Advertising WWI Combat Flightsim Goodness

Perhaps the decision to "self-market" this product is a mistake? It would seem better to sell 5000 copies at a discount to a game distributor, than 500 copies at full price to the limited users that have found their way here.

Mass exposure by advertising is everything. Word of mouth only goes so far. I'll bet a phone call to would give you a nice sales opportunity.

My goodness - almost missed all this creativ spirit!
Good ideas, boys, and ROOSTER, I'll try to make some good designs for the T-Shirts.
I could send them as JPEG's to everyone, who wants one.
When you print them out, you can carry them to a big copy shop, were they should have a special decal paper to copy it on to.
That can then be ironed onto the shirt.
Had this posted elsewere, but here, it's the right place:

Better sales need salesmen

I'd really wish you better sales numbers. That's why I write this example - draw your own conclusions:

A friend of mine was an artist, he painted huge oil-on-canvas works.
Since he had found a gallerist (in the 80s), he began to sell good.
After short time, he could afford a big Mercedes Limousine, and a big
factory store, were he painted. I'm sure, he could have got an own house
after some time, and maybe more.
But the deal was: 70 % for the gallerist, 30 % for the painter. Becoming
successful now, he complained about the unfair deal, wanted at least 50 %,
and as he didn't get them, he broke with the gallerist.
He never found another (they seem to stick together), and died poor in the mid-90s.

If you'd find a distributer, he might charge the larger amount from the price.
But what is better: selling 10.000 copies with a winning of, let's say, 25,- Dollar;
or 100.000 copies with a winnig of 5,- Dollar each? (Just a fictional example).
I posted some info in the off topic forum at RCUniverse. I'm sure some of the R/C types are flight sim junkies too, I know I am.


The first poster almost took my mind off my current campaign. Cut that OUT!!

I am going to do a front page review at (35,000+ members) and will also create a user made add on section in the download area (the site is not for profit and totally free).

I need some user made add ons though :) so any skinners out there like Bullet head will be welcomed. I also plan on putting up a small balloon only campaign, hopefully the review will generate a few more sales for this great game.
Print advertising is expensive; you can't just run it once; and you would need to cover many markets with an ad. It is also very difficult to accurately measure the cost effectivness. So I'm assuming that option at this point, is not realistic.


Banners on other sim sites linking to OFF i.e. The MS FlightSim community is enormous
The CFS sites
etc would be a good start.

Rabu's extraordinary artwork posters, t-shirted (your choice of poster..more succinct copy) with the website more dramatically displayed is an idea.

Any reviews in the PC mags is a leg up. Perhaps unsolicited copies to the various editors would generate their interest in an article.

I think the advertising needs to be internet driven, to get the volume exposure that would mean anything. Perhaps an add on Google or paying for position on a WW1/PC games/Flight Sim pages would eventually pay off (no pun intended).

Aside from the gaming mags, there are the aviation mags. Many of us pilots use flight sims to keep our skills from getting too rusty among other things, and many of the mags feature computer flying reviews.

I agree. I am a regular reader of the UK "Aeroplane" magazine, in my opinion the best aviation history monthly. They have featured flightsim reviews in the past. I have already sent them an email before P3 was released but received no reply. Perhaps a contact by the dev team would be woth it. Their web site is

Same could be done with the UK FlyPast or the US Flight Journal:
Ian Howlett had written an excellent article on OFF in Computer Pilot Magazine several years ago. I haven't seen the magazine in the Borders Books magazine stands for awhile though. It's now in PDF format at

Andy Mahood wrote a shorter one in PCGamer about the same time.

Maybe if we all started emailing them asking about a new article on OFF, which has now gone through extensive changes, it might go somewhere?
Andy Mahood wrote a shorter one in PCGamer about the same time.

Obviously missed that one as I don't recall ever seeing anything on OFF and I'm a long time PC Gamer subscriber. However over this past weekend I did send an email to Andy Mahood asking consideration of a review of the current OFF 3 BHAH offering along with supportive comments.

Man, what a bunch of fanatics!

Y'all may put this over-the-top, after all. :weightlifter:
I just checked out this RBD3 and other WW1 flight sims

They are a bit light on OFF info to say the least.

Is anyone here a member of the said forum who would like to post over there to spread the news?




The OFF Forum there is new. I had already posted the info about the Phase 3 release on 18th of January in the Open Forum. 24 views but no response.
A good friend of mine wants to do a review of OFF3, he has been reviewing for for some time on many types of aviation related software. I gave him a disc of OFF2 a few months ago and is very enthusiastic about introducing more people to it. I hope the devs are open to widening the audience through allowing BHAH to be reviewed.