Alphasim MiG 23 repaints

Hi Joel, thanks for the kind words.
I have just uploaded Update pack 2, Bul308, Libyan and Iraqi schemes are covered in this pack.

Uploading the paint kit might be a good thing to do. Just in case I get in the mood for painting it...
I have had some unexpected time spare the past couple of days so I have had these two underway, still WIP but you will get the idea. I am also working on the final update pack, so these two will be a while befor release.
Uploading the paint kit might be a good thing to do. Just in case I get in the mood for painting it...

As it stands at the moment the MiG 23 masters are still being altered and generaly being messed around with, If you get the urge to paint the 23 just drop me an email and i'll send you the current masters at that time.

Update pack 3 has been uploaded. This pack updates the BAE Systems fictional scheme, Soviet low vis grey yellow 49, and Soviet red 37 schemes are covered in this release.

Update pack 4 will cover the Hungarian, Czech and Soviet red 26 schemes and will be worked on over the weekend.

Please note that Rami has updated the original textures and removed update packs 1 and 2, and will be doing this with packs 3 and 4.

Sounds great Steve. Will keep an eye out for them! :salute:


Edit: Thanks Rami. Much appreciated!!!
Last of the updates have been uploaded, the next release will be DDR 577, and Aggresor schemes.


SteveB and others,

They are all set...see the previous link to your (SteveB) files in this thread. :wiggle:
As it stands at the moment the MiG 23 masters are still being altered and generaly being messed around with, If you get the urge to paint the 23 just drop me an email and i'll send you the current masters at that time.

Nah, I'll wait till you've stopped messing about. I'm not the "shuffle stuff about under the table" kind of guy anyway.
Just uploaded the DDR 577 scheme. Just leaves the aggressor scheme to complete and then I'll be moving onto the me 109's.

Just got it Steve.

These DDR skins really help bring to life the Cold War DDR and Warsaw Packt airfields that Ian has made. Great stuff.
Whilst I have been developing my layered masters I have had my own skin which I took my favourite bits off all the skins released and mixed them all together. I have now badged it and decided too release it as my last MiG23 skin.
I have also been looking at low vis USAF insignia on the agrro scheme, I prefer the full colour, but was thinking about giving you the option by including them as an option in the download.
I think the low vis insignia looks good but I prefer the full color myself(kind of 1970s Red Flag looking).Will be nice to have both though.:salute:
Excellent work as always, Steve... :medals: I really like the aggressor scheme. Thanks again for uploading these... Nice to see FS2004 items in the "Latest Files" section on the home page again.

Aggressor scheme has just been uploaded, and the last of my MiG schemes white 03 will get uploaded later on today.

Thank you for the Agressor paint Steve! I really appreciate it. As a matter of fact, when I requested the paint, that was EXACTLY what I had in mind! :applause:Great job as always!! Now, off to go fly her!! Best regards, Jeremy :salute:
I am just a poor old weak willed MiGaholic, just can't say no. I looked at the me109's all 40 odd of them that need finishing and ran away and hid in the MiG shed again.