AI Helicopters in FS9


a nice and usefull tool, only one Problem. Helicopters with retractable gear... The gear will not be shown, also the same when you use a Harrier

Quax (ex flying Brian)

can an Admin contact me please ???
Yep! That is on the FIX List

Your problem has been well identified at the support forum at Flight1. A fix is in the works for FS9 said the forum Moderater. Hmm, isn't the Harrier a JUMP JET and not a Helicopter? I wonder how they will identfy it (smile). I hope they fix them all. Take care and have a nice day. :jump:

thx guys, thats great news :ernae:

BTW the Harrier is a jump Jet but it looks great when it take off vertical... Is it possible with a Harrier ??? :icon_lol:... No matter a great sight :applause: tro see it taking off.
I think your right the Harrier is COOL and vertical too. I fly the Golden Age Simulations payware Pitcairn PCA-2 autogyro as AI Helicopter also. Good flying!

Harriers can take off vertically, but only with tanks that aren't full of juice and light orinance, it's all about weight, it needs to be below a certain level, weather that be ordinance or fuel, not operationally advantageous, hence they usually ski-jump or STOL, when landing the ordinance and lots of the fuel will be gone, so vertical landings are quite usual. Fot the SHAR it usually involves hovering to the left of the deck, skewing sideways to above the carrier then down IIRC.

So essentially, yes they can take off vertically, but for authenticity, make sure your chosen model has light or no ordinance loaded.

The minute I posted this, I knew there would be some action :running: on this front.
It's like taking an umbrella - if you don't, it will rain buckets, if you do, it won't...
Thanks for the HU!
LOL, no probs, got mine working again, but having some fps issues on my new rig, no sure if it's this, the bloom effect or a combination of both!!

okay, looks like it's actually 'windowed mode' causing it. I only went into it to see the invisible pop-up that came after installing this add-on on my new comp. Invalid license apparently, got that fixed now and had lock-ups a-plenty, uninstalled the bloom effect, still did it.

Funny, I thought windowed mode was meant to be better for fps, maybe it's a process focus thing, dang these 4 cores!! I'll get used to it soon hopefully.
