An Antheus that is frustrating me!


Charter Member
I tried converting the An-22 of Dimitri Samborski from jet propulsion to turboprop propulsion.

One problem: THE STUPID FLIGHT SIMULATOR FREEZES!!!!!!!:a1451: (sorry for the tone... I am really angry)

What am I doing wrong or what should I do?
Actually, I'd leave it as-is. If I'm not sadly mistaken, the animation for a jet is completely different from that of a t-prop, so even if your sim didn't freeze, your props wouldn't turn. I'm telling you this, because I tried doing the same thing with his Tu-114. Besides, since both planes are high-power. high-flying planes, I feel like Dimitri's choice of using a pure jet FDE actually works well.
One thing to try is make sure when you do the conversion that you use a turboprop sound file. I ran into problems a while back when goofing around with some helicopters. The sound configs are linked to engine type so a mis-match might cause issues.
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Turboprops FS2004 Antonov An-22
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Size: 22,834,937 Date: 09-05-2006 Downloads: 11,146



FS2004 Antonov An-22. Includes aircraft, panel, gauges, effects and sounds. Two liveries are provided, Aeroflot and Antonov Design Bureau. By Enrique Del Rosario, based on FS2002 model by Dimitri Samborski. (See also AN-22-UP.ZIP and AN-22FIX.ZIP)


This should fix you up. Enrique del Rosario did a fantastic job on this update. Dimitri Samborski also links to this from his own website.
One thing to try is make sure when you do the conversion that you use a turboprop sound file. I ran into problems a while back when goofing around with some helicopters. The sound configs are linked to engine type so a mis-match might cause issues.

I tried a turboprop sound file, STILL DIDN'T WORK! :a1451:
I looked at the aircraft.cfg in the one the Matt posted a link to, and the general engine data section still has it as a pure jet. So the prop and turboprop engine sections will be ignored by the sim.
Actually, I'd leave it as-is. If I'm not sadly mistaken, the animation for a jet is completely different from that of a t-prop, so even if your sim didn't freeze, your props wouldn't turn. I'm telling you this, because I tried doing the same thing with his Tu-114. Besides, since both planes are high-power. high-flying planes, I feel like Dimitri's choice of using a pure jet FDE actually works well.

I beta tested Enrique's update for months before he uploaded the final version. For the life of me, I can't remember if there was a reason for leaving it as a jet. I had thought it had been converted. Getting old I guess, but the performance of the 22 was almost spot on to some of the references I had at the time except what he put in his readme.

EDIT: I just had a quick look over at and all of the other FDE updates leave the engine as a jet. The only one other than Enrique's that I have tried is [SIZE=-1]Douglas E. Trapp, but in my opinion Enrique captured the feel of this giant.[/SIZE]
Aeronca1, have you checked out the new fde for the Tu-114?

Sorry, didn't get around to it. I am susceptible to random blood clots, and had one on Thursday evening. Had to go to my fav place (Hospital) and wasn't feeling up to exploring the .air file in the needed detail. What I did determine was that the .air file you have for the 114 is nowhere near the one that came from the original a/c. Did you modify this as well as the aircraft.cfg file. If so, what tool did you use?
Hi there,

I just checked on my hard disc if Dmitry Samborski's FS2004 Tupolev Tu-95MS & Tu-142M are also "disguised" jet aircraft like his Tu-114 and Tu-126.
No, they are not. The Tu-95MS/Tu-142M has turboprop flight dynamics. They might be a nice basis for the Tu-114/Tu-126 and for the Antonov An-22.

I have no experience in tinkering with flight dynamics, nor do I have the ambition in that aspect of flight simulation. But for those great people who would like to have a try, here is a link to Tu-95MS/Tu-142M package:

To quote a most distinguished flightsimmer:

"Hope this helps",


P.S. Matt, I'm really sorry hearing about your blood clot issue. I had one blood clot years ago in my leg which I neglected (stupid me). The result: I'm not good at long walks anymore whereas I loved to do long walks in the past. :-(