MMmmmmmmm do they feature Force Feedback in their product line ?![]()
No (meaning it's not mentioned in any of the product info)
MMmmmmmmm do they feature Force Feedback in their product line ?![]()
No (meaning it's not mentioned in any of the product info)
Then obviously you've been able to discover the secret of the Saitek SST programing. As of this moment, it has eluded my capture. Caused me to give up on it long-ago.
Using Controls in OFF as my key mapping-aide. Unforunately that means, I can only assign a single function to my hat switch. Because no matter which direction you move the hat, OFF recognizes POV1
Here's an X52, new so the ad says, on Ebay for $89.95 US.
...It's easy as kissing your sister.
Saitek's online store has one that's been factory reconditioned for $69.65 US. Only problem is it's on backorder.
What about the older Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro that works on a game port, I've seen good prices on them, but will they even work under XP, and would the custom button software work?
The Saitek software has changed a LOT since then, I'm sure. It no longer has the 3D view thingy that was such a system hog, and a lot of bugs have been fixed. I just got the latest version a couple weeks ago and it works quite well.
If you want, I can post up a tutorial on how to use it. Or just email it to you. It's really very simple.
Thanks, Gimp, Just saw you post, by problems getting a USB Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 to install under XP Pro? I mean, does the software work with it for button assignments?
What V # is your disc ?
In any case, without being insulting please read the OFF Tips & Cheats #5
...you've obviously never met my sister....not :kiss:... more like :help:!
I cannot without a doubt say yes, people have been known, after a reboot to loose their macros, yet retain their single keystroke commands
The PROGRAM such as it is, serves 2 purposes
1) to control the strength of the pulse ( it never worked ) it looks impressive, but that's about it.
2) To shift the key mapping ability between games, that don't feature Micro$oft Key Commands
So if You wish to play anything besides FS9, FSX, CFS1, 2, or 3
My solution is buy a Logitech FFB. . . NIO swears by them