Alphasim Jaguar Restoration Project Uploaded


Retired SOH Admin
I will be uploading a package for the Alphasim freeware Jaguars. This package will bring the Jags in Pack 1 and Pack 2 up to a new "restored" level. Tweaked MDL files, tweaked FDE sets, tweaked contact points, tweaked panels, tweaked effects. I only did one new skin for this package....the T2 Flight Training skin....the red, white and blue showcase it with fully reflective textures.

You will need to have the original Alpha Jag packages installed....I am only uploaded the tweaked files and the like to save space on the server HD.

Please read the Read Me file as there are a few files you will need from other planes (all IRIS freeware packages) and to see all the special stuff I have to say about this package.

It's not as thorough as my usual restoration projects have been. There are a number of areas in the texture mapping that just killed the fun of painting the Jaguar. It is an overall easy plane to paint, once you know where all the parts are on the texture sheets. The planes are still much more enjoyable post Restoration then they were in original form.

I will dig around on my HD and find my paint template I did for the birds and get those uploaded for anyone who wants to sling some color on the Jaguars.


OH..the package has been uploaded. Should be available later today.
Great touches, OBIO. I realy like the A/B setup. I did notice though you didn't carry the light and effect mods made in pack 1 to the export set (pack 2). No biggie as they drop in.

The modded specular bits add a great finishing touch as well,

Course, I cannot install a plane withour adding a couple bits of my own, namely the Shockwave stuff. Good news is that the same setup covers both packs.

Aircraft.cfg Entries:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 4, 9.77, 0, 0.28, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.1 = 6, -20.9, -1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.2 = 10, -20.9, 1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.3 = 7, -14.92, 13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.4 = 7, -14.92, -13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.5 = 9, -20.5, -1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.6 = 9, -20.5, 1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.7 = 5, 14.21, -0.57, -4.77, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
light.8 = 6, 14.21, 0.57, -4.77, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_small
light.9 = 3, -10.92, 13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.10 = 3, -10.92, -13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_navred
light.11 = 2, -10.92, 13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.12 = 2, -10.92, -13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

Panel.cfg Entries:

gauge19=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1
gauge20=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_taxi_gear, 1,1,1,1

I already had the sounds aliased to the Iris F5 but will see if a more appropriate set is out there.

alias=fsfsconv\IRIS F5\sound

Again, kudos for a job well done, kind sir.
Don't be modest Tim, you've done a superb job. I'll certainly be interested in the paint template, got a few schemes I'd like to see on this cat.

Great touches, OBIO. I realy like the A/B setup. I did notice though you didn't carry the light and effect mods made in pack 1 to the export set (pack 2). No biggie as they drop in.

The modded specular bits add a great finishing touch as well,

Course, I cannot install a plane withour adding a couple bits of my own, namely the Shockwave stuff. Good news is that the same setup covers both packs.

Aircraft.cfg Entries:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 4, 9.77, 0, 0.28, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.1 = 6, -20.9, -1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.2 = 10, -20.9, 1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.3 = 7, -14.92, 13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.4 = 7, -14.92, -13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.5 = 9, -20.5, -1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.6 = 9, -20.5, 1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.7 = 5, 14.21, -0.57, -4.77, fx_Shockwave_landing_light
light.8 = 6, 14.21, 0.57, -4.77, fx_Shockwave_landing_light_small
light.9 = 3, -10.92, 13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.10 = 3, -10.92, -13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_navred
light.11 = 2, -10.92, 13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.12 = 2, -10.92, -13.82, -0.25, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

Panel.cfg Entries:

gauge19=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1
gauge20=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_taxi_gear, 1,1,1,1


Thanks for the Shockwave numbers, always adds that little sonething extra.

I already had the sounds aliased to the Iris F5 but will see if a more appropriate set is out there.

One last scan of the Jag disclosed a beacon(?) light fixture on the spine aft of the cockpit, so if you are so inclined, add this to each of the light sets.

light.13 = 1, -3.32, 0.00, 2.15, fx_shockwave_beacon

BTW, here's what the first internet pass showed for engines

Powerplant: 2 × Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca Adour Mk 102 turbofans

Other uses:
Aermacchi MB-338 (not-built)
BAE Hawk
BAE Taranis (UCAV development aircraft)
Dassault nEUROn (UCAV development aircraft)
McDonnell Douglas T-45 Goshawk
One last scan of the Jag disclosed a beacon(?) light fixture on the spine aft of the cockpit, so if you are so inclined, add this to each of the light sets.

light.13 = 1, -3.32, 0.00, 2.15, fx_shockwave_beacon

BTW, here's what the first internet pass showed for engines

Powerplant: 2 × Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca Adour Mk 102 turbofans

Other uses:
Aermacchi MB-338 (not-built)
BAE Hawk
BAE Taranis (UCAV development aircraft)
Dassault nEUROn (UCAV development aircraft)
McDonnell Douglas T-45 Goshawk

Also in the Mitsubishi F-1/T-2, Japan's Jaguar equivalent. Nigel is working on a set, but (quite rightly) his J-79 took precedence.
Tim, spotted a little problem. The light on the nosewheel door remains on after the gear is retracted, and even with the lights (in theory) switched off; so you have this weird light just below the forward fuselage. - I tried it with, and without, Racartron's Shockwave mods & the problem is still there. Any ideas?
There was an errant light habging around well below the fuse. in Tim's mods as delivered, but when I switched over to Shockwave and added the panel entries(designed to automatically shut off both the landng and taxi lights) the problem went away. If you check the Power settings screen (shft + 4) both the landing and taxt switches are in the off position after gearup.

If you don't have Shockwave the switchs on the power settings popup should still work. Make sure the category for the light is either light.xx = 5 for landing or light.xx = 6 for taci.
Well, I'm still getting the problem, with or without the Shockwave lights. I'm getting another odd effect when I use the Shockwave setup, she's shaking around on here undercarriage; so I'd switch back to Obio's default, but I still need to know how to get rid of that landing light - or just delete the whole thing and not bother, which would be a shame as I've been looking forward to this.
Is it possible that an effect controller is causing this? Some effects use landing and/or taxi lights.

I 'borrowed' an effect controller a while back and put it in Kirk's F-86. Each time I pulled G's the landing lights came on.

EDIT: I just unzipped the pack and looked in the cfg:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 4, 9.77, 0, 0.28, fx_vclight
light.1 = 6, -20.9, -1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.2 = 10, -20.9, 1.44, -2.7, fx_iris_heat
light.3 = 7, -14.92, 13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.4 = 7, -14.92, -13.82, -1.25, fx_contrail_Alpha Viggen
light.5 = 9, -20.5, -1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.6 = 9, -20.5, 1.47, -2.7, FX_F-5_ABflame
light.7 = 5, 14.21, -0.57, -4.77, fx_landing

If the light that won't go out is a modeled in taxi light then the controller that turns on 'light.1' is going to turn on your taxi light. Light type '6' is taxi light.
THe problem with the taxi light staying on most likely is due to the controller gauge that uses the taxi light. The Jag came with a ton of modeled in being the taxi light. Let me see what I can come up with to get around this issue.

Thanks Tim. What pfflyers says makes sense, as the problem does seem to be linked aith my use of the Shift F4 afterburner.
Okay, you guys caught me with my pants down on this one. Which is what makes this forum so freaking great....ya'll aren't afraid to speak up and say "Hey Dumby...your taxi lights are broken". So I went in and made some adjustments to the lights and to the engine controller gauge. The left engine flame/heat effect is now tied to the WING light instead of the TAXI light....I don't think anyone actually uses the WING light. Give me a bit and I will get the fixes packaged up and uploaded.

Now I have to go through my entire hangar of jets and change them to this new controller and light set up.

I don't have shockwave lights so I installed and flew it just as OBIO uploaded it and I did not have that issue.

I tried various models with the AB and did not have any problems (knock on wood).

Thanks Tim for the nice update.
I will be contacting the SOH Librarian, Rami, and asking him to remove the original Jag Restoration package and replace it with the V2 version.....helps keep the library nice and tidy. Not sure how long it will take to get the new version in the library....but shouldn't take more than a decade or so LOL!

So for the mean time, if you have not downloaded this package...hold off until I give the green light that the new package is in place.

Okay, you guys caught me with my pants down on this one. Which is what makes this forum so freaking great....ya'll aren't afraid to speak up and say "Hey Dumby...your taxi lights are broken". So I went in and made some adjustments to the lights and to the engine controller gauge. The left engine flame/heat effect is now tied to the WING light instead of the TAXI light....I don't think anyone actually uses the WING light. Give me a bit and I will get the fixes packaged up and uploaded.

Now I have to go through my entire hangar of jets and change them to this new controller and light set up.


I don't believe I called you a dummy!! :icon_lol:

You're right though, provided it is done positively, a little healthy critique doesn't hurt - and you're on a learning curve I guess, with this new gauge of Rob's - so it is in all our interests that we can iron out the bugs, to be able to apply this elsewhere (e.g. maybe with Nigel's sounds & the AS Phantoms?).

I'm getting to the stage now where I'll be posting a few addons myself, and fully anticipate plenty of 'critique' (especially from anybody connected with Greece) :kilroy:.
The new AB gauge Rob wrote up to my specs is flawless! The problem was with a gauge I "created"....actually it started out as a gauge that came with one of the freeware Alphasim jets and I modified it to my way of doing things. Now that the gauge has been improved, it will be even more useful. I just need to go through all my jets and make changes to reflect the new gauge and the new light set up for the engine flame/heat effects.

I installed the new AB controller gauge on the Alpha/Virtavia F-4s....and it is AWESOME. Combined with Nigel's first F-4 sound pack....the F-4s are simply better. I love being able to go full power without the AB effects and AB system automatically kicking in.
