Thanks for the compliment. Any opinions on the colour/tone on the KLM blue?
Myselve (and some others) not completely happy.
Experiment with Royal Blue/Kobalt-Blue:
I'd stick with kobalt blauw, Marcel. That's the darker blue in your screenie, right ? (new)
Got this sample of Kobalt Blue :
But like you say, that particular tone is not carved in stone... ;-) But it just looks and feels right, doesn't it ?
Somehow i just like what i see here although not natural lighted. Check the red fueltank covers for comparison of color:
The blue color here just feels very familiar.(i have seen them for real you know, KLM DC-3's, 4's, 6's, 7's, Connies, Convairs, Viscounts and Electra's, right there on the tarmac of what is now called 'Schiphol-Oost'. On the panorama terras above the restaurant sipping on a bottle of 'Joy'.. ;-)
A question if i may, Marcel, is it your intention to do more KLM DC-3 schemes ?
Thank you very much again for giving us a KLM DC-3 to fly in our precious MSFS world !