~S~ Ivan,
You left out speed. That is even without WEP, not included in CFS for 190's. The P51 has to use WEP to catch you and if you are lucky, their engine goes out. If you can flip it you can get another head on, or wait until they stop chasing you and chase them. It still ends up in a head on. The best way to fight them is in teams of two. One leads the 51 to the other team member. Get a few shots into him when you can and try to stay away when you can't. I have tried to practice the flip, but not enough to be effective yet. I guess the ones who use it did it so much it has become second nature. I just wish I did not have to mess with the trim settings to do it.
~S~ anbu,
You are right on them being predictable. It is like memorizing the Pac-Man pattern. I had scores way above 50k and started leaving them blank to erase my names. As I recall I could never erase the high score. That was with unlimited fuel and ammo.