Hmm. First, I'm not working with a .mos file. Maybe later. When I made Station 121, no .mos file used.The airbase 'object' .xdp, is like the other airbase .xdps, though I've only added it a few days ago. No textured groundplane, in either case. I've also tried a one color .dds, with no alpha, same results.
Take a look at my entries, to see if you spot anything...
Global_Layer -airbase,Gilze,Rijen,N51*34'20.3997,E4*56'25.8000,0.0000,15.0353,Gilze-Rijen,gilr142,,,Netherlands,Gilze-Rijen,,,,,,,,no
cutscenes.xml (under correct country)
<Cutscene FileName="a_pregame_3.xml"/>
<City Name="Gilze-Rijen">
<Airbase ID="gilr142" Lat="N51*34'20.3997" Lon="E4*56'25.8000" Terrain="CFS3Europe" GlobalLayer="CFS3Europe1943"/>
Thanks for the offer, Frosty! I'll zip 'em up, and get it to you. Going to be something simple, but what??Appreciate the help guys! (Need all I can get!)