Anybody have any experience with the "Gaming" Keyboards. Because I'm seriously looking at the Logitech G-11, as those 18 buttons are looking pretty good for my left hand, while the EVO is in my right ?
Do you already have an X-52? it's hard to beat....
...Now If they came out with an X-52, with Force Feedback
That would be one desirable unit :ernae:
Anybody have any experience with the "Gaming" Keyboards. Because I'm seriously looking at the Logitech G-11, as those 18 buttons are looking pretty good for my left hand
You'll set up your hatswitch totally different with Trackir
SOUTH = Virtual cockpit or basiically center,
NORTH = Exteriior View of your aircraft, I like FLOAT view
EAST = Fly-by. . . . Nice to lookat
WEST = F12 the center gunsite command :ernae:
Hmm, that might work. Never used one myself. Obviously it's going to be wider than a regular keyboard, which might cause problems.
Some years ago (back in Win95 days), Saitek made a button pad about 1/2 the size of a regular keyboard. IIRC, it had like 48 BIG buttons arranged 8 across and 6 high. You could program all these buttons just like stick buttons. I found it VERY useful, but unfortuantely it only worked with Win95 and Saitek quit making it rather than update the software . I guess they didn't sell enough back then.
I've had a full stick/throttle HOTAS since DOS days, but I found even this didn't have enough buttons for all the commands in Aces High for the things I didn't use all the time. And most of those commands were real finger-stretchers or needed 2 hands if you left them on the keyboard. So I programmed them onto my button board as single presses.
A really cool feature of this old thing was that it came with a program that allowed you to print of a keyboard overlay to match your button assignments. This allowed you to use all kinds of colors and symbols as well as text, so recognizing buttons in a hurry was no problem. You could stick this between the clear, flexible top of the board and the buttons themselves.
I believe somebody is making something similar today. You might find this more convenient that an extra-wide keyboard with more buttons stuck on it.
OTOH, this all worked well for me because I have a special way of securing my stick and throttle while flying. I built this thing out of 3 boards. I sit on the end of 1 board and the other end sticks out in front of me. There's vertical board on this end that comes up between my legs, on top of which is the 3rd board going sideways across my lap (this is about 3.5' long). The top of this is covered with velcro, to which I attach my stick and trottle. There's enough room between them for a regular keyboard, so the button board thing fit easily. And there's even a drink holder built into 1 end out past my stick .
I forgot to mention...
Thanks for more great set-up tricks, Gimpy. This is a good one that I will use as I have yet to figure out my controls mapping! Great stuff!
Anybody have any experience with the "Gaming" Keyboards. Because I'm seriously looking at the Logitech G-11, as those 18 buttons are looking pretty good for my left hand, while the EVO is in my right ?
Just thought I'd throw this option into the mix if you aren't already aware, not only the highly programmable Figherstick but the multi-frunction panel. CH Products line of joysticks, yokes, pedals are ruggedly built and in the unlikely event a part should fail virtually everything is replaceable - either do it yourself or send it to them. And they sell worldwide.
.....I just like their stuff!