64-653 has been uploaded
HOPEFULLY no one experiences any issues with file names etc.!! My system demands that I have to change things around.. as in renaming even cfg. files, or air files.. in order to be able to edit even the slightest bit of text... so.. sometimes.. I accidentally upload a 'non standard' file name.. yes.. it's annoying.. lol
So, to summarize:
I uploaded what is essentially a 'new' airplane for FS2004... that is... it will show up in the aircraft menu under DOUGLAS as a manufacturer, but will NOT be listed in the A-26K 'sub menu' but as a stand alone aircraft under the Douglas tab.
This was done to preserve the original aircraft as John Terrell uploaded it, with pilots in baseball caps. He DID do an update with a NEW model file (folder) using Jan Vissers pilots wearing helmets.
I've used THIS model file for the airplane, and in the interest of preserving the original, decided the simplest way to do this was a new aircraft folder.
It IS still basically a repaint, with a small modification to the panel, which is explained in the read me. There is no sound folder.. or the checklists etc. You will need to copy and paste from another Invader in your hangar!
I've also uploaded alternate textures, for pilots with white helmets instead of green, alternate tire 'blackness', and a complete fuselage file which has the two prominent vents 'drawn' on it behind the gun bay doors. they are NOT modeled.. just a little visual trickery... you either like them.. or you don't... you have a choice! LOL
Anyway.. this took longer than I had hoped.. there were a few setbacks, but I'm happy with it, and it's always nice to share with the group!
Happy flying