
Hi folks - just a note to tell you that my latest aircraft build is now available from
The Airspeed Envoy was a prewar British short-haul small airliner. It was launched in 1932 and featured flaps and a retractable undercarriage. Although modelled for FS9 it will also work reasonably well in FSX.
Its historical significance is that after a modest redesign it became the Airspeed Oxford crew trainer which was the RAF'S workhorse.


Cheers :encouragement:
Dave M(oly)
Whoow!! that is a much needed and sorely missed airplane, thank you very much!
Funny, I was going to an old airplane book and saw pictures of this plane just recently....
Maybe I should look up this sort of planes much more:untroubled:
It's beautiful! Like all of your planes, just beautiful.

I just grabbed a copy from FlightSim and came here to post a heads-up about it.

Thank you for another excellent model.

Thanks guys :applause: I agree, this aircraft was long overdue.It was suggested to me as a project by our late friend Dave Booker. Next will be a MK3 version with more powerful A.S.Cheetah engines in blister cowlings.
Cheers :encouragement:
Dave M(oly)
Very welcome aircraft indeed.
And very well executed, a big thank you is in order.
Just finished my fresh new highly tweaked GW3 installation so I'm off to download the Envoy.
Peter Watkins has a nice repaint for the Envoy up at Flightsim. Both for FS2004 and FSX.:encouragement:
