ACTUAL Vietnam conflict A-26A paint is under way.

I did see one pic of a "K" with black bomb bay interior textures but the wheel wells were still a zinc chromate green. I guess one wouldn't be lowering the landing gear whilst preparing to let the bombs go...:biggrin-new:

Sounds like you're well under way with the historically correct appearance of the B-26K as she was in Southeast Asia... I have been looking at pics on the web and comparing them to your progress so far and you're defiantly on the mark.

64-653 has been uploaded

HOPEFULLY no one experiences any issues with file names etc.!! My system demands that I have to change things around.. as in renaming even cfg. files, or air files.. in order to be able to edit even the slightest bit of text... so.. sometimes.. I accidentally upload a 'non standard' file name.. yes.. it's annoying.. lol

So, to summarize:

I uploaded what is essentially a 'new' airplane for FS2004... that is... it will show up in the aircraft menu under DOUGLAS as a manufacturer, but will NOT be listed in the A-26K 'sub menu' but as a stand alone aircraft under the Douglas tab.

This was done to preserve the original aircraft as John Terrell uploaded it, with pilots in baseball caps. He DID do an update with a NEW model file (folder) using Jan Vissers pilots wearing helmets.
I've used THIS model file for the airplane, and in the interest of preserving the original, decided the simplest way to do this was a new aircraft folder.

It IS still basically a repaint, with a small modification to the panel, which is explained in the read me. There is no sound folder.. or the checklists etc. You will need to copy and paste from another Invader in your hangar! :encouragement:

I've also uploaded alternate textures, for pilots with white helmets instead of green, alternate tire 'blackness', and a complete fuselage file which has the two prominent vents 'drawn' on it behind the gun bay doors. they are NOT modeled.. just a little visual trickery... you either like them.. or you don't... you have a choice! LOL

Anyway.. this took longer than I had hoped.. there were a few setbacks, but I'm happy with it, and it's always nice to share with the group!

Happy flying

Glad to see you got her finished! I really like the texturing on the external model, soft camo lines and a bit weathered. A seasoned bird that still has a lot of spunk. Lots of options with the pilots and the tire tread, Awesome work, Dave! :encouragement:

seems a few of you were waiting! LOL

Thanks to those who downloaded 653!

I was flying her a half hour ago, and noticed a little funny glitch with some strange mesh showing up on the control yoke swivels... only visible if you were to pan around from the pilots seat.. you could see it on the copilots side.. and vice versa. Not sure WHERE that came from, and hadn't ever seen it before.

So.. I ran the associated texture files through my editor to make sure they were all still 32 bit 888-8 and restarted flightsim. no more issues.. all is fine now.

I have no idea if this was a load glitch on my laptop, or something that anyone who downloaded the airplane might have, even though the files have been in the 'zip now for days... and it's possible I've messed up something while fiddling around in MY airplane! LOL

In any case, I copied the VC interior, yoke, and interior texture files to the .zip, and resubmitted it. IF you are having an issue.. redownload the airplane. If not.. then it WAS something on my personal airplane, and no harm done!

Hope you like her!


who for some reason is just south of Prestwick Scotland, at 12,000'.. and flying the A-26A from the right hand seat.. ( it's definitely different from this seat... LOL)


.. yeah... it's one of those days!


  • right had seat.jpg
    right had seat.jpg
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Glad to see you got her finished! I really like the texturing on the external model, soft camo lines and a bit weathered. A seasoned bird that still has a lot of spunk. Lots of options with the pilots and the tire tread, Awesome work, Dave! :encouragement:


Thanks.. and also.. thanks for giving her the 'walkaround' to see if there were any texture errors.

A-26k paints


Many thanks for your last two paints of Milton's great model. You really have caught the metallic sheen in your 'dull' aluminium paint and your camouflaged veteran is the most authentic Viet-Nam era paint for a warbird I have experienced.

The various options you have also contributed add to the overall outstanding quality of these paints.

Thank you for your for your focus and application on this classic FS9 model that Milton and co gave us all. Thanks also to 'Bomber' - your paint kits for great warbirds live on in FS9 long after your departure to further pastures.
