Hello Aleatorylamp,
How well did the 12 sided Spinner blend in with the 8 sided Nose?
Even the original didn't blend in all that well and they were both 8 sided.
There are just small bleeds at the Nose.
There are some major bleeds at the Wing Roots when seen from outboard and
There are plenty of bleeds on the underside especially on the Landing Gear Wells.
Regarding Stability and Center of Lift:
I actually have noticed the instability but haven't really gone very far yet in tuning the AIR file other than trying to get the weights more or less located properly. Even those are still subject to revision, so *I* don't have any useful conclusions yet.
Regarding Center of Gravity:
I don't think I told you what you think I stated.
I told that the CoG of the 3D Model was pretty close Longitudinally and should be at around 9 inches below the Thrust Line. vertically as opposed to a bit over 13 inches as it is now. That would be a slight shifting of the CoG FORWARD which I believe can be ignored FOR NOW, and CoG shift UPWARD.
Regarding Parsing and Interpreting Data:
My principle has always been to retain the formatting of the original when possible unless it is OBVIOUSLY incorrect.
In the case of AF99, I can tell you that often the AFP files leave out numbers when they can be assumed to be Zero.
The problem is that this isn't the natural way that the programming languages display numbers.
That is why I have a special (!) routine called "Normalise" which takes a number and puts it into what I understand the AF99 format to be.
The Serious Test is to use your program to process the data on one execution and then reverse the parameters to "un process" the data on a separate execution.
The resulting file should be identical to the file you started with.
If it isn't, you have a problem.
This actually works better with the Move programs than the Stretch programs because with multiplication, there are rounding errors.
Think about it: If we use a multiplier of 1.0191 as I did for my stretch of the EJ P-39D, there are going to be LOTS of places where that does not work out to an exact 0.01 feet increment.
There won't be any actual Tolerance Stacking because all the offsets are absolutes from the Origin, but any particular point may stretch to one particular increment and the un-do may not take it back to the exact same place it was before.
Another check is to make sure that any piece that starts off as symmetrical ends up just as symmetrical.
I wasn't getting that on my first couple versions of the program which is what I was describing as "stability issues".
The difference wasn't easily visible and didn't happen frequently, but I knew it was there.
- Ivan.
How well did the 12 sided Spinner blend in with the 8 sided Nose?
Even the original didn't blend in all that well and they were both 8 sided.
There are just small bleeds at the Nose.
There are some major bleeds at the Wing Roots when seen from outboard and
There are plenty of bleeds on the underside especially on the Landing Gear Wells.
Regarding Stability and Center of Lift:
I actually have noticed the instability but haven't really gone very far yet in tuning the AIR file other than trying to get the weights more or less located properly. Even those are still subject to revision, so *I* don't have any useful conclusions yet.
Regarding Center of Gravity:
I don't think I told you what you think I stated.
I told that the CoG of the 3D Model was pretty close Longitudinally and should be at around 9 inches below the Thrust Line. vertically as opposed to a bit over 13 inches as it is now. That would be a slight shifting of the CoG FORWARD which I believe can be ignored FOR NOW, and CoG shift UPWARD.
Regarding Parsing and Interpreting Data:
My principle has always been to retain the formatting of the original when possible unless it is OBVIOUSLY incorrect.
In the case of AF99, I can tell you that often the AFP files leave out numbers when they can be assumed to be Zero.
The problem is that this isn't the natural way that the programming languages display numbers.
That is why I have a special (!) routine called "Normalise" which takes a number and puts it into what I understand the AF99 format to be.
The Serious Test is to use your program to process the data on one execution and then reverse the parameters to "un process" the data on a separate execution.
The resulting file should be identical to the file you started with.
If it isn't, you have a problem.
This actually works better with the Move programs than the Stretch programs because with multiplication, there are rounding errors.
Think about it: If we use a multiplier of 1.0191 as I did for my stretch of the EJ P-39D, there are going to be LOTS of places where that does not work out to an exact 0.01 feet increment.
There won't be any actual Tolerance Stacking because all the offsets are absolutes from the Origin, but any particular point may stretch to one particular increment and the un-do may not take it back to the exact same place it was before.
Another check is to make sure that any piece that starts off as symmetrical ends up just as symmetrical.
I wasn't getting that on my first couple versions of the program which is what I was describing as "stability issues".
The difference wasn't easily visible and didn't happen frequently, but I knew it was there.
- Ivan.