according me it has "98" number so N16060 but I will check it again, maybe it has different reg. number. It looks like the same as AH model.
Found a colored version of Marcel's photo :
YoYo, maybe you can use this in Blender ( Is till need to figure how to do things in Blender myself...)
is there a manual for the DC-3 that i can put on my laptop which doesnt have msfs on it? ive tried to find a download for it but cant find one, im not to savvy in this stuff, so please be gentle in your answers
id like to, as with the porter,read it on the laptop in bed since im here more than up.
See this: , you will find pdf manual.
someone tested pax from GSX with DC-3? Does it work here?
Ok, its not top secret ;> I hope, teke it here
Unfortunately, the work was prolonged due to Christmas, cleaning, preparations, trip, etc., so not many free time. Finally its a stage which I can show. I hope you like it. Soon ... but not this year.
More screenies soon too.
On the front it should has a lamp, however maybe I'll do texture of lamp but it depends how it will look.