An Antheus that is frustrating me!

Matt, really sorry to hear about your health problems, hopefully you'll be fighting fit soon.

Maarten, I thought that might be a useful shortcut too. Did a bit of tinkering in Airwrench, and some wholesale cutting in pasting from the Bear to the Antei; the result didn't crash FS9, everything was spinning rather nicely ..... mind you, it wasn't going anywhere, it refused to pick up any throttle inputs at all.

So that one went in the bin, and I am (along with the rest of you) back to square one!
Matt, really sorry to hear about your health problems, hopefully you'll be fighting fit soon.

Maarten, I thought that might be a useful shortcut too. Did a bit of tinkering in Airwrench, and some wholesale cutting in pasting from the Bear to the Antei; the result didn't crash FS9, everything was spinning rather nicely ..... mind you, it wasn't going anywhere, it refused to pick up any throttle inputs at all.

So that one went in the bin, and I am (along with the rest of you) back to square one!

Aw ****!
Glad to hear someone is working on it.

and Aeronca1, like you're susceptible to blood clots, I am susceptible to ear infections... my right ear is infected.
Thanks for the good wishes. The only thing worse than being in the hospital is being in a hospital in a strange city with no friends or family. I was VERY lucky this time, the clot was contained to my lower leg and hadn't had time to go to my lungs. It is very strange, as I'm on blood thinners and it shouldn't have happened at all.

@AndyG43 I wish I was fighting fit again, but having been shot down in a chopper, living with the aftermath and now with this permanent condition, the best I can hope for is to feel good and I do most of the time, so I count my blessings.
@AndyG43 I wish I was fighting fit again, but having been shot down in a chopper, living with the aftermath and now with this permanent condition, the best I can hope for is to feel good and I do most of the time, so I count my blessings.

Heard & understood. I have a number of friends with very debilitating conditions who say much the same. There but for the grace of God etc.
Maarten, I thought that might be a useful shortcut too. Did a bit of tinkering in Airwrench, and some wholesale cutting in pasting from the Bear to the Antei; the result didn't crash FS9, everything was spinning rather nicely ..... mind you, it wasn't going anywhere, it refused to pick up any throttle inputs at all.

So that one went in the bin, and I am (along with the rest of you) back to square one!


It took a bit of trouble putting the cells of my Guinness and depression affected brain into action, but yesterday the penny dropped.

After renaming the existing air files in the Samdim Tu-114/Tu-126 folder "Tupolex Tu-114.orig" resp. "Tupolev Tu-126.orig", I copied from Samdim's Tu-95 & Tu-142 the airfile "Tu95MS" into the Samdim Tu-114/Tu-126 folder twice. Then I renamed these copies "Tupolev Tu-114" and "Tupolev Tu-126".

Then I replaced the engine section of the aircraft.cfg as follows:

//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 5
fuel_flow_scalar = 0.38
min_throttle_limit = -0.22
engine.0 = 18, -40.8,0
engine.1 = 29, -21.2,-2
engine.2 = 29, 21.2,-2
engine.3 = 18, 40.8,0

smoke.0 = 38,-13.3,-40.8,Fx_95smok
smoke.1 = 38,-13.3,-21,Fx_95smok
smoke.2 = 38,-13.3,21,Fx_95smok
smoke.3 = 38,-13.3,40.8,Fx_95smok


maximum_torque=72600 ;H:maximum_torque(72600)

thrust_scalar=1.0 //Propeller thrust scalar
propeller_type=0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter=18.368 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades=8 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi=530 //Propeller moment of inertia
beta_max=21.4 //21.4 //Maximum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
beta_min=6 //8 //Minimum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
min_gov_rpm=8450 //25520 //Miminum governed RPM
prop_tc=0.008 //Prop time-constant
gear_reduction_ratio=11.3 //15.4 //Propeller gear reduction ratio
fixed_pitch_beta=0 //Fixed pitch angle of fixed pitch prop, (degrees)
low_speed_theory_limit=8 //Speed at which low speed theory becomes blended in (feet/second)
prop_sync_available=1 //Prop synchronization available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_deice_available=1 //Prop de-icing available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_feathering_available=1 //Prop feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_auto_feathering_available=1 //Prop auto-feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
min_rpm_for_feather=700 //Minimum RPM for prop feathering
beta_feather=91 //Feathering pitch angle (degrees)
power_absorbed_cf=0.95 //Coefficient of friction for power absorbed by propeller
defeathering_accumulators_available=0 //Defeathering accumulators available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_reverse_available=1 //Prop reverse available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
minimum_on_ground_beta=1.0 //Miminum pitch angle on ground, (degrees)
//Minimum pitch angle in reverse, (degrees)

And, hurray, the Tu-114 started to behave. I haven't tested it very thoroughly (yet), but so far the old girl does what I expected her to do. Nice start-up of the engines, props counter-rotating at different speeds, plane taking off nicely, much better flight behaviour (trimming much finer than before). So that's a start.

Like I wrote before, I'm not very ambitious as far as tweaking flight dynamics concern, but maybe this is a nice starting point for people more accomplished than I am.
The Tu-126 should show the same kind of behaviour too now. I didn't check that yet, nor did I perform the same trick on the Antonov An-22 yet.

@aeronca1: Matt, former Soviet Union leader Nikita Krushchev visited Washington in September 1959 (, landing at Andrews AFB in the prototype Tupolev Tu-114 SSSR-L5611. Attached is a screenie of Samdim's Tu-114 (Krushchev livery) during take-off run at Andrews AFB. Another "Air Force One".

MaartenView attachment 93179
Hi there,

The same trick I did converting the Tu-114 and Tu-126 worked with the Samdim Antonov An-22 also. Which means that:
1) I renamed the airfile "Antonov An-22.orig";
2) I copied the Tu95MS airfile from the Samdim Tupolev TU-95 & Tu-142 into the Samdim Antonov An-22 folder, renaming the airfile "Antonov An-22";
3) I replaced the entire engine section in the An-22's aircraft.cfg by the Tu-95 & Tu-142 engine section (see below)

//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 5
fuel_flow_scalar = 0.38
min_throttle_limit = -0.22
engine.0 = 18, -40.8,0
engine.1 = 29, -21.2,-2
engine.2 = 29, 21.2,-2
engine.3 = 18, 40.8,0

smoke.0 = 38,-13.3,-40.8,Fx_95smok
smoke.1 = 38,-13.3,-21,Fx_95smok
smoke.2 = 38,-13.3,21,Fx_95smok
smoke.3 = 38,-13.3,40.8,Fx_95smok


maximum_torque=72600 ;H:maximum_torque(72600)

thrust_scalar=1.0 //Propeller thrust scalar
propeller_type=0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter=18.368 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades=8 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi=530 //Propeller moment of inertia
beta_max=21.4 //21.4 //Maximum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
beta_min=6 //8 //Minimum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
min_gov_rpm=8450 //25520 //Miminum governed RPM
prop_tc=0.008 //Prop time-constant
gear_reduction_ratio=11.3 //15.4 //Propeller gear reduction ratio
fixed_pitch_beta=0 //Fixed pitch angle of fixed pitch prop, (degrees)
low_speed_theory_limit=8 //Speed at which low speed theory becomes blended in (feet/second)
prop_sync_available=1 //Prop synchronization available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_deice_available=1 //Prop de-icing available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_feathering_available=1 //Prop feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_auto_feathering_available=1 //Prop auto-feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
min_rpm_for_feather=700 //Minimum RPM for prop feathering
beta_feather=91 //Feathering pitch angle (degrees)
power_absorbed_cf=0.95 //Coefficient of friction for power absorbed by propeller
defeathering_accumulators_available=0 //Defeathering accumulators available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_reverse_available=1 //Prop reverse available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
minimum_on_ground_beta=1.0 //Miminum pitch angle on ground, (degrees)
//Minimum pitch angle in reverse, (degrees)

I haven't tested it very thoroughly (yet), but so far the old girl does what I expected her to do. Nice start-up of the engines, props counter-rotating at different speeds, plane taking off nicely, much better flight behaviour (trimming much finer than before), reverse pitch functioning by pressing F2. So that's a start.

I'll leave further tinkering to the real experts, but I think I delivered a nice basis to do so.

Good luck.


Here is a little real world extra
Maarten - I have all the aircraft you mentioned in the hangar - did what you recommended to all three, and they work without flaw. I get prop reverse on the An-22 w/F2 just like you said. Thanks here also!:salute:
The pleasure is all mine. To be honest, I'm kinda surprised that the trick actually did work out at all. Like I said before, I'm not familiar with FDE. It was just something like "Suppose if...".
The F2 key should work for the Tu-114/Tu-126 (at least on my PC it does) and most likely for the Tu-95MS/Tu-142 also.
