AI Helicopters in FS9

There was a big discussion in the FSX forums about it...The overall concensus is that its pretty awsome......

As soon as I get finished setting up FS9 I'm getting it...

I say from everyones responces thats its a good deal at 25 bucks....
I have it, and I love it! I have been going crazy setting up LZ's all over the place. You do have to be careful what heli's you use since some eat up more fps than others, but with a little patience, you can weed out the fps hungry models and have ai heli's all over. I don't even have the stock traffic turned on any more, just heli's.

A few pics....
Waiting for my turn on the pad at Los Angeles Children's Hospital....

There he goes!

Down on the pad.

AI Apache at Camp 11 Fire Base....
it was listed as FSX only when it apeared on their site
seems that flight1 or one customer found out that it work in both sims
would be nice if someone who has this product in use with FS9 can tell how it works


Isn't that what Astoroth just did the post before yours?

Sorry couldn't resist.
Lol. The original Heli Traffic X was only FSX compatible. They worked on it some more, made it compatible with FS9, and so the new name of Heli Traffic 2009. It does have a couple bugs, but they are being worked on and a new patch is expected, er, the s-word......
Yep - I purchased it today

My system has XP OS and FS9. Over two hunded kinds of aircraft with over 1900 folders and still it loads!!

The place to go for answers is here:

The forum deals well with questions about this program. Many good questions and answers. Both for FS9 and FSX.

My install went smooth and the program is working well. There is some work required to put additional helipads and schedules in but is easy to do if YOU READ THE FINE MANUAL that comes with it...

Best of luck.
How can I make AI-helicopters take off right from the helipad and land right on it? Now the helicopters use taxiways and then runways to take off and land and that looks unnatural. The sim is FS9.

How can I make AI-helicopters take off right from the helipad and land right on it? Now the helicopters use taxiways and then runways to take off and land and that looks unnatural. The sim is FS9.


Do a search at Avsim, Holger Sandmann (sp?) did a freeware
AI helicopters package that does just that,and some years ago too,
IIRC uses some of Rob Barendregt's magic to make the helo's go up and down.


Do a search at Avsim, Holger Sandmann (sp?) did a freeware
AI helicopters package that does just that,and some years ago too,
IIRC uses some of Rob Barendregt's magic to make the helo's go up and down


Thanks Pete! I'll do as told.

Just got this program... Guess I'll be up late nights again as I set up LZ's all over the place.

Any recommendations for low poly count Helos?

The AlphaSim Westland Lynx works well as it has a reduced poly 2nd LOD, so performance is good and looks nice close up.

Got this a few days ago, qite like it, but still experimenting on how to have separate custome stuff over 3 different installs.


Just got this program... Guess I'll be up late nights again as I set up LZ's all over the place.

Any recommendations for low poly count Helos?


Owen Hewitt's Bell 206b III
Gmax Bell 430
Rory Kelly's Sea Knight and Sea Dragon/Sea Stallion
Rory's Bell 407
Lasse Lindh's Djinn
and a must for me is Kevin Bryan's Personal Jetpack man, lol.
Just got this program... Guess I'll be up late nights again as I set up LZ's all over the place.
Any recommendations for low poly count Helos?

Also, search "Nick Black" for some pretty good military AI helos.

I haven't installed this yet - there were some bugs I believe, gear not retracting or extending, stuff like that.
Has this been fixed?
Any other issues?
One of the ANG or Coast Guard AI packs from quite a while ago had AI helos in it for FS9. I've got them installed but I sure couldn't tell you where they're from since I installed them so long ago. MAIW also has some AI helos as well.