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AC-500 India 2024-05-14

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ian elliot

ian elliot submitted a new resource:

AC-500 India - AC-500 India flights

This is a set of 8 flights starting in India heading down into Sri Lanka and finishes up in Maldivas. You're making cargo runs in the AC-500, every day you fly the weather is horrible. There is no good weather on this set of flights.Routings are Direct GPS. This was built to see some more of those often never visited airports. This set requires the Aero Commander 500 Cargo by Milton Shupe Route: VOMM-VOSM-VOMD-VCCJ-VCCG-VCBI-VOTV-VRMH-VRMM

by Sean Doran (2004-05-04 21:18:14)

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