Aerosoft will only produce dumbed-down aircraft for MSFS

From the most recent Asobo developer Q&A, as summarized by FSElite:

[FONT=&quot]A member of the community asked about how the team is handling the PMDG DC-6 on Xbox. Specifically, the team said that they were looking to bring the plane back, but ran into issues after the launch. This was due to the team using ‘Dev Kits’ for Xbox which had certain security settings different to retail units. This meant during the testing, the plane was running fine. However, on consumer units, the plane was unable to work due to some restrictions.

That said, they are working with the Xbox platform team to make the possibility real and also keep the console safe. The bad news is that this may take ‘months’ to fix. Asobo and Microsoft however [/FONT]
may[FONT=&quot] have a shorter-term solution in mind.
[FONT=&quot]Jorg said, [/FONT]“we are working with the platform team to make it real and keep the console safe. They’re committed and it will take a few months. This is the reality and we’ve done what we can right now. We’re highly motivated and the platform [team] is doing it. And we might be doing something shorter-term”

So the TL;DR essentials here are that WASM stuff isn't working on Xbox right now, but the MSFS team is working with the Xbox platform team to find a way to enable a solution for extensibility that will still keep the console security intact.

Once this is resolved X months down the road, Aerosoft and others will be able to do planes for both PC and Xbox that use external modules to add capabilities and systems that aren't yet implemented in the core sim.

So as is often the case when folks get upset on the Internet, the story is more complicated than initially communicated, and the long-term situation is not nearly as doom-filled. :)
Interesting read,

I noticed that Asobo and the MS guys where very open about the WASM issue on Xbox last week on their webcast. I said this on another forum, but Microsoft is like an oil tanker... actually several oil tankers all doing there own thing. If the captain of one needs help from another the typical response is "what's in it for me".

To get the Xbox platform team to make changes to the Xbox OS is a huge ask... because, basically they never do it. And when they do, it takes 6 to 12 months. There is no special treatment for the inhouse Microsoft studios when it comes to Xbox. The Xbox platform team top trumps all. And if they don't want to do it, it wont happen.

In some ways, the Xbox is a great platform to get people into flightsim. But the expectation was set that it would be the same experience as on PC; which it was never going to be. A better tack might have been that Standard edition would support most aircraft on PC and Xbox, but more advanced aircraft would need premium on a PC (which would be more open). Anyway, the bed has been made. TBH I think the Twotter is very good, I'm not interested in Glass Panels (I actively avoid them) so it hits the mark for me.