Alphasim Jaguar Restoration Project Uploaded


Good afternoon,

OBIO had me delete the Jaguar package at his request, he will upload a new one shortly that corrects the errors. Because he is a staff member, it will be made available immediately, I won't have to approve it if I'm otherwise occupied.
The new package is up in the library.....thanks for the feed back guys and thanks for the Shockwave lights set up racartron.....I never think about using Shockwave lights....I have the package but only rarely remember to use it.

The new package is up in the library.....thanks for the feed back guys and thanks for the Shockwave lights set up racartron.....I never think about using Shockwave lights....I have the package but only rarely remember to use it.


Me first!! :jump::jump:

Ooooo kaaaay. Right, the good news is the landing light problem is sorted; the bad news is, I've spotted another teeny problem. :kilroy:

I'm using the Shockwave setup. but I don't think it relates to that; when you are looking at her (and this is only apparent in Tower View) she appears to be putting out flares. Can somebody else please confirm that I've not lost what remains of my marbles please?
Under what conditions are you seeing the "flares"? AB active, off. Lights on or off? Where are you seeing the "flares"?

I do know that the IRIS heat effect, when views from certain angles and under the right lighting, produces sparkles out behind the plane.


I was looking at the paint kits for the Jags...and they are all not ready.....each model seems to have its own little personality....a bit here and a bit there that that is unique to that model. So, I am going to have to do one paint for each model to ensure that all the paint kits are fully developed. That's good news for all you folks....bad news for me! 12 individual paint kits....luckily, I'd say there is 95% commonality between the models...just little things with each model that are unique. Don't be in a hurry to get the new paints, cause I won't be in a big hurry to do them...will "try" to do one paint a day and see how that goes...but with a pile of other projects underway that still need finished and a move to a new home coming up.....I will be doing fresh versions of the original skins...with more clarity when possible, exprted in 32-bit format for max clarity.

Under what conditions are you seeing the "flares"? AB active, off. Lights on or off? Where are you seeing the "flares"?

I do know that the IRIS heat effect, when views from certain angles and under the right lighting, produces sparkles out behind the plane.


That'll be it then, panic over. The answer was; with lights on and off, AB off & flown at dawn (to enjoy the Shockwave light - lit up like a christmas tree). Weird that is was only in tower view, liveable with anyway.

Thanks for this, a real gem. It'll be nice to get some new paints on her, but that can wait; and the real cherry would be the new sounds, but that can wait too - I know how much of a perfectionist you are, and Nigel is. Thanks gents.:applause:
Obio, is there any way to tone down the vibration on the ground when the brakes are applied, it's like a pitbull straining at the leash, otherwise nice job!
Unfortunately, the way things are with the FDE on the Jags is as good as I could get them to be. I am not an FDE person...I know just enough to get lucky every now and then. I spent hours and hours working on the FDE set, trying different things, and this is the best I was able to come up with. I could get the plane to not shake on the ground, but it would shake while flying. I figured since most people will spend the bulk of their time with the Jag in the air, that's where I needed to make it the best I could get it...while having reasonable ground behavior. I wish I could have gotten the FDE dialed in totally, but I couldn't. Maybe someone with real FDE skills can take a look at the bird and do something with it.


And Naismith, thanks for the link to my first official FS2004 post as a FS9 flier. I wonder what the OBIO of December 25, 2008 (who was flying a totally stock install) would have to say about my current installs with all tweaks and enhancements.
I am working on a new set of FDE files for the Jag...well, not new...just new to the Alpha Jag. I borrowed a set of FDE files from another jet that is very very close to the Jag....after two rounds of tweaks, the plane is much better on the ground and in the air. Will have a good bit more tweaking to do and need to get permission from the author of the files to use them for the Jag. Keep your fingers crossed.

Just got two files sent to me by Smoothie...who is working on the Pack 1 Jag paint templates (I will be doing Pack 2...and I can assure you his will look a lot more detailed than mine...just getting that out in the open now so there are no surprises down the road).

The ugly engine pipe textures are no more. Here's a screen shot of the new AB disk jet pipe.

View attachment 46529

The new files will be made available as soon as Smoothie is totally happy with them and give the green light....or perhaps they will be held in reserve until the new paints are ready for the Jags.

Just fired off an e-mail to get permission to upload the "new" tweaked FDE set for the Jag....the bird flies sweet and handles on the ground really well now more shaking.

Okay...after changing the engine effects gauge to use Wing and Cabin lights instead of Taxi and Cabin, the left engine smokes. There is nothing in the effects or lights or smoke section for engine smoke. So, who can figure this one out?

And...having gotten about 1/3 of the Royal Oman Air Force skin redone, I have found that even a tiny bit of reflectivity on the skin really makes a huge impact on the overall look of the aircraft. In terms of reflectivity, an alpha of pure white (255,255,255) is no reflectivity at all. I am giving the paint just tiny little peck of reflectivity (253,253,253)...and that smidgetbit of reflectivity makes the plane look awesome!


I figured out why the left engine appears to smoke. It is a reaction of the IRIS_Heat effect in some way. If I deactivate the heat effect, the left engine does not smoke. I think what is happening is where the two effects overlap, there is a doubling up of the heat waves, which results in the puffs of smoke out behind the plane. I will have to rethink how I am going to use this effect on the Jags.

Oh...I decided to test the Royal Oman Air Force skin in its native country. I never really gave any thought to Oman before...but man does that place have some interesting terrain. The one AB I flew from is on an island and it is covered in mountains! Very interesting place to fly...though the mountains around the AB kind of wrap around the end of the it will be a very interesting strip to try to land on.
The package I uploaded yesterday is an "interim" package....just something to keep the Jags in the air until a more detailed and complete Restoration can be completed. I have new flight dynamics in place...pending approval from the original authors to use their aircraft.cfg and air file in tweaked form as part of the package. New tail pipe textures have been created by Smoothie...and they really dress up the back of the Jags. I am working on new skins for the International Jags and Smoothie is working on the RAF Jags.

In testing last night, I was able to take the Jag to Mach1.6 at 36,000 feet without a single shake, shimmy or twitch. Still have lower level flight testing to do as well as ground testing...but things are looking up for this bird. I can say that the plane no longer shakes on the ground with the brakes on or while the engines are starting up. Will be sending the new FDE set to a few testers in the next couple of days....more hands to fly this bird and give feedback, the better able I will be able to address the flight parameters.

sneaky peek from inside my paint shed.... still a very long ways to go but..... a GR1 started in proper paint....
sites in my bookmarks, used to be my homepage, circa 2009-ish :icon_lol: i miss the Jag at Air Displays, as such i've told Obio this... when i release my paints i'll be including my demo scheme and an FSRecorder file so you can sit back and watch, or experience what it's like onboard :icon_lol: just an added bonus.... a gift from me to y'all :salute:
.....i miss the Jag at Air Displays ......

Know what you mean; I treasure the quote from the RAF Jaguar pilot at a Fairford RIAT many moons ago; when asked if he could do the 'cobra' manouevre that was in vogue with the Mig pilots at that time his reply was "yes, but just the once, just before I pulled the eject handle" - he may have been slightly chastened to see a yellow Wessex doing exactly that move 30 minutes later!!!

As I told Tim yesterday, I've had a soft spot for this big cat since a holiday to the Norfolk coast back in 1990; beautiful weather, a lovely part of the country & the added bonus of seeing the Jags run up the coast at low level to the bombing ranges in The Wash - obviously getting ready for the first Gulf War, but we didn't know that at the time. Considering the RAF were talking about retiring them, it was ironic that they turned into the most valuable asset they had in country - much like the A-10, it saved them, and we had the pleasure of seeing them for many years to come.
some more teasers needed.... wing topside done for this particular GR1 in Wraparound camo..... still a few more parts to do, but my weathering seems to be working...