Alright, more MSFS troubles!

NOPE, NOPE, NOPE :banghead:

I did as you suggested tiger1962, I navigated to Credential Manager Screenshot (237).jpg I then removed all of those files with the XblGrts prefix ... now we are all done with that task Screenshot (238).jpg

I sign out of Microsoft Store & the XBox App. Turn the 'pooter off.

Turn the 'pooter back on ... go to Microsoft Store and sign back in and the Xbox App again. I'm all set to go. I use the Xbox App to select my Premium version of MSFS, Screenshot (243).jpg now I'm in the sim and it ask me to start in Safe Mode or Normal Mode (it's done this during several of my attempts to reinstall MSFS) .... I choose Safe Mode Screenshot (242).jpg ... now this is the point where MSFS will ask about where do you want to place the "Packages" .... but NO ....It hangs up on the "Checking for updates"Screenshot (244).jpg

The only way for me to get past this Hang up is to wipe the D: drive again with another quick format.

That is why I did all of those CHKDSK /R CHKDSK /F commands looking for bad sectors or corrupt files.

CHKDSK /X is the only one that I have not commanded, (that will force the volume on the disk... NVMe drive,) to dismount first if necessary ... there is no volume because I wipe it clean with the format!

If I may ask (to anyone here at the SOH), how will the Steam version install those "Packages"?

I mean "a 'pooter is a 'pooter" correct?


Thanks again everyone.

- Don
It could be related to the Gaming Services service, check out the solution offered at the bottom of this page and try reinstalling Gaming Services

The Steam version works basically the same way as the Windows Store version, but without all the nonsense that comes with the Windows Store version, such as the Gaming Services problem (among many others), something that has plagued Windows Apps/Games for YEARS now (I first encountered the problem in Forza Horizon 3 back in 2016.

Your marketplace purchases, however, do NOT carry over. Any third party content purchased outside the in-game marketplace will work fine. So in your case, probably not an ideal solution.
Thanks, ak416, I saw your reply and I appreciate it very much. Before I came back to the SOH I gave up and said to myself let's go ahead and install the whole thing onto my 1 TB C: drive ....

Screenshot (247).jpg you can see that the (3) version displayed all have the large lock icon placed on them. Now we are off to the races and the locks icon have changed to the download icons: Screenshot (250).jpg and I'm monitoring my ethernet speed as it does its thing.

Nope, hangs after 20 minutes of downloading. I could not take a screenshot, so I pulled out the iPhone and took a picture, sent it via email to myself d/l it and saved to my PC, large file JPG I hope it goes through.IMG_3835.crash2.jpg

I was reading the link you posted and most of that is already done and checked by me.

The part down at the bottom where they are talking about going into Windows Power Shell makes me a little nervous, but if I must.

- Thanks again.
I use the Xbox App to select my Premium version of MSFS, now I'm in the sim and it ask me to start in Safe Mode or Normal Mode (it's done this during several of my attempts to reinstall MSFS)

If you're being asked to start in Safe Mode or Normal Mode then the sim is already installed, partially at least, and if the install is corrupted this would explain the 'searching for updates' hang up.
Try uninstalling MSFS from the Apps menu and then download from scratch again:
Go to Start > Settings > Apps > Installed Apps, then scroll down to Microsoft Flight Simulator, click on the three dots on the right and select Uninstall. Just for good measure, reboot your PC before re-installing MSFS.
If you're being asked to start in Safe Mode or Normal Mode then the sim is already installed, partially at least, and if the install is corrupted this would explain the 'searching for updates' hang up.
Try uninstalling MSFS from the Apps menu and then download from scratch again:
Go to Start > Settings > Apps > Installed Apps, then scroll down to Microsoft Flight Simulator, click on the three dots on the right and select Uninstall. Just for good measure, reboot your PC before re-installing MSFS.

Indeed. Remove everything through uninstall (I would personally go through the control panel, but that is just me), clean your registry as well. Hell if that SSD is purely for MSFS, format it. Reboot and start all over again.

It can be a pain...

@ ak416,

I went through your links to the flightsim zendesk:

Here we go :
Screenshot (259).jpg now I'm going into that Windows Power Shell, hey no more scarier than CHKDSK /r heh? I type in those (2) commands like they said to do. Screenshot (261).jpg nutt-N happened, move on down to the next suggestion:

cleanmgr.exe Screenshot (263).jpg and Screenshot (265).jpg and let it do its thing Screenshot (266).jpg ...Nut-N, restart MSFS .... same darn thing: hang up.

Now I move down to the next suggestion: Screenshot (267).jpg

Now this is all together too much for some to do to get my MSFS to work, as it has been working fine except for a couple of hiccups here and there.

I did it anyway... I had to created a second Microsoft account to redownload my PMDG 737-800 as per there so-called support forum. That was another mess I had to put up with, but it worked.

So, I went to Donald Duck's account (yes you heard it correctly) had to scrummage around to find all the passwords and stuff.

Went to the Microsoft Store / XBox / Gaming Services stuff & I let Donald Duck re-installed MSFS over the top of the one already on my C: drive .... Grrrrrrrrrrr those screenshots are on Donald Duck's account ... Nope-nodda-zip, same thing: Hung after about 6 GB installed.

@ Priller, My MSFS has never been listed as a program in the control panel Screenshot (268).jpg and I had always though that as weird. I scrolled down to the "M's" and the whole control panel programs for that matter.

I've always (X 5 now) uninstalled MSFS by using the MSFS app.

I'm exhausted with these proceedings, as Gen. MacArthur said ... " These proceeding are closed." for a little while at least my head hurts.

I'm gonna d/l DCS tomorrow and see if it will install onto that D: drive

Y'all are a great bunch of guys! If y'all come to Birmingdamnham, Aladamnbama the beer & whiskey is on me.

- Don
Hi Don,

I was just eyeballing your screenshot from the control panel and I noticed that you still had at least one MSFS addon installed there.

Now I'm just thinking about past experiences with legacy sims, but I distinctly remember that reinstalling FSX could cause headaches if you didn't uninstall the addons too even if FSX was cleanly uninstalled. You had to uninstall all of them too. Maybe, just maybe, that is what is happening here too.

I will mention though, I'm a Steam MSFS user. Things might be completely different with the M$ store version.


@ Priller & tiger1962,

I came by the Forum around 12:30 this afternoon and read y'alls suggestions, thanks.

Priller, I thought we had a winner with your suggestion at uninstalling that MSFS Visual Docking Guidance System Screenshot (272).jpg

I completely uninstalled MSFS again (I think this is #4 or #5 times) and I reset those XblGrts prefix permissions again, just in case, as tiger1962 described.

MSFS began to install to the C: drive and it was really flying (new faster d/l speeds thanks to Spectrum). It got up to about 32% of the 122+ GB and it promptly hung up again.

Now I go back to the Control Panel and uninstall everything that I assume has a tentacle threading its way back to MSFS. ===>>> Aerosoft One Desktop App, Contrail Desktop App, ORBX Desktop App, FlyByWire installer, FSDreamteam, PMDG, ...all of it.

Nope X 2 more attempts.

@ tiger196, I do not have that brand NVMe drive, I have Screenshot (279).jpg a 1 TB for my C: drive and Screenshot (278).jpg for my D: drive.

... BTW I installed DCS onto the D: drive early this morning, all 440+ GB (59 modules) and it is flying great with the old MS Sidewinder FFB 2 joystick.

Thanks again fellas!

- Don
I'm Back In Business, Boys !

Last night I d/l Intel Network Connection Drivers,
Screenshot (283)Intel Network Connections Drivers.jpg thinking that may help =====>>>> NOPE!

My wife was looking on her iPhone and found an article where someone said that they could only play MSFS if they were on Wi-Fi and not hooked to the cable coming out of the wall. I promptly said ... BULL! Coming out of the wall is always better.

Now that got me thinking about our new Spectrum ISP.

I had noticed a few times that during these multiple reinstall attempts that MSFS was still trying to install on the next attempt when I had to hit the PC's reset button when it would hang up on the "Checking for Updates" screen.

This time after hitting that reset button because the PC had hung up, I said let's give that a try. DO NOT reconnect the
Wi-Fi after restarting the PC, (exactly opposite of what he did).

I'll be darned, it was off to the races!

MSFS installed with my Wi-Fi not runnung
:dizzy: Screenshot (281)WiFi NOT RUNNIG.jpg

What did the man say, "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ~ Arthur Conan Doyle

... beats me :banghead:

Thanks fellas,

- Don
Not so fast, young whipper snapper!

I installed a lot of my "Content Manager" items last night. I did a couple of flights doing procedural approaches with those new AAU1 packages that were applied to various Garmin G3000/5000 units.

This morning I installed 67 more via the "Content Manager" .... how do I know it was 67 .... MSFS hung up again & crashed on the "Checking for Updates" screen! :banghead:

The boss-of-me found with her iPhone: IMG_0956 8 steps for checking for updates.jpg 8 steps to do to get past the "Checking for Updates" screen. I believe Tom had mentioned this in one of his earlier posts on pg. # 1 of this thread.

I bucked up against this because I had just installed them... I had a tantrum that was the envy of all the worlds' 2 y.o. brats :a1310:

Well, I did it anyway and this time I only installed the 12 Word Updates today... don't get greedy I say, just install a few each day.

So far, I've had 3 flights today with no CTD's or any hang ups!


_ Don