Alphasim AS365 Dauphin released

yea, purchased it, payment went through, got the download link, clicked and it gave me a screen that says I'm downloading the Tornado Expansion pack. I hit the back key to try again and I'm down to 9 downloads available, I try one more time, click the link that says I'm downloading the Dauphin and I get the same thing (downloading the Tornado Expansion Pack) and of course now I'm down to 8 remaining downloads.
I click on the "contact us" link to the lower left and I get a blank page. . .very appropriate. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'll get it once they fix the d/l prob.

Nothing burns my biscuits more then buying a plane & not being able to fly it right away (my condolences falcon).
Sorry to hear you had problems, Falcon.
I too will wait to hear your problem solved, given two recent bad experiences with payware downloads.

Not sure if the AS screens are a true reflection - I'd also like to hear how the rotor looks in motion.
Finally got the download problem fixed. Phil e-mailed to say it was some errant spelling in the code that caused the problem. All fixed. The Dauphin is a dream to fly. I took the Coast Guard version from Portland International (from the Military side of the airport of course, lol) and flew out to Cannon Beach, a trip I've done by car quite a few times. . .just an amazing view from the cockpit, especially with TrackIR.

Well done Alphasim.:applause::applause::ernae:
Not sure if the AS screens are a true reflection.

Nope, the screen on the AS web site are old screen shots, showing the beta 10 of the model, so a quiet old version regarding the one you can buy now for FS9
Lou P,

Its a Kaman K1200 K-Max. Mike Stone made one for FS9. I am making one for FSX :kilroy:
She's a beautiful chopper. The smoothest flyer in my stable. And that VC, Yes! Why can't they all be like that.


Any chance the FSX bird will work in FS9 :engel016:

LouP :kilroy:
Thank you, that comment has made a nice end to what has been a dreadful day.
Sorry to hear that Michael. The Dauphin is definitely a sweet machine. . . .ample power, stable in flight, great view range in the VC (TrackIR helps a ton in that department), nice clean cockpit and it just looks great sitting on the ground. Nice job all around. I was a bit concerned that the price would exclude me from being able to purchase, but as slowly as I reached for my card. . .it was well worth it.:applause:
Nope, the screen on the AS web site are old screen shots, showing the beta 10 of the model, so a quiet old version regarding the one you can buy now for FS9
Thought it might be...
Anyone got some nice inflight screens?
Nope, got jaggie problems right now and can't get a nice smooth edge on anything in the sim. Not worth taking shots of anything.
Nope. No problems here. :jump:

Got the Dauphine last night. Have taken two flights. Little struggle trying to figure out what switches to turn on (from cold start), and my helo flying is a little rusty (my landings are horrible). :kilroy:

Have taken only a couple flights. Smooth so far, no major issues. Everything works as advertised. I may add the dsd_view_skip gauge to skip the 2D. :icon_lol:

got my dauphin copy yesterday
it is very good rendition of the dauphin (maybe the best)

all at alphasim did an awesome good job:ernae:
only thing which I would prefer is a paintkit for repainters
