Allison Ranch Airstrip Scenery

Lou, I can't claim to be a technical expert in any of this stuff, but I'm pretty certain that this problem is not caused by duplicate textures, but by duplicate library bgls. More specifically, by library objects with duplicate guid numbers. Each object is assigned a randomly generated guid number, and each objects' guid should be unique. FS9 identifies scenery objects soley by their doesn't care about the name of the objects or the name of the library that it's in. If it finds two or more objects with the same guid, confusion results and that object is either not displayed or is displayed without textures.

Did you try searching for duplicate copies of ez-vintage hangers.bgl?

Boy that would explain a lot, thank you. I'll look for the dups.

Well I am so glad I had this issue as it forced me to finally take some action. When I started digging into this, I was expecting to find a few duplicate files to resolve the problem even though I suspected that this was most likely just the tip of the iceberg. I've been hunting for duplicate texture files and thanks to Sidney, started looking for the duplicate bgl files instead. Too my shock, I found that I had 896 duplicate bgl file activated in my install. When examing them, I realized that this was really something that would have been hard to prevent as the duplicates were the result of several different scenery installations and some installations even had the bgl files renamed so that they appeared to be different but were really the same underneath. I moved the duplicates to a safe place, started up FS and not only was my problem at Allison resolved, but the sim actually seemed to run better. All my missing textures from down in New Zealand are now there and some for the first time. I am so happy! :jump:

I can't say enough about this little program: that helped me fix my problem. If you use this and find that you have dups also, I suggest that you move and not delete them just in case.

Thank you,
LouP :ernae:
Too my shock, I found that I had 896 duplicate bgl file activated in my install.

Man, that's serious case of data constipation. :eek:

There seems to be a fair amount of ignorance about the concept of shared scenery object libraries, on the part of both scenery users and designers. Designers who make scenery using objects from shared libraries should NEVER package the libraries with their scenery. They should instruct the user to download from Avsim (or wherever) whatever scenery libraries they will need AND DON'T ALREADY HAVE. Making copies of bgls and renaming them is a particularly horrid idea. :banghead:

I'm glad you were able to get it all sorted out. And thanks for the pointer to that program. It's really useful to have something that finds duplicate files based on content rather than just the name. :ernae:
896 Holy Wow

Glad you found the problem

Thanks for the link to the duplicate finder.

Sidney you are completely correct. Scenery Libraries are so you don't have to down load the files more than once.

I would have never thought that was done. :isadizzy:

To be fair, you can't expect someone who isn't a scenery designer, or someone who is new to scenery design, to know about these "under the hood" sorts of things. I sure didn't know when I started. I try to make it clear in my scenery readme files that the user should only download those scenery libraries they don't already have, but I've noticed that few other scenery designers do the same. Oh return for the occassional problems we get lots of cool free scenery. And people like me get to feed their scenery making habit. :jump:
Thanks, Dave! It looks great and works great with FSGenesis 38m freeware mesh. A fun and challenging strip. :applause: :applause:

Thanks Dave! I have a few addons in the area and this makes another great stopover. Works great with my FSGenesis 38m mesh, like Dognot said. Well done!

okay, I'm a little off topic,
but where does one go to get FSGenesis 38m mesh?
I searched and searched and finally found a link to AvSim,
but the files are still missing.
any suggestions, please
well, I couldn't wait,
so I went right to the fsgenesis link.
sorry for being a tight wad,
but I thought it was freeware.
Their FS9 freeware is no longer on their site. AvSim has the big packs (BIG - as in the entire Rockies in one d/l - over 700MB!). Unfortunately, I don't see the Rockies pack anywhere else.
unfortunately, there is the AvSim logo with
sorry, file can not be found
next to all of the fsgenesis entries.
dang it!!!
I would love to get the Pacific Northwest
The entire library is currently offline again. I haven't heard anything about an ETA to being online again.
well, I couldn't wait,
so I went right to the fsgenesis link.
sorry for being a tight wad,
but I thought it was freeware.

I'm a tightwad too. Took me 5 years in FS9 to buy a payware plane ( I know have 6)

but FSGenesis got my $$ right away... esp. since I got the CD's.
If you note on their site it's on sale til the end of the month and FAR cheaper to buy the world than a couple of small areas

well, looks like I'm SOL
the end of the month is in a few days
and I don't do credit cards or any of that stuff.
so it goes.
:jawdrop: I would have bet $$$ that could not be done. :applause:

First of ...thanks for the great little scenery Dave. It is a blast to fly in and out of in just about any airplane.
Since I am lucky enough to be part of Manfred's Connie team I do have the keys to the soon to be released L-749 and they say one thing lead to another....and while it was certainly not the easiest landing in the Connie it worked out relatively good.

However I did have just enough fuel on board to fly to ID08 and then back to S84 Cottonwood. The departure with only 191 Gal remaining was actually quite easy and jives well with what the old Connie pilots have told me and the rest of the team about the L-749. Light she was a blast to fly.

We have worked quite hard on getting her performance to match the original handbooks figures and with a few minor exceptions she is bang on the money by now.
That said......this was a one time show :ernae:
