Alpha Gotha is at Reg's

Hi Guys,

you will need to download some extra files from regs hanger and place them into your gotha texture folder. these are:

these are available at Regs hanger they are part of the GC shared files.

this will enable basic guages for flying.

regards Rob.

:wavey:Rob here's what in my textures folder

Sound [fltsim]

The plane still not showing up.
The only one different is, the one you had is the gc is lower case. I have all those gc shared files, could not find
The shaking phenemenom is not subtle. It's more as if the screen is shaking than the aircraft.

However, I've noticed that nothing shakes IF I take off from a runway, then reach altitude. If I start a free flight at 2500 feet or above, the screen shakes so much that there's no point in flying.

Addendum: I've tried the Gotha on computers with both Vista and XP. Same result. So it's not a Vista issue which has occurred on occasions with CFS3.
HEY..............thanks, your Gotha's gorgeous.....slow as molassas but great fun to barge around the sky and drop a bomb or bombs are all white....any textures I'm missing for those??? Thanks!
Hi Guys,

Hi Gaw, no mate your bombs are supposed to be white thats the colour they have been textured, there is a slite change of colour for the nose of th ebombs but very subtle.

Hi Old Tiger,
please PM me you email address, I will send my Gotha through to you that works in CFS3 and we'll see if that one is showing up in your game. the upper case lower case shouldnt make a differance, just a typo on my part in the thread.

Hi wsmwsm,
That is a stage one, it may be that the plane is in a stalled state at start up. have you tried diving to increase air speed and see if the stutter/shakes stop. I have started in the air with out seeing this.

regards Rob.
I've noticed now, that when the nose is pointed up, especially when I get the "near stall" and "stall" messages, the plane flies well and without shaking. (Again, the shaking is not subtle.)

When the nose is level with the horizon or below, then it starts.
Hi Guys,

you will need to download some extra files from regs hanger and place them into your gotha texture folder. these are:

these are available at Regs hanger they are part of the GC shared files.

this will enable basic guages for flying.

regards Rob.

Maybe on old topic but I can't find any GC shared files (Groundcrew or Garage Corner) at regshangar. Where to find them or what is the name of the download file?????
Maybe on old topic but I can't find any GC shared files (Groundcrew or Garage Corner) at regshangar. Where to find them or what is the name of the download file?????

:kilroy:Dutch_P47M, here is what you're looking for. Where it says
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Download shared files - 1.344 KB[/FONT]

It's best to just set up a dummy install folder and then run the self-installer into it. Then you access what you want without difficulty.

Garage Corner is here: Crew Design Garage.php

Groundcrew @ Regs is here: Crew Design Group Official Website.htm

Here is Regs homepage:

Good luck.:d
Pardon me for asking stupid questions, but I downloaded the Gotha from Regs long before this post ever came out, so did something change with the one that was already on that site?