Alphasim He-162 Model and VC Panel tweak package
I am about to upload a small package of tweaks for the freeware Alphasim He-162 Salamander. The first tweak was to the model file...I used Martin Wright's MDLmat to give the plane some specular shine...not too much...just enough to really give this plane some visual punch. The second tweak is a revised VC panel section that places all the gauges on the VC panel in working order...and a modified VC panel more painted on, non-functioning gauges in the VC.
This package can be used in CFS2, FS2002 and FS2004. Uploaded to the CFS2 Other section of the library.
This package can be used in CFS2, FS2002 and FS2004. Uploaded to the CFS2 Other section of the library.