AH P-47D Razorback Released 4/3

Notice the new grip for throttle (right) and more sharp back like in Razorback! Great! Nice to see the Malcolm canopy too. They had to work hard to bring the patch so quickly. :wavey:

I see its present, not downloaded yet:


Looks like LOD issue (frame of canopy) is present still on the video, I will check the final verion, its very visible on video: https://youtu.be/eXj_BkgUmOE?si=sIWcM2de0LcJ4NtP&t=290 author when moved the camera away a bit and another canopy (new LOD) was loaded, too quickly! This is then visible several times when the camera moves and another canopy (textures) is loaded. This should still be the most detailed LOD. if we are so close. I'll check it when I will install 1.1.0. In the current version (1.0.0.) it's annoying when you're outside and you're turning the camera around and things keep changing.

Edit: I checked, yes its present (LOD issue of frame canopy, the glass of gunsight disappears too, the problem is that it's a really close camera, I understand it as if it was 200 meters away from the plane, but it is a few meters from the model and the change is probably 1 meter or less even). Example:


The back looks a lot of better now! :applause:


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The canopy looks like it is missing a texture or material setting is wrong for the LOD.

As for the glass disappears not sure why they would need to make an LOD to remove the glass as it should be a huge triangle/polygon monster.
The canopy looks like it is missing a texture or material setting is wrong for the LOD.

LOD is good for performance for sure, but why does it change so quickly when we are so close (even still within the range of wings of the plane) I havent idea. 50 meters from the plane is ok, but its changing too fast on the very short distance. This does not provide any benefit in FPS (even +1 fps) but you will notice that something is "flashing" on external view, strange because the rest of the model does not change LOD so quickly. The texture can be adjusted, but there is still a question: why the model change LOD so quickly on some parts (now less, what is good)? Interestingly, that in version 1.0.0. there was no such problem like this. This has undoubtedly been corrected, but only partially unfortunately, hovere the direction is good.
All credit to AH - they've certainly done some major work on it. I never knew they fitted the Malcom hood to the P-47, so that's another little history lesson for me.
All credit to AH - they've certainly done some major work on it. I never knew they fitted the Malcom hood to the P-47, so that's another little history lesson for me.

Yes, this was especially true for British machines :). Nice option, great that they added it.
All credit to AH - they've certainly done some major work on it. I never knew they fitted the Malcom hood to the P-47, so that's another little history lesson for me.

For me too. How about the soundsuite, Paul, nothing about that in the video. I suppose nothing changed yet in this respect ?.... (after seeing/hearing the video posted here of the real P-47 i can't fly and be happy with AH's P-47 atm. She deffinately deserves a soundsuite that matches the quality of the external/internal model. Deserves.... no..., she NEEDS IT !! (and i do too ;-) )

As August has mentioned, the restoration was done back in the very early 1980s, and the photos all date from the 80s and 90s. It was a different era as to what constituted being an authentic restoration. It's said that back then, a warbird was considered authentic if it just had a historically-accurate paint job, and nothing to do with how the inside looked or was configured. Today, the airframe no longer has the jump seat, since when The Fighter Collection re-restored the aircraft in the early 2000s they put the original aft-cockpit structure back in, making it a full single-seater again. The Planes of Fame Air Museum's razorback P-47G has had a jump seat for many years, but recently it underwent a full cockpit restoration to stock, except that they kept the jump seat and added a folding structure to make it look like a fully-stock single seater when they're not making use of the rear seat. Today, the Planes of Fame P-47 is the only Thunderbolt that has a jump seat, and therefore of the roughly 12 airworthy P-47s in the world, theirs is the only one that can provide a flight to a vet or family member of a P-47 pilot, or museum volunteer, etc. I included the close-up photo of the two gentleman in the cockpit because it shows the artwork of the crew names to great advantage (in-case anyone would like to make a repaint of 'Little Demon'). The gentleman seen in the forward cockpit is the late Ray Stutstman, who originally restored the aircraft, and the gentleman in the back seat is Peter Arnold, affectionately known as "Mr. Spitfire", who has been instrumental in many Spitfire recoveries over the past 50+ years (not to mention being famous for having a Spitfire in his home garage).

As an update to my last post, I found out today that, despite having been stripped to bare metal and being repainted, the P-47G 42-25068 (N47FG) will be remaining as 'Snafu' with the new paint, just that it's being redone with better quality.

A full history of the aircraft here: https://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=36799

Thank you, John. As always very informative. And i'm sorry i called "Mr.Spitfire" a '6 year old boy sitting behind the back of his brother on a carousel horse'. (I googled Mr.Arnold. Wow! I'd almost say i should've known about him ! ). I do still blame the people in charge to put that seat there smack dab behind the pilot seat and keep thinking "Why ??"....

And thanks for the link to "Aerial Visuals Little Demon/Snafu", John ! Going to enjoy that ! :encouragement:
Another version is out on Simmarket.

Version 1.1.1- fixes the issue with the malcom hood canopy not opening- fixes the issue with the plane in multiplayer showing parts of the gear when the gear is up.
I don't want to speak for Jan but I took his mini rant as a tongue in cheek lampoon and not necessarily bitter at all - I could be wrong - the scoreboard says it's usually the case.

Not wrong, my friend, absolutely right. Tongue in cheek/Pinch of salt about the same to me. If i had known about Mr.Spifire i would've possibly kept my mouth shut.. Thanks mate :)
For me too. How about the soundsuite, Paul,...)

Hi Jan - I don't own the P-47, nor will I be doing so in the future. I'm only going by what I see in that update video, and for them to refashion the rear fuselage in such short order is impressive. Credit where credit is due.
hey all - make sure to check JustFlight again
latest version is 1.1.1 and includes a few more fixes than 1.1.0

Aeroplane Heaven P-47D Thunderbolt 'Razorback' MSFS - v1.1.1 Update

Dear Sir/Madam,

We mailed you earlier today about a v1.1.0 Update for the Aeroplane Heaven MSFS Thunderbolt.
It appears that there was a problem with the Zip file provided by Aeroplane Heaven for this update. This has been rectified and new v1.1.1 software is now available which also adds some additional updates.
Please see the Support page for all the details.
If you have already downloaded the v1.1.0 Thunderbolt software, please download the new v1.1.1 version to get the corrected software.
If you have not yet downloaded the new software, the v1.1.1 version which is now available should not present you with any problems.
Best wishes,
The Just Flight Crew
Okay! That's it! Off to buy this one! With this update AH has done and all the textures JK is making it is impossible to resist.


From the release notes
"Possible VR fix we dont develop for VR but we have instigated the SDK recommendations."
Makes this a no buy for me, I only fly in vr...
Maybe not everyone noticed, but 2 Easter eggs ; ).

Pilot must have fallen out of love, there's a photo in the corner ;>.
quick question - is anyone else having trouble starting the P-47 from cold n dark?
I could start it before the updates but now it's as if there's no spark.
I have checked the .cfg files for anything obvious but I can't see what the problem is

I have emailed AH about this but I figure it would help to know if its a problem local to me - or if others are experiencing the same