Fellas, I need your help.
My Alpha India Grp. An-124 approaches from a point twice as high as other AI aircraft, touches down beyond the half-way point and slips off the end.
All other AI a/c (tube-liners, military, regional turboprops, GA) land normally using the stnd 3-degree approach. The Antonov appears to be on a 6-degree glidepath. There is no ILS on the rwy in question.
I have not been able to relate anything in the CFG or AIR files to a glidepath or aiming point, nor in the airport AFCAD.
I'm stumped; I've run out of options. I'd appreciate your suggestions. :isadizzy:
- H52
My Alpha India Grp. An-124 approaches from a point twice as high as other AI aircraft, touches down beyond the half-way point and slips off the end.
All other AI a/c (tube-liners, military, regional turboprops, GA) land normally using the stnd 3-degree approach. The Antonov appears to be on a 6-degree glidepath. There is no ILS on the rwy in question.
I have not been able to relate anything in the CFG or AIR files to a glidepath or aiming point, nor in the airport AFCAD.
I'm stumped; I've run out of options. I'd appreciate your suggestions. :isadizzy:
- H52