my other flight sims and they SEEM ok I'am inclined to maybe start again. I',ll have to get an external HD as backing up from all these CD's will be very tedius and slow going, but I intend to take my time ,maybe only put in a plane or scenery that I feel like flying from .
One problem with my last install was I had so many planes and so many different places to fly from that I couldn't decide what to do ,so I never flew just kept adding.
I know there have been threads about backing up to and external HD but have forgotten them, so I'll have to hunt around.Thanks again , this has become a real second family to me.
Bill Lyons is one of the great pioneers of flight sim, and I would never suspect any of his packages of being to blame for problems.

And for what it's worth, I have that package as well, with zero problems.