Advertising WWI Combat Flightsim Goodness



Originally Posted by Winder
Thanks guys...

All we need now is to generate some sales....and we may be here for another round!

No I did not say P4 - or did I?


Interesting comment there......actually two or three interesting comments. Just my humble opinion, but it would seem it's time for some form of MASSIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN!!!!

Yeah.....that's what I'm talkin' about! Something that just jumps right out at ya'....wether it be from a Goodyear blimp floating above the whitehouse, or it could be emblazoned on a bunch of tee-shirts that just happened to be tightly wrapped around a nice, voluptuous and firm set of BHaH screenshots.

This forum is home to a vast number of very talented and clever people. Anyone in the advertising industry by chance???? It's not requisite. I'm sure the devs would be happy to hear any kind of creative advertising suggestions we might be able to conjure up.

After having immersed myself in campaign play for the entire day, I can honestly say this last patch has put the icing on the cake. The product really does need to be promoted and shared with the masses. It's just too damned good not to get the exposure it truly deserves.

Please drop any and all advertising ideas in the suggestions box on your way out.


it could be emblazoned on a bunch of tee-shirts that just happened to be tightly wrapped around a nice, voluptuous and firm set of BHaH screenshots.

Please drop any and all advertising ideas in the suggestions box on your way out.



I agree whole heartedly! Talk about custom skins!

One thing that at least I thought was cool...was way back, SSI gave the beta testers for Flanker 2.0 a T-shirt with the box picture on the back and something small on the front. It might be neat to devise a similar style of shirt. Like a nice OFF screenie from the website on the back and your favorite squadron and symbol on the front.

OFF Merchandising! OFF the lunchbox, OFF the movie! We could blow Flyboys and The Red Baron out of the water!
Originally Posted by Winder
Thanks guys...

All we need now is to generate some sales....and we may be here for another round!

No I did not say P4 - or did I?


Interesting comment there......actually two or three interesting comments. Just my humble opinion, but it would seem it's time for some form of MASSIVE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN!!!!

Yeah.....that's what I'm talkin' about! Something that just jumps right out at ya'....wether it be from a Goodyear blimp floating above the whitehouse, or it could be emblazoned on a bunch of tee-shirts that just happened to be tightly wrapped around a nice, voluptuous and firm set of BHaH screenshots.

This forum is home to a vast number of very talented and clever people. Anyone in the advertising industry by chance???? It's not requisite. I'm sure the devs would be happy to hear any kind of creative advertising suggestions we might be able to conjure up.

After having immersed myself in campaign play for the entire day, I can honestly say this last patch has put the icing on the cake. The product really does need to be promoted and shared with the masses. It's just too damned good not to get the exposure it truly deserves.

Please drop any and all advertising ideas in the suggestions box on your way out.



Unfortunately it seems (based on the lack of response to posts I've dropped - and links - in two forums about OFF 3) our interests are pretty much niche in nature, and further indicated by the plus-40 average age of people posting here.

As a new-comer to the OFF series and with OFF 3 my first purchase, I commented early on to Pol about getting mention in PC Gamer Mag's Sim column to which he replied they are aware of OFF but so far haven't shown any interest in publishing anything.

Word of mouth works to a point but not enough to generate sales of a volume to sustain ongoing iterations of the game. So the question becomes a matter of who and how in that order. Again, being new to the series this is the way I see it.
Unfortunately it seems (based on the lack of response to posts I've dropped - and links - in two forums about OFF 3) our interests are pretty much niche in nature, and further indicated by the plus-40 average age of people posting here.

As a new-comer to the OFF series and with OFF 3 my first purchase, I commented early on to Pol about getting mention in PC Gamer Mag's Sim column to which he replied they are aware of OFF but so far haven't shown any interest in publishing anything.

Word of mouth works to a point but not enough to generate sales of a volume to sustain ongoing iterations of the game. So the question becomes a matter of who and how in that order. Again, being new to the series this is the way I see it.

PC game magazine editors aren't interested in anything that doesn't have ARCADE DRECK writ large across it's binary code. Or doesn't come with a fat backhander from the publisher. I haven't bought a games magazine in years. The good stuff was rarely mentioned and I got burned once too often by blatantly mis-described junk.

A game of this quality is so far above their heads ( :icon_lol: ) they'd get hypoxia trying to review it.
PC game magazine editors aren't interested in anything that doesn't have ARCADE DRECK writ large across it's binary code. Or doesn't come with a fat backhander from the publisher. I haven't bought a games magazine in years. The good stuff was rarely mentioned and I got burned once too often by blatantly mis-described junk.

A game of this quality is so far above their heads ( :icon_lol: ) they'd get hypoxia trying to review it.

Don't necessasarily (sp?) disagree but reaching a customer base such as theirs with respect to OFF 3 would be impossible just by word of mouth - which for instance is how I learned of the game (mentioned in another forum recommending it to me).
Aside from the gaming mags, there are the aviation mags. Many of us pilots use flight sims to keep our skills from getting too rusty among other things, and many of the mags feature computer flying reviews.
Aside from the gaming mags, there are the aviation mags. Many of us pilots use flight sims to keep our skills from getting too rusty among other things, and many of the mags feature computer flying reviews.

Great idea ... except in my case. I mean, I've been called a pilot many times ... but only to the extent of having a propensity to pilot here and pilot there...
Aside from the gaming mags, there are the aviation mags. Many of us pilots use flight sims to keep our skills from getting too rusty among other things, and many of the mags feature computer flying reviews.

Yes, there's a well-respected aviation mag here in the UK that used to regularly feature PC air-sims. "Aviation Magazine" or "Aviators Magazine" I think it was called.
Well. I'm gonna airbrush a T-Shirt with a nice D.Va on the front and "Over Flanders Fields" above it. On the back I'll put " a total conversion of Microsoft's CFS3". Might take a couple tries to get it right but when its done I'll wear it to Old Rhinebeck, amongst other places. See if it stirs up any interest. What do you guys think of that idea?

...I'll wear it to Old Rhinebeck, amongst other places. See if it stirs up any interest. What do you guys think of that idea?


I LOVE IT! I want one! I was driving today, waaaaay to close to someone in front of me and I had a :iidea: vision of a bumper sticker. On the left is says "Get OFF..." and on the far right it says " tail!" and in between there was a nice screenie of a DVII on Camels six... cant'cha just see it?!
I LOVE IT! I want one! I was driving today, waaaaay to close to someone in front of me and I had a :iidea: vision of a bumper sticker. On the left is says "Get OFF..." and on the far right it says " tail!" and in between there was a nice screenie of a DVII on Camels six... cant'cha just see it?!

Thats awesome Zom. I imagine that all you would need to make that is some special paper for bumperstickers (you know the stuff with the peel off back) and printer that can handle it. Im no graphic designer but I think Zommoz's idea is a good one, so you get the idea. Maybe Olham can do some work with it?
Hey guys, I'm over in Australia and regularly watch a show called "Good Game" (news and reviews on the aussie gaming scene) - you must have something similar over there. Maybe Winder and the boys could get a copy to some shows like this, the quality of the game speaks for itself.
Well. I'm gonna airbrush a T-Shirt with a nice D.Va on the front and "Over Flanders Fields" above it. On the back I'll put " a total conversion of Microsoft's CFS3". Might take a couple tries to get it right but when its done I'll wear it to Old Rhinebeck, amongst other places. See if it stirs up any interest. What do you guys think of that idea?


I think it's a great idea....but get your girlfriend to wear it :engel016:
Lots of guys here are visiting different flysim forums, why not put a OFF3 link or banner at the end of you topic.

I even had made a announcement at the RoF blog, for the releasing of OFF3. No reactions, but you never know!!!
I think it's a great idea....but get your girlfriend to wear it :engel016:

LOL. Snowballs chance in Havana of that one happening. She wont even go to ORA with me. Good thing too. I can hear her now...." It's too loud here"..."It smells funny when the planes are running"..."These benches suck". Ugh. Oh well, gives me more time to be with that mistress the D.VII.

Yes, I think that more advertising is possible, but whilst i am more than happy and eager to "pass the word",
I think a good idea is a devs-inspired approach to Flight simulation shows. And Air Shows.
In the UK here, there is at least one annual Flight sim show- what would it take for a British Dev to enquire about having OFF as the flight sim being shown by one or more of the exhibitors - maybe a sort of dual approach - Or even take a stand jsu for OFF?
Mostly I see FSX being the flight sim on the screen, when "such and such" joysticks are showing off their product.
Why not OFF.
At the last show it was all FSX, except there was Black Shark showing - guess where most we gathered?

One year, Borton and myself and a couple of other guys "had a table " at one of the Flight sim shows. (We are too old now to lug desktop computers around ) but there was a lot of interest. I suppose a very good laptop with a projector and a simple joystick( for the punters to have a go on) would sell quite a few DVDs?
If a dev set it up, I'm sure one or two of us would attend and help out as gophers, explainers etc? in UK and USA flight sim shows ?

I remember going to the Fairford Air show one year - Real jets all over the place. What an opportunity for a booth showing
Falcon 4 flight sim- Microprose would have sold dozens.

Couldn't something like that be considered for enquires re the USA and UK shows?

Something for the devs to bear in mind perhaps?
Hello folks, First post on here.
Got my copy a couple of days back and am well impressed with it.

I have dropped a line to PC Gamer UK and 3D Motors to tell them about OFF Phase 3.
Lets hope that they give the sim the praise and recognition that it deserves.
There are many ways of marketing.

Whilst it may not get WM his yacht ( even at 1:24), let us not forget the power of recommendation, which is still one of the best ways to get the "word on the street".

So if you know anyone who may possibly interested in one of the best sims ( of its genre) ever produced and you have not mentioned it yet,NOW would be a good time.



PC Pilot mag did a review on OFF when Phase2 came out,it was their article that made me go d/l P2.

Will they not be interested in BHaH....?
When you are out hitting the bricks in your OFF shirt or whatever I would suggest that there is an OBD approved flyer to post or hand out to interested dudes. Many hobby shops that sell WWI airplane kits have bulletin boards, said flyer could go up on the board. There are many R/C flying clubs.... I mean just think... but maybe let's be somewhat organized and have an approved flyer that we could download and print or post. Oshgosh comes to mind and any of the other airshows. I have been thinking and wondering and seems our brothers on SOH CFS3 would be likely OFFers so I made a little post in the general discussion about the greatness of our sim. I've said it before. Now I bought it, now it's mine. We, OBD and the us flyers of OFF are in this together. Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot with posts of any kind of negativity. Be a "fan boy"? Why the heck not? I am one and am willing to shout from the highest hill that I am. We all want this to work, it deserves to work and be with us and growing for years to come. So Xbox 360 is getting some sort of WWI game, let's take advantage of that somehow. Not to ever degenerate another product, ie. ROF but find an opportunity to share your love of your favorite sim. I've done this online for OFF with some success and no pissing match ensued. We have a sweet thing going. Let's share it as best we can. Thanks for reading.