Addon Ai not working

in FS2002 I used Afcad. worked well.

All you need for your Maine Scenery is Brunswick. Then add Pease in NH. You could add bases in Mass as well. Love to see some screenshots once you get it working to your liking. I do miss the old bases.
You create AI aircraft using the same programs used to create flyable aircraft - FSDS, GMAX, or 3DS Max. Typically the only change is to add Level of Detail (LOD) models that get simpler as you move further away, to improve frame rates.
The only program that gave almost complete AI sounds in FS9 was FSHotSFX. It will NOT work using an OS later than XP. It is still sold, but there is no support except for reactivating your installs (to move to other machines, etc.).

I have worked a bit with the FSX system on a friend's machine - seems to work fine, if you can find decent sound files.