AI Questions


Retired SOH Admin
I will be heading over to here in a bit to find replacement skins for the stock planes that are used as AI...737, 747, 777, C-172, C-182, Bravo and such. Tired of those stock skins making my sim look bad.

I would also like to add some more variety in the number of paints used on AI....seeing the same 5 747s around the world...gets kind of boring. How hard is it to add another 4 or 5 paints to the mix and to get the sim to use the new paints on the my sim 8 to 10 747s to display instead of 4 or 5.

Time to Move On

The stock aircraft are actually quite hard on resources.
That's why the likes of WOAI exist.
Fabulous models, a huge range of real-world liveries.
A whole new aspect of realistic flightsimming...
How/What exactly does WOAI work? Do they supplement the existing AI? Replace them? Are they ready to use or does one need to know how to set up AI plans? Do they work with stock airports or do the airports need tweaking in some way?

I am totally clueless about setting up AI flight plans...and to be honest, I have no real desire to learn how to do it. I just want more traffic in my sky and a bit more variety. Seeing the same 3 Cessna 172s every where gets boring after a while.

hey OBIO,
while no longer an AI expert, I certainly did some, first in the modern era, and later in the propellor era.

WOAI gives you an install engine, that automagically loads AI models, flightplans and textures for specific airlines.

You must choose which carriers you want to see. So if you want 10 747s, you need to download 10 airline packages.

This is FAR EASIER than the way we used to do it in the Olden Days. There you got some gnashing of teeth, forsooth.

go to and give it a shot.

As BPFOWLER said, WOAI is the way to go. If you can unzip and click, you can install SUPER AI.

Why it's so simple, even a caveman could do it!!! :- )

- H52
OBIO, if you start making real life like AI Traffic you'll open a whole new world in FS. But be warned. It can be very addictive! :icon_lol:

Here are some useful links:

A lot of models:

Russian Traffic:

Good AI related programs:

Tutorial and links:

AI models:

AI auf Deutch:

Japanese AI:

One of the major AI "producers" nowadays:

Models and AI models:

AI paints:


Italian AI:

AI flightplan Tutorial:

Airline list for use with AI:

Same in Russia:


The major military AI works:

This page still exist:

One of the major AI producers PAI(with own automatic installer):

AI links etc.

AI Tutorial

Russian AI Traffic System (RATS):

Old Russian AI traffic:

Name tells:

Airline codes:

Ultimate GA AI tarffic:


Name tells:

This is it. One of the best and easiest AI for everyone with automatic installer:

Subpage of the former:

What you didn't get from PAI or WoAI yoy get here:



Norwegian AI Tutor (in English):

Brasilian AI:

Farmboy's Tutorials:

Even more AI:

Another AI model producer:

Boris paints AI planes:

More AI Traffic:

Retro AI:

Simviation AI Tutorial (download):

A lot of links:

AI planes need Airports too:

Czech AI:

Russian AI links:

Brasilian AI:

disable the default AI before installing WOAI

You go into whatever drive where FS9 is installed, eg like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Scenery\World\scenery and find the traffic file
Rename that folder as a backup and the default Ai will no longer be there. Youre then good to go to install WOAI or other AI package automatically.
A couple of questions.

1. I'm interested in in enhancing my Calclassic AI (already very good) to add some more military traffic (bombers and fighters) of the 1950s and early 60s to the mix. Will the "World of AI" programs do that or would I have to delete the Calclassic AI programming first?

2. I checked the World of AI site and see that you have to install a couple of programs to make it all work. It all looks a bit confusing to me. How steep is the learning curve to get it all to sync up and produce a good AI package?
A couple of questions.

1. I'm interested in in enhancing my Calclassic AI (already very good) to add some more military traffic (bombers and fighters) of the 1950s and early 60s to the mix. Will the "World of AI" programs do that or would I have to delete the Calclassic AI programming first?

2. I checked the World of AI site and see that you have to install a couple of programs to make it all work. It all looks a bit confusing to me. How steep is the learning curve to get it all to sync up and produce a good AI package?
You only need the installer to unpack the files. Instead of unzipping the files normally you run the installer, locate the download and run it. The learning curve depends on how deep you want to go with customising your installs. It ranges from leaving them as is to throwing the computer out of the window in frustration :icon_lol: It's just like anything in FS, looks easy but isn't. Untill you get the hang of it. If you ever feel in over your head take a look at the ai forums, I find the MAIW forum to be invaluable for info.
I will be heading over to here in a bit to find replacement skins for the stock planes that are used as AI...737, 747, 777, C-172, C-182, Bravo and such. Tired of those stock skins making my sim look bad.

I would also like to add some more variety in the number of paints used on AI....seeing the same 5 747s around the world...gets kind of boring. How hard is it to add another 4 or 5 paints to the mix and to get the sim to use the new paints on the my sim 8 to 10 747s to display instead of 4 or 5.


Hello Obio,

I know exactly how you feel. Here's what I recommend:

1) decide what "era" you want your sim to be. In my case, I have a GW3 install modifed so it's actually a FS1955. I have another install that is a Silver Wings setup modified to FS1970.

2) Ditch all stock FS planes - save for the Cessna. Don't like Cessnas, but I believe getting rid of it will mess things up.

3) Based on your era choice, download a fleet of planes that most closel mirrors the stock fleet you had. For example, for my FS1955 install, I downloaded the entire suite of AI planes. B377, Constellation, DC-3-to-7, etc. Bearing in mind a lot of the stock AI flights deal with mid-size and even smaller GA planes, build a fleet that mirrors those planes too. Again, for 1930-1960, the GW planes work nicely. The calclassics packs have nice commuter planes too, so again, you can replace your MD-80s and 737s very nicely.

Ditto for my FS1970 install - in that case, it was a mix of calclassics (jets like Caravelles, Comets, a few stray freighter Constellation and DC-7s, etc.) as well as AA Aardvark. Lovely 60's/70's era 707, 727, 747, C880/C990, and the like.

4) Decompile your stock traffic .bgl file, and edit the aircraft.txt file. It took me a couple of hours (I'm smart like hammers, so it may take you less) and replaced every stock entry with my new fleet, one-by one. Around 50-60 entries, can't remember now. So, for example, every Cessna entry (I think there was 3 or 4 of those) got replaced with by the 2 or 3 variations of Piper Cub that came with the GW3. The DH8s got replaced by Convair propliners, 747s by either Constellations and B377s in the case of my FS1955 install, or by 707s and such in the case of the FS1970 install.

Now, even if you don't install a single realistic AI pack, you've radically changed the default environment. This solution is the 80 out of the 80/20 rule: gives me 80% of the impact with only a little bit of work.

The last 20% takes the 80% of the work. That's going airline by airline, dowloading the requisite planes, etc. It's time consuming, and probably rivals cocaine and gambling in it's addictive quality - but it truly does leave you with a beautiful final product. That's where calclassics, WOAI, and a few others are good in that the flight plans, planes list, and airports are all spelled out.

I did the airlines that I find most interesting, and made sure I did at least a couple for every major region. So, for FS1955, obviously, I did Canadian Pacific and Trans Canada Airlines, and then hit the majors from the US, UK, Spain, France, W and E Germany, etc. I also did Aeroflot, Quantas, a couple from Central and South America, and the Middle East. Probably around 30 AI packs for each FS install, and that gave a really nice flavour. That way, most country I visit, I will likely see either it's national airline, or that of another that would likely have serviced it in real life.

More than all, though, back to your question, I have not seen a single Soar or orbit flight in my FS skies in almost half a decade ... :)

I hope that helps.

You would never have to delete the CalClassic traffic first. It can all coexist just fine.

But I don't think that World of AI does military AI (see the other post for a link to that), and I don't know of any 50's/60's aircraft in that mix, except B-52's and the like (i.e. old planes that are still in the inventory).

Hope this helps,
Get Traffic Tools and read the manual. All will become clear.

You can add paints to the stock planes, or any other planes, and then add them to the Aircraft list with Traffic Tools. Once the planes are on the Aircraft list you can use them in flights.

You can do that in two ways. One is to simply substitute your new planes or paints for the original planes in existing flights. The other is to make new flights using the new planes. The first way is easier and it gets rid of an old plane by substituting a new one, with no net increase in resource use.

If you want military traffic you'll have to make new flights, since the stock AI scheme doesn't have any military flights that use military airports. And since the stock AI scheme doesn't use those airports, they don't have AI parking, so you'll have to add that. You do that with AFCAD, and like Traffic Tools, it has instructions that will tell you everything you need to know.

You can also check out Military AI Works. Their stuff is all for the present day, but you can take their flight plans and substitute planes from an earlier era, the same way you do with the stock AI flights.

If you want to backdate the civil AI, the easy way is to start with the Cal Classics AI package, which is set up for around 1959. Then you can move forward or back by replacing the older or newer planes with others typical of the time period you favor.

If you want to go back a long way, like to the twenties or thirties, install Golden Wings.

Customizing your AI is very tedious and time consuming, but the learning curve for Traffic Tools and AFCAD isn't very steep, and the results can be very rewarding.
Tim, to provide a simple answer your original question, just get some better paints and drop them into the stock texture folders of the stock planes without changing the Title lines in the aircraft.cfg file.

It's OK to change the Variation lines, just don't change the Title lines. That way you won't have to mess around with Traffic Tools or AFCAD.
I have a lot of the MAIW packages use them, do I have to modify the military bases or do their packages include modified AFCADs for the bases?

I have a lot of the MAIW packages use them, do I have to modify the military bases or do their packages include modified AFCADs for the bases?


I believe they include modified AFCAD files. I'm not certain because I'm only familiar with them second-hand; they're too modern for my taste, so I don't use them.
I have a lot of the MAIW packages use them, do I have to modify the military bases or do their packages include modified AFCADs for the bases?

Comes with mod afcads for the bases in the packs and some with base scenery also, but also waypoints (SAR points and ranges) for the aircraft flights. Each package comes with a comprehensive whats included etc. Once you install a number of them and have a network of bases (especially in the US) you will have military aircraft shooting touch and go's and flying from base to base, and ending up in places such as Afghanistan etc. And each package usually has 3-4 different aircraft types representing the units at each base.
I have a lot of the MAIW packages use them, do I have to modify the military bases or do their packages include modified AFCADs for the bases?


I have used them as they come. No problems so far (unless I have some my own modifications on airports but using some afcad editor solves those too). Usually there comes some readme file that tells the compatibility of the MAIW addon with some other addon (if necessary) or stock scenery.

Now there comes often some MAIW sceneries with the package. You install those as usual sceneries and/or then add possibly some files (coming with the package) to the scenery and texture folders of the MAIW Scenery Library Objects (installed as a scenery first).

I have a lot of the MAIW packages use them, do I have to modify the military bases or do their packages include modified AFCADs for the bases?

All MAIW packages are complete, aircraft, paints, AFCADS and some scenery, and of course, flightplans.

The AFCADS usually are military only, meaning if they are for a shared airport, there will be few, if any, civilian parking spots, since most AFCAD makers seem to refuse to allow their work to be modified by anyone and reposted. If someone does a large airport that is, in real life, multi-use, ie GA, Airline, and military, usually only the Airline and GA spots are coded. If another group wants to add military to that airport, they cannot just modify that AFCAD (for posting) even with proper aknowledgement. (Of course, there are rare occasions of allowance.) They usually must make a completely new AFCAD. And they will usually leave out the AIRLINE/GA stuff. Because if the original maker sees even one spot that even looks like it might have been his, the s**t hits the fan! And that's to bad, because you usually cannot have two AFCADs for the same airport active, other than the default one, without causing some kind of problem.

So, if you want custom ai of all kinds, you must learn AFCAD and or ADE for parking use, or your ai either will not land, or will disappear after pulling off the runway.