Alpha Gotha is at Reg's


Charter Member
Alpha Gotha is at Reg's this is for OFF. If you want to use it in CFS3 you will have to change the sound file for one of the default ones.
I have given it a very quick cockpit paint this morning. Basicly stood back and throw a few buckets of paint at it. :d Don't expect a John job. Maybe in the future.
Thank you Greg,

I know a lot of people who will enjoy this greatly.
thank you too for taking the time to give the VC a coat of paint.


regards Rob.
Perhaps I've done something wrong but. . .

After installing the Gotha, starting OFF, choosing the aircraft, choosing the loadout and then hitting "Go to Hangar", the game hesitates, then crashes to desktop.

I believe I've followed the install instructions to a "T". I note, however, that the instructions indicate that you should delete the BDP file. The aircraft (GOTHA) itself does not contain a BDP file.

Any help would be great.
There is indeed a bdp folder in your aircraft folder (bdp is the extension). Remove it. The aircraft works with my OFF installation. If there is no bdp I suggest you re-download.
Re-downloaded. Several times. No BDP.

The files are:

60Sq_GOTHA (Air file)
60Sq_Gotha (XDP file)
Aircraft (CFG file)

Do you have a bdp after having started up OFF at least once?

By the way; thanks so much for this plane Greg. It really a valuable addition.
Hi Guys,

Forget about the bdp file its not your problem (I think I actually deleted it before zipping teh files up), and you wont see a new one generated yet as the plane hasnt beed activated in CFS3/OFF yet CTD.

I would bet my life its the weapon loadout, it seems there is an error with the placement of either the pylons, or the weapons.

just double check that the pylon files went into the plyon folder (they should be lose files not in there own folder inside the pylon folder)

and make sure the weapons went into the weapons folder. (these are in there own folder inside the weapons folder)

then firstly try to fly the gotha with a clean loadout. if it gets into the game, then try to fly it with a loadout. if it fails to get into the game from there then we definately have a install issue of weapons or pylons.


regards Rob.
Gotha Flight

I've had a few flights with the Gotha. No problems. Destroyed an airfield with the bombs. Landing was straight forward although it took a while to rub off the speed and not stall before finally touching down. First attempt was successful. It would be helpful if that front gunner would duck his head down during approach.
Alpha Gotha is at Reg's this is for OFF. If you want to use it in CFS3 you will have to change the sound file for one of the default ones.
I have given it a very quick cockpit paint this morning. Basicly stood back and throw a few buckets of paint at it. :d Don't expect a John job. Maybe in the future.

:ernae:Great lookin and nice to fly, everything works fine fo me in off. But in :isadizzy:cfs3 I can'nt get her to show up . I used the stock b26 sound file.
Finally installed and flew it.

It flies, but shakes like crazy. So much so, it's dizzying. Is that an intended effect?
Finally installed and flew it.

It flies, but shakes like crazy. So much so, it's dizzying. Is that an intended effect?

:wavey:wsmwsm did get this bird to fly in cfs3? :applause:I had no problem in off,:banghead:but In cfs3 I can't get it to show up.

My Gotha shakes a little bit, but not to much, it is quite a good effect as it looks like those large wings are getting buffered by the wind,
Hi guys,


I too get a very minor shake every so often (hardly ever really), but mostly at stall speed. its only just noticable.

Old Tiger,

I used the stock ju88 sound but it shouldnt make a differance, the b26 sounds should work as well. when you say it wont show up, do you mean you cant see it in the aircraft list? do you get any error messages whilst the game is loading saying this aircraft has issues and wont be used?

it should appear in the German list just under the Stock Go229, assuming you have no other german aircraft starting with G in your install.

I cant think of any reason why it wouldnt show?? very stange, I'll think some more about it and get back to you.

regards Rob.
Hi Guys,

you will need to download some extra files from regs hanger and place them into your gotha texture folder. these are:

these are available at Regs hanger they are part of the GC shared files.

this will enable basic guages for flying.

regards Rob.