An old MiGaholic falls of the wagon again.

Great re-paints SteveB. Personally, I believe that there is no such state as enough when is comes to clothing a nice model with performance. Nothing like conducting a few' touch and goes' with the FISHBED to sharpen up your approaches, angle of attack and general cool when landing a high-speed brick at around 160 kts.

Looking fwd to dwnlding them as soon as they appear on the radar.

Thanks for your efforts.


The Dropbox (download) links are above the pictures on each post.

More wodkas!!!

Thanks Steve,

Had not noticed the LET 410 before. Nice little turbo-prop and very nicely complemented by your paints. Thanks again. Hope the Sherriff is still not chasing Maid Marion down in the woods . . . .

Hey Steve -- Thanks for all the superb paints mate! I'm rolling the MiG-23 and the Let-410 into the paint shop as we speak!:biggrin-new:

Thanks guys, I am currently uploading 11 Ju52 skins, too be followed by some more MiG's, some Ka50's, Mil-8's, He111H6's, Antonov 2's and others.

Thanks for these excellent repaints, and for all the others you've provided in the past, Steve. I've recently been rebuilding my install after the Win10 upgrade, and your work is always a welcome sight.
Thanks Steve,

Had not noticed the LET 410 before. Nice little turbo-prop and very nicely complemented by your paints. Thanks again. Hope the Sherriff is still not chasing Maid Marion down in the woods . . . .


I hadn't flown the LET-410 in a while, what a joy! A superb bush plane too, take-off and land with very little runway needed. I took her up whilst the paint was still on the tacky side. Glad to have her back in action, Nice work Steve!
