As Lou suggests, it should be no more difficult than say the Seasprite in FS9.
One thing you can try is a few simple CFG edits, look for
low_realism_stability_scale=.45, 0.50, 1.10 //Pitch , Bank, Yaw Scalars on Stability in Low Realism Settings
I'd suggest changing the pitch to 0.60 and the Bank to 0.80 and see how you get on, this will make it more stable in those two axis.
Also look for
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 14900
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 14000
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 19300
Just above the realism settings mentioned above
Change to pitch=16900, roll=16000 and keep yaw=19300
Try those basic settings, but back up the cfg first please, and let me know, I dont have FS9 any more since the OS crash, no time to add all the addons back in to be honest

but the edits should begin to help in some way.
Anybody got any suggestions or possibly tweaks so I can land this dang thing?? :isadizzy:
This is the only AS Helo I have where I haven't mastered the art of landing.
I can do a cold start and take off just fine, and navigate to my destination. But whenever I attempt to land, the helo is too unstable. I can't seem to get it slow enough for a soft landing or else it begins to tilt left or right. The end result is the same -- kaboom.
I hate it when this happens.