AIG - AI Traffic


Hi All,

Not sure how many here have come across the Alpha India Group guys before or indeed how many here are even interested in having realistic AI traffic in their day to day simming. I have used AIG freeware AI traffic for many years going back to FSX. I find their AVSIM based model portfolio to be beautifully crafted and unlike other traffic programmes they feature all the correct animations like flaps/spoilers and lighting with no significant FPS hit.

It only came to my notice this week that they have adapted their project to MSFS 2020 & now 2024. My interest is really in military traffic and alongside that I like to see air cargo. I'm not one who wants clouds of Easyjet or Delta tubey's swarming around me all the time but it's great to see a Kalitta 747 parked up at a regional airport when I fly in. The installation is a bit convoluted but if I can make it work so can most!

This U-Tube link below gives the best guide if anyone fancies having a go. It includes all the freeware download links you will need.

Thanks for posting this... it's a big step to get proper AI going in the sim, good to know there's cross compatibility.
It's a rabbithole I last saw in FS9, ending up with around a GB of AI!
Been using it for both P3D and MSFS together for years. Sadly, as I also want military AI in MSFS, the AI engine is still very much broke as it is in 24 with the MAIW guys waiting until that is fixed. Still nice to see the AI populate as I fly in the sim.