If any FSX fans stumble in here, Alphasim has ported over the A-3.
Some pics of the A-3 in FSX

If any FSX fans stumble in here, Alphasim has ported over the A-3.
Thanks John. I was too distracted by Dave's avatar to answer.Frank,
Just picked this up and love it! My question: Will the earlier version repaints work on this? I noted no paint kit when I D/L'ed the new one. Hopefully the new bits are on there own textures. Hope to hear from you soon!
I found a few differences in a couple of the models' texture mapping, mainly on the aft bottom fuselage. It appears to be mirrored on one side. I noticed this first on Pierre's VAH-4 KA repaint with the aft fuselage stripe. I loaded my repaint with the 5 stripes and confirmed it. Other than that the tanker bits are added on the main texture.The old repaints work fine.
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -30.65, -0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.1 = 3, -30.65, 0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.2 = 3, 6.89, 0.00, 4.75, fx_beacon
light.3 = 3, -4.60, 0.00, -3.12, fx_beacon
light.4 = 4, 28.26, -1.64, 2.11, fx_vclight
light.5 = 4, 26.11, 1.61, 2.66, fx_vclight
light.6 = 4, 23.10, -1.99, 3.05, fx_vclight
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -30.65, -0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.1 = 3, -30.65, 0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.2 = 3, 6.89, 0.00, 4.75, fx_beacon
light.3 = 3, -13.0, 0, -2.6, fx_beacon
light.4 = 2, -4.5, -2.45, -2.71, fx_navgre
light.5 = 2, -4.5, 2.45, -2.71, fx_navgre
light.6 = 4, 28.26, -1.64, 2.11, fx_vclight
light.7 = 4, 26.11, 1.61, 2.66, fx_vclight
light.8 = 4, 23.10, -1.99, 3.05, fx_vclight
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 3, -30.65, -0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.1 = 3, -30.65, 0.45, 17.7, fx_navwhi
light.2 = 3, 6.89, 0.00, 4.75, fx_beacon
light.3 = 3, -4.5, -2.45, -2.71, fx_beacon
light.4 = 3, -4.5, 2.45, -2.71, fx_beacon
light.5 = 4, 28.26, -1.64, 2.11, fx_vclight
light.6 = 4, 26.11, 1.61, 2.66, fx_vclight
light.7 = 4, 23.10, -1.99, 3.05, fx_vclight
//light.7 = 7, -17.0, -35.35, 1.70, fx_ALPHA_B66_Wcontrail // Contrail_L
//light.8= 7, -17.0, 35.35, 1.70, fx_ALPHA_B66_Wcontrail // Contrail_R
light.9= 8, -12.20, -20.15, 1.30, fx_ALPHA_B66_Wcontrail // Flap_Contrail_L
light.10= 8, -12.20, 20.15, 1.30, fx_ALPHA_B66_Wcontrail // Flap_Contrail_R
You guys are gonna keep this thread going until I break down and buy this upgraded Whale!